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匿名   2018-4-26 12:35   4604   2

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热心网友  15级至尊 | 2018-4-30 03:46:56 发帖IP地址来自
In China, on the option pricing theory research is still in its infancy. In 1997, the Nobel Prize in Economics awarded after Scholes and Merton, China has also launched a study on the option pricing boom, continue to have monographs, translations and essays published. Song Fengming of "no-arbitrage equilibrium analysis" profoundly Taryn the option pricing theory; Jiang Li Shang, Mao Ning, Zhang Zhiqiang, who will discuss the options and its applications, and other related issues; Wang Ying expensive martingale methods discussed option pricing problem; Yun-Feng Yang Research a jump - diffusion model of option pricing; INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING, Chen Mu wonderful change Black-Scholes model is one of the basic assumptions to derive a new option pricing model; ZHANG Xiaorong analysis option implied volatility "smile" genesis; Song Qin, Deng drunk tea, rain and other studies of Hung Hing option volatility estimates; Chen Ping, Yang Xiaoping studied stochastic volatility models and regular bonus and rights issues; Li Xin, Li studied the stochastic return and volatility models. Although our research in option pricing has made some achievements, but there are many shortcomings, the main features: First, the main direction is not clear, still in the research stage traceability; Second unbound Current Situation for China's economic system research; three is not enough emphasis on the study of advanced mathematical methods. Therefore, China's economy should be based on a market system will financial option pricing theory and practice, to carry out targeted research, which is China's financial journalists need to work to study and solve problems.
迷人的大脚  2级吧友 | 2018-4-30 03:46:57 发帖IP地址来自
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