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区块列车邮件   2020-1-12 00:20   2092   0





总部位于阿姆斯特丹的加密衍生品交易所Dribit周四宣布,出于监管方面的考虑,将转移到对加密货币友好的巴拿马。该交易所将从2月10日起以DRB Panama Inc.的名义在巴拿马运营,为Deribit B.V的全资子公司。该公司声称,荷兰对加密货币公司实施了“非常严格”的反洗钱(AML)规定,因而选择到巴拿马运营。

Announced Thursday, the Amsterdam-based crypto derivatives exchange will operate out of Panama as DRB Panama Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of current platform Deribit B.V., beginning Feb. 10.
The company claimed the Netherlands’ presumed adoption of “very strict” anti-money laundering (AML) regulations applied to cryptocurrency firms spurred the trans-Atlantic voyage.
“If Deribit falls under these new regulations, this would mean that we have to demand an extensive amount of information from our current and future customers,” the exchange wrote in a blog post.
Rumors concerning Deribit’s position within the Netherlands began in October 2019 following CEO John Jansen’s appearance on the Flippening podcast. Over the winter months, numerous Dutch crypto firms engaged in a back and forth with Dutch regulators over the nation’s self-guided implementation of the EU’s 5th Anti-Money Laundering Directive (AMLD 5).
“We believe that crypto markets should be freely available to most, and the new regulations would put too-high barriers for the majority of traders, both regulatory and cost-wise,” Deribit wrote.
◎内容来源: https://sputniknews.com/analysis/201912071077507099-libertarian-dream-facebooks-eu-rejected-libra-has-no-basis-in-actual-world-economy/





It is currently in the testing phase, as a release candidate has been made publicly available.
Interested users can partake in its testing by signing up through Apple’s Testflight platform.
This announcement is timely, as some users struggle with other wallets.
One Reddit user claims that Loaf is not working as it should as of late.
Even so, there are other solutions available.
With this new wallet, it will be interesting to see how the community responds.
The past few years haven’t been easy for this popular altcoin.
Charlie Lee confirming he cashed out at the top has created a lot of band blood, although it is time to get over it.


Spanish telecommunications giant Telefonica has reportedly partnered with the local Association of Science and Technology Parks (APTE) to grant access to its blockchain to about 8,000 firms in Spain.
According to a report published by telecom news outlet TotalTele on Jan. 9, Telefonica will deploy nodes of its Hyperledger-based blockchain at APTE’s 52 sites.
During the three-month-long testing period, firms will be encouraged to develop applications on the network and allowed to experiment with their own tokens. Telefonica partnered with IT giant IBM in November 2018 to apply blockchain technology to managing international mobile phone call traffic.
In April last year, Telefonica leveraged its relationship with IBM to launch its Cloud Garden service. This service is meant to simplify adoption of emerging technologies, including blockchain, as well as AI and big data.

据官方消息,Block.one的Voice已任命《福布斯》全球首席数字官Salah Zalatimo为首席执行官,自2020年1月20日起生效。此外,Voice预计将于2020年2月14日发布公开测试版。

Voice, the decentralized media network being developed by Block.one, announced today that it has appointed Forbes’ global Chief Digital Officer, Salah Zalatimo, as Chief Executive Officer, effective January 20, 2020.
In June 2019, Block.one introduced Voice with the goal of bringing integrity to social media. Learning from the successes and troubles of familiar platforms, Voice will add verified identity to encourage real content from real people and a blockchain backbone to enhance transparency and provable data integrity. Voice tokens will be rewarded for different forms of engagement, aligning the interests of users, content creators and advertisers. Voice will establish a new economic model as opposed to the traditional, where selling personal data and targeted ads come at the expense of users.





Cryptocurrency exchanges are now responsible for holding 10 percent of all Bitcoin (BTC) in circulation, according to data presented by on-chain intelligence firm Glassnode.  The amount of BTC stored on exchanges has increased by more than 700 percent over the last three years.
Charles Edwards of Capriole Investments recently shared his take on the new milestone for cryptocurrency exchanges, claiming that Bitcoin is getting "exponentially centralized." If this trend continues, it could lead to the institutionalization of Bitcoin as one of the possible outcomes.     



