华尔街日报 | 女性就业歧视?美联储致力于消除社会偏见

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每日外刊优选   2019-12-29 01:37   724   0

The economics profession embarked this year on a soul-searching appraisal of perceived hostility to women and minorities in its ranks, and the Federal Reserve—the nation’s largest employer of Ph.D. economists—wants to get ahead of the curve.


For the Fed, where three quarters of its research economists are men and most are white, facing up to the lack of women and minorities among these employees isn’t just a matter of appearances. A staff that better reflects the U.S. population could limit the potential for group think or blind spots that hinder the central bank’s assessment of how the economy is changing.

“The economics profession for decades has had a problem, and the [Fed staff] is a reflection of the economics profession,” said Claudia Sahm, who last month joined the Washington Center for Equitable Growth as its director of macroeconomic policy after 12 years as a Fed economist. “One of the reasons we missed things was we were too closed of a system.”
在美联储(Fed)经济学家工作了12年后,他于上个月加入华盛顿公平增长中心担任宏观经济政策主管的克劳迪娅·萨姆说:“几十年来,经济学专业一直存在问题,而[美联储工作人员]反映了这个问题。” “我们忽略这些事情的原因之一是我们的系统太封闭了。”

Current and former staffers and private economists who interact with the central bank say the Fed’s attention to diversity issues gained new urgency under former Fed Chair woman Janet Yellen and has continued under her successor, Jerome Powell. The shift has coincided with veteran female staffers earning promotions to three of the central bank’s most important management positions this year.

In 2015, the then-head of the Fed’s research and statistics corps brought in an academic consultant to rethink the central bank’s hiring processes to canvass a broader pool of candidates.

Around the same time, Ms. Yellen created a committee of senior managers that would report quarterly on how the Fed was handling challenges around diversity and inclusion.

“Powell made very clear when he took over as chair that he was going to continue all of that,” said Ms. Sahm. “He sent the message that it was important to him because he put his time into it, and his time is his most valuable asset.”
萨姆女士说:“鲍威尔接任主席时非常清楚地表示,他将继续所有这些工作。” “听到这样的信息对他来说很重要,因为他投入了时间,而时间是他最宝贵的财富。”

In recent years, women have accounted for around one-third of economics majors at U.S. colleges and 14% of full professors, according to the American Economic Association. Female economists are even more under represented in macroeconomics, which studies how the economy as a whole behaves and sits at the epicenter of monetary policy.

Former Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, currently president of the American Economic Association, has focused the organization’s efforts on addressing what he has called the profession’s “reputation for hostility toward women and minorities.”

Last month, Mr. Powell hosted Mr. Bernanke and Ms. Yellen, AEA’s incoming president, for an hour long presentation for Fedemployees on the findings of a professional-climate survey the association released this year about discrimination within the field. Mr. Powell fielded staff questions after the presentation, an exchange that was streamed through the Fed’s internal website. The session was moderated by Stacey Tevlin, a veteran Fed economist who in February was named to head the central bank’s research and statistics division, the first woman to hold the post.

Last decade, the Fed put forward opportunities for staff economists who wanted to work part-time to raise their families but who didn’t want to step off the career ladder. Ms. Tevlin was among the first to do this, and she became a section chief once she returned to work full time.

“It set a precedent,” said Ms. Sahm. “She was just as good at her job when she came back, and they promoted her. Other women could see that…this is OK to do, and it won’t destroy their career.”
萨姆女士说:“这开创了先例。” “她回来时她的工作同样出色,他们提拔了她。其他女人可能会看到……这是可以做的,并且不会破坏她们的职业。”

Last week, the Fed announced that Beth Anne Wilson, the deputy director of the Fed’s international finance division, would become the division’s chief early next year. The promotions mean that women will serveas heads of two of the board’s four economic research divisions.

In addition, the New York Fed said this month that Lorie Logan, the interim manager of the Fed’s $4.1 trillion asset portfolio, would assume the post on a permanent basis on Jan. 1. Ms. Logan has worked at the bank since 1999.
此外,纽约联储本月表示,美联储4.1万亿美元资产投资组合的临时经理洛里·洛根(Lorie Logan)将于1月1日永久担任该职位。洛根女士自1999年以来一直在该行工作。

The latest promotions are notable because they show the Fed has created a talent pipeline where the most experienced and capable job candidates aren’t only white men, said Diane Swonk, chief economist at accounting firm Grant Thornton. “There are incredibly qualified women economists to fill these roles, and they are finally getting a chance,” she said.

重难点词汇:embark [mbɑk] v. 上船(或飞机);使)上船(或登记);从事canvass [knvs] v. 游说,拉选票;征求意见;细究,n. 拉选票,征求意见;讨论;细查notable [ntbl] adj. 值得注意的,显著的;著名的 n. 名人,显要人物

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