【EOS Gov】EOS.IO宪法草案第一条——不说谎

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Lochaiching   2018-11-20 23:38   5409   0
本文原文链接为https://forums.eosgo.io/discussion/432/article-i-v0-1-draft-eos-io-constitution-no-lying,Thomas Cox在EOS GO社区中更新了宪法草案第一条的内容,由本号“EOS技术爱好者”翻译。
EOS.IO宪法草案第二条——财产权 https://steemit.com/eos/@eoshenzhen/7f72dq-eos-gov-eos-io
EOS.IO宪法草案第三条——仲裁  https://steemit.com/eos/@eoshenzhen/eos-gov-thomas-0-3-0-eos-io
EOS.IO宪法草案第四条——不买卖选票  https://steemit.com/gov/@eoshenzhen/eos-gov-thomas-eos-io
EOS.IO宪法草案第五条——不存在所有者或受托人 https://steemit.com/gov/@eoshenzhen/eos-gov-eos-io
EOS.IO宪法草案第六条——不超过10%的所有权 https://steemit.com/eos/@eoshenzhen/eos-gov-eos-io-10
Article I - v0.1 Draft EOS.IO Constitution - No Lying第1条: 0.1版本EOS.IO宪法草案——不说谎
pinocchio-2917652_640.jpgThomas Cox
[h1]Purpose[/h1]The purpose of this article is make lying (i.e. making statements that are misleading or false) be a violation of the Constitution and thus actionable.
[h1]目的[/h1]这篇文章的目的是为了描述说谎 (即做一些误导性或虚假的陈述) 是违反宪法的,并可因此被起诉。
[h1]Article I Text[/h1]No user of this blockchain shall make knowingly false or misleading statements, nor profit thereby.
[h1]Commentary on Article I[/h1]"User of this blockchain" should be read as meaning every token holder, every account holder, and every person who makes use of the blockchain through a DApp. This includes a person who may interact with a DApp where the DApp holds all the tokens that are used by the person, and the person has no independent or separate token holdings or account.
This seems to pass the "dead man test" for negative rights -- a dead man can fulfill the injunction to refrain from making "knowingly false or misleading statements."
There are two injunctions, one against making statements, and the other against profiting. This may be repetition or overstatement; the phrase "nor profit thereby" could be implied by the prior text. The phrase "nor profit thereby" is included in order to bring added clarity, and to indicate that if person A lost money or property to person B because of a false statement by person C, A can recover from both B and C.
[h1]对第一条的说明[/h1]“这条链上的用户” 应该被理解为每一个代币持有者、每个帐户持有人以及每一个通过DApp使用区块链的人。这包括一个可以与DApp进行交互的人,DApp会保留这个人使用的所有代币,而这个人没有独立的或分开的代币和帐户。
这似乎需要通过“死人测试”("dead man test")来获得消极权利——死人满足禁令要求,不会出现 “故意编造虚假的或误导性的陈述”。
这里有两个禁令,一个是反对编造陈述(making statements),另一个是反对获利。这可能是重复或夸大;前面的内容可能会暗示 “也不得因此获利” 这句话。“不获利” 这句话是为了增加透明度,并指出如果A因为C的错误陈述而损失了金钱或财产在B上,那么A可以在B和C上重新取回其损失。
[h1]References[/h1]None yet
(all opinions are my own)
本文原文链接为https://forums.eosgo.io/discussion/432/article-i-v0-1-draft-eos-io-constitution-no-lying,作者Thomas Cox,译者Lochaiching。转载请参照本文文首说明。

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