- 这是“能源金融在线”第184篇推送
- 编辑:张文悦(厦门大学)
- 审稿:陈映彤(西南财经大学)
- 仅用于学术交流,原文版权归原作者和原发刊所有
文章导读石油被认为是许多经济体的生命支柱,是全球金融市场上最重要的大宗商品之一。石油与全球股市之间的关系日益重要,这有助于投资者利用石油相关证券进行有效的风险管理和投资组合多样化。因此,在过去的几十年中,人们对股票和油价之间的相互作用进行了广泛的探讨。一些研究揭示了石油与全球股市之间的正相关关系;其他一些研究发现,石油市场的价格冲击会波及到股票市场,从而对后者的波动性产生重大影响。但目前对燃料油期货市场定价动态的研究却很少。因此,今日小编推荐《Time-varying volatility spillover between Chinese fuel oil and stock index futures markets based on a DCC-GARCH model with a semi-nonparametric approach》一文,此文还将SNP方法引入到时变波动溢出模型估计过程中,以解释收益分布的非正态性。SNP方法从未与估计时变波动溢出的DCC-GARCH模型结合使用。结果表明,SNP方法对DCC模型估计中国燃料油和股指期货市场的时变波动溢出效果良好。在油价与股指长期协整非平稳的情况下,此研究发现了波动溢出在多个时期内演化规律的新的重要证据。这一结果对燃料油和股指期货市场的投资者都具有重要意义。
AbstractThis paper reveals some new evidence on the volatility spillover between fuel oil and stock index futures markets in China by considering its time-variant feature. Time-varying effect is specified by the Legendre polynomials in a DCC GARCH model. Moreover, the semi-nonparametric (SNP) approach accounting for marginal excess kurtosis and asymmetry is applied. We find different time-evolving patterns of volatility spillover across multiple periods due to the structural breaks. The direction of mean volatility spillover is found to be bilateral. Moreover, the strength of mean volatility spillover shows that the effect from stock index to fuel oil futures is much stronger than the other way around. This implies that the stock index futures market plays a leading role in information processing. These findings have important implications for the fuel oil stakeholders as well as risk management.