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见习猫   2018-11-20 23:36   3458   0
2017年3月,YOYOW项目正式启动,取意You Own Your Own Words,是基于Graphene 开发的区块链内容行业价值网络。YOYOW的使命是为了构建一套更加公平、合理的内容价值分配机制,使内容生产者、平台建设者都能得到合理的回报。无论是文本、视频、图片、音频甚至直播类为主题的内容平台(包括并不局限于网站、Apps 等表现形式)都可以使用 YOYOW 网络构建出对应主题的内容价值体系。

自2017年3月项目启动以来,在经历了Demo网站上线、DEV网络运行等一系列开发工作后,YOYOW于2017年9月6号主网正式上线。同时,在之后的一年内,YOYOW陆续发布了中间件和内容平台插件;正式将首个生态产品币问接入YOYOW公链; “繁星”通证发行功能上线;8月币安支持YOYOW主网切换,WeCenter问答社区框架YOYOW特别版等等。






YOYOW Team Officially Opens Underlying Source Code of YOYOW Blockchain
In March 2017, the YOYOW project was officially launched. YOYOW, named from “You Own Your Own Words”, is a blockchain-based content value network on the basis of Graphene. YOYOW is designed for establishing a fairer and more rational content-generated value distribution mechanism so that content producers and platform developers can be provided with incentives and reciprocal returns as appropriate. Any content platforms, regardless of their themes presented in the format of text, video, image, audio or live broadcast, etc., are eligible to create the corresponding content-oriented value system through the YOYOW network.
Since the launch of the YOYOW project in March 2017, YOYOW has released the Demo website and operated the DEV network and YOYOW officially released its mainnet onSeptember 6th, 2017.In the followingyear, YOYOW released the middleware and platform plugins, officially implemented the first application on it—Bitask into the YOYOW public blockchain and released the token release featureof “Fan Xing”version. In August, Binance supported the YOYOW mainnet swap and YOYOW-WeCenter Special Edition was released.
In order to better realize the ecological vision of YOYOW and let more UGC platforms have access to the technology and features of YOYOW, YOYOW has decided to officially open the underlying source code of the YOYOW blockchain.
Thedetails are as follows:
·On September 6th, 2018, YOYOW officially opened the underlying source code of the YOYOW blockchain on Github.
·The source code will be released based on the YOYOW license agreement. For more details on the license agreement, browse the License.md file located at the root of the source code.
Toopen the source code is also to reflect the decentralized, open and transparent spirit of blockchain technologyessentially. This open sourceprojectis an important milestone in promoting the community autonomy of the YOYOW project.

This also marks the technical maturity and confidence of the YOYOW project. Based onthe open source, excellent projectscan quickly get the recognition oftheir partners, gather outstanding talents and carry out continuous and in-depth development. With thecontinuousimprovement of the project ecology, the innovation ability of the open source will become stronger due to the diversity of the community.

At present, the YOYOW team is in contact with a number of projects in content industry to accelerate the implementation of the project.

2017 3,    .  You Own Your Own Words.  Graphene          .           . ,       . , , , (APP , ).

2017 3   , Demo , DEV      ,    2017 9 6   . ,    ,     ;       ;‘’    ; 8      ; WeCenter   ;    .


* 2018 96, Github        .
*    ,       License.md  .

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