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kb0007   2018-4-26 18:35   2527   2
主词     搭配词        解释             例句
put       on         穿(衣服)      Tom is putting on his shirt.
         off        延期,推迟    The meeting is putting off till
                                                         to...主词     搭配词        解释             例句
put       on         穿(衣服)      Tom is putting on his shirt.
         off        延期,推迟    The meeting is putting off till
         up         举起          ......................
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07号稻草人  3级会员 | 2018-4-30 01:36:01 发帖IP地址来自
put帮你补充下。put aside: 储存,保留;暂不考虑,把…放在一边;储蓄;储存储存,保留
put away: 放好,收好;储存;把……收起,放好;把…收起
put option: 看跌期权;出售/认沽期权;看跌期权,延卖期权;留置选择权
put in: 申请,正式提出;花费,付出(时间、精力等);花费;正式提出
put back: 放回原处;拨回时钟;延期推迟;恢复正常
put out: 熄灭;扑灭,使熄灭,生产,出版
Premium put: 溢价赎回
put into: 使进入,输入;使进入;使进入,输入;送入,输入,把……译成,把……放到什么里
871832393  1级新秀 | 2018-4-30 01:36:02 发帖IP地址来自
主词    搭配词    解释          例句look     after        照顾      she looks after her baby举报充回答:look  up  查阅    i often look up the dictionary laugh at  嘲笑   laughing at the elder is incorrect put   off 取消    The sports meeting have to be put off dress up 打扮  She often dresses up herself look at  看  look at the blackboard,please join in 加入 would you like join in us? put up 粘贴 He is putting up the pictures举报take off 起飞 The plane will take offturn up 调大turn down 调小turn on打开turn off关闭pick up 捡起 Amy picked up ten yuan yesterdaygive up 放弃 we shouldn't give up easilywork out 算出 The hard problem was worked out at lastmarry with 和··结婚 jack marries with kate举报pass away  去世   my grandfather has pssed away for four years pay for  为···付钱  i paid for the toy yesterday put into 翻译  please put the sentence into Chinese fill in 填写 i need to fill in the documents today cheer up振奋 the good news cheers me up come out 出版 the new novel will come out run away 逃跑 the thief ran away quickly run into 偶遇 i ran into an old friend yesterday think of 想起 i often think of my old friends try on 试穿 kitty is trying on the new dress go down 熄灭 the candle went down  at last deal with 处理 we are dealing with the difficult problems get on 上(车) i got on the bus quickly,or i might be late for school get off下(车) they got off the bus one by one stand up 起立 ‘stand up’the teacher said sit down 坐下 ‘please sit down’the teacher said
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