毕马威(KPMG)美国区块链负责人Arun Ghosh预测,结合了物联网(IoT)的区块链将在2020年用于应对气候变化。

Accounting giant KPMG’s US blockchain lead, Arun Ghosh, predicts that blockchain, combined with the Internet of Things (IoT) will be used to manage climate change in 2020.
IoT is a term for systems of interrelated devices that are embedded with sensors, software and network connectivity that enables them to collect and exchange data. According to a list of 6 blockchain predictions KPMG shared with Cointelegraph, Ghosh noted:
“The convergence of these technologies is enabling organizations to accelerate environmental governance, with blockchain’s chain of custody being deployed as a central component to driving sustainability.”
With KPMG’s presence in 154 countries, Ghosh explained that the firm is seeing an uptick in emerging economies focused on automating air quality control mechanisms. Ghosh noted that KPMG firms in India, Ukraine and China have had ongoing conversations with key players about what future air quality standards may resemble.
While Ghosh refused to go into detail of these discussions with KPMG, a recent report from Grand View Research, Inc., the air quality market size is expected to reach $6.5 billion by 2025. The report also notes the use of wireless communication networks for IoT-based air quality monitoring systems is likely to be the future.



Unveiling a vision for 2030, the Facebook CEO unveiled a laundry list of decade's-end aims for his social media Goliath, including an extensive "opportunity" for Facebook to "decentralize" finance and business.
“Over the next decade, we hope to build the commerce and payments tools so that every small business has easy access to the same technology that previously only big companies have had,” Zuckerberg said in the post.
That vision includes Instagram storefronts, Messenger-based customer support, remittances via WhatsApp – technologies that Facebook has already been pursuing. Zuckerberg hopes his company's efforts will "go a long way towards creating more opportunity around the world."
One project he does not mention: Libra, the controversial stablecoin Facebook formally announced last summer.
To be fair, Facebook's crypto subsidiary, Calibra, is only one of 20 or so consortium members supporting the stablecoin. Facebook claims it will be hands-off with the cryptocurrency it created.
The Libra Association, the governing council for the project, touts itself as on a mission to “empower billions of people through the creation of a simple global currency and financial infrastructure.”

纽约州州长Andrew Cuomo认为,根据《纽约金融服务法》(FSL)获得许可的加密货币实体应承担由纽约州金融服务部(NYDFS)检查和监督的费用。据报道,州长希望州当局修改FSL,以要求FSL管辖范围内与虚拟货币相关的实体承担费用。

Cryptocurrency entities licensed under the New York’s Financial Services Law (FSL) should pay the costs of regulatory oversight, Governor Andrew Cuomo believes.
The Democratic Governor purportedly wants the state authorities to amend the FSL in order to require virtual currency-related entities within the FSL jurisdiction to foot the bill for examination and oversight conducted by New York State Department of Financial Services (NYDFS).
The NYDFS is one of primary regulatory agencies for crypto-related businesses in New York state as the regulator issues a major business license for cryptocurrencies, the BitLicense. As the home of the financial capital of the United States, the NYDFS is often at the front line of new regulation.
Cuomo revealed his amendment proposal in his state of the state speech in New York on Jan. 8, where the Governor outlined his “Making Progress Happen” agenda. The crypto-related FSL amendment is part of Cuomo’s 2020 state of the state book, a 321-page list of policies suggested by the Governor to improve the economy of the state.


美国SEC指控Donald G.Blakstad涉嫌加密挖矿骗局

美国证券交易委员会(SEC)已对Donald G.Blakstad提起诉讼,理由是其部分通过涉嫌欺诈性的加密挖矿活动欺骗了投资者。SEC在1月8日提交的文件中称,Blakstad通过三个独立公司(包括一家加密货币挖矿公司)从投资者处骗取了350万美元资金,而该公司只有他本人一名员工。

In a filing Jan 8, the SEC alleged Blackstad, 60, bilked over $3.5 million from investors of three separate firms: an oil and gas company; a vehicle parts holding company; and “Energy Sources International” (ESI), a purported cryptocurrency mining company whose Las Vegas datacenter has only one employee: Blakstad.
The crypto mining operation specifically took in some $550,000 from five separate investors, all of whom were told by Blakstad their capital would cover equipment costs. However, the SEC alleges Blakstad instead used nearly half the cash for himself at casinos, restaurants and hotels.
The regulator further alleges Blakstad kept up the ruse by issuing each of the five investors $60,000 checks as returns on their investments.
Blakstad was previously charged in July in a separate insider trading scheme worth $6.2 million.




牛市定于 2019 年 12月19日 16:00 时(GMT+8)开放SGDF的充提功能,并于2019.12.20 16:00(GMT+8)开通SGDF/USDT 交易市场.

SGDF稳定币项目亮相新加坡,该项目是由Tiam团队创建的,并以新加坡元为支持的稳定币项目,投资方包括Hire Wey(中国)、John Wilsn和Washington以及创始人Herbert。









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