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小朱的读书笔记   2020-5-2 17:13   2976   0
[h1]Hedging Concept(套期保值概念)[/h1]Firstly,we should learn the definition of One-Period & Two-State.
Definition1.1(One-Period): Assets are traded at  &  only, hence the term one period.
Definition1.2(Two-State): At  the risky asset  has two possible values(states):& ,with their probabilities satisfying

Question:If risky asset  and risk free asset ,known ,when  two possibilities
,.(for strike price ,expired time .)
If known  at ,how to find out  when

Definition1.3(Hedging Definition):For a given option ,trade  shares of the underlying asset  in the opposite direction so that the portfolio
is risk-free.We can solve Meanwhile,we can getDefine a new Probability MeasureNotice that

[h1]期权价的期望表示和风险中性测度[/h1] Notice that  denotes that the expectation of the random variable  under the probability measure .
Let  be a certain risky asset, and  is a risk-free asset, then  is called the discounted price(also known as the relative price) of the risky asset  at time .

Theorem2.1:Under the probability measure ,an option's discounted price is its expectation on the expiration date.i.e
Remark:In order to examine the meaning of the probability measure ,consider  is an underlying risky asset.It is easy to calculate

[h1]Risk-Neutral World(风险中性世界)[/h1]Definition3.1(Risk-Neutral World):Under the probability measure ,the expected return of a risky asset at  is the same as the return of a risk-free bond.A financial market possessing this property is called a Risk-Neutral World.
Definition3.2(Risk-neutral measure):The probability measure  defined by
is called by risk-neutral measure.

Definiton3.3(The risk-neutral price):The option price given under the risk-neutral measure is called the risk-neural price.
[h1]Replication(复制),等价性定理[/h1]In a market consisted of a risky asset and a risk-free asset ,if there exists a portfolio
such that the value of the portfolio  is equal to the value of the option  at ,then  is called a replicating portfolio of the option ,then option price

Theorem4.1:In a market consisted of
  • a risky asset ;
  • a risk-free asset .
Then  is true if and only if the market is arbitrage-free.
In fact, if the market is arbitrage-free, then there exists a risk-neutral measure  defined by

such that
[h1]二叉树的构造[/h1]This means that if at the initial time the price of the underlying asset is , then at , will have  possible values


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