Query bitcoin balance and utxo -- Solution for wallet to construct raw tx

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老码农不上班   2018-11-20 23:25   3818   0
            Hey my friends, see you again. Today I want to share with your guy programers about how to query bitcoin balance and uxto without any bitcoin node such as bitcoin-core etc.
These days, for fun and killing my borning spare time, I focus on dumping all bitcoin mainnet's chaindata to elasticsearch and keeping my database synchronously with the bitcoin mainnet best height. For two things:
  • Open API for query balance and uxto
  • parse all transactions in every new best block, send message by websocket when the tx is related with addresses in business system
As we blockchain developers all know, bitcoin system uses UTXO model to trace balance, big difference from account based blockchain like Ethereum, the second biggest project in the cryptocurrency market. We would not get balance and unspent vout conveniently if we're not dependent on bitcoin full data node. So, we need a constructed bitcoin ledger as a specify schema.
In this post, I'm not consider to talk about how to dump bitcoin chaindata to elasticsearch, maybe next post will. I have make bitcoin-balance-utxo-api repository public in Github,  writing in Go. Want to go deep about the repo? go ahead...
[h3]0x01 Demo[/h3]
  1. /* start */ bitcoin-service-external-api{"level":"info","msg":"Using Configure file:/Users/hww/bitcoin-service-external-api.yml"}[GIN] 2018/07/31 - 02:20:02 | 200 |   44.135717ms | |  GET     /balance/1QKv2b5EzrtHqNAE9dBy4mcd2Wtr3A2Nh[GIN] 2018/07/31 - 02:20:11 | 200 |  349.226523ms | |  GET     /utxo/1QKv2b5EzrtHqNAE9dBy4mcd2Wtr3A2Nh[GIN] 2018/07/31 - 02:21:54 | 404 |     458.573s | |  GET     /utxo/[GIN] 2018/07/31 - 02:21:59 | 400 |     139.048s | |  GET     /utxo/1QKv2b5EzrtHqNAE9dBy4mcd2Wtr3A2Nhx---/* Response */ curl{"address":"1QKv2b5EzrtHqNAE9dBy4mcd2Wtr3A2Nh","balance":1.1005578400000005,"status":200}%~ curl{"address":"1QKv2b5EzrtHqNAE9dBy4mcd2Wtr3A2Nh","status":200,"utxos":[{"txid":"43a95fc3e3095f825bc48ad16449a680580cc01da781962ec5a2c27089f5d188","amount":0.01,"voutindex":0},{"txid":"86b16b0521eab71ee15a4090ae0eef8f67aa7f8c3adb9b838f9d717b538a73b8","amount":0.01,"voutindex":0},{"txid":"8a383edddc474d22cd02e47044e13165831d8fdc880af7b1cdd9ae0d16dd7d07","amount":0.01,"voutindex":0},{"txid":"05e9cf3814106ee90cd56d7f979abd7d1d2cf645e3fc76c85ad3b2d8953ff138","amount":0.01,"voutindex":0},{"txid":"c8e499dce8cb2cef9f18e4fae145f66ff89765cf88e0eef82dd602197fac97ee","amount":0.01,"voutindex":0},{"txid":"e1c1b50a7a5c0df6c04c44c89e1d2ab19c34dfb5b8c44fe078d09542aef6396f","amount":0.01,"voutindex":0},{"txid":"6e82f8bddea5fa492e6536de5afc4d62a447cc5b7429e4e14c476d80e9ab9fcb","amount":0.01,"voutindex":0},{"txid":"6289fc7638663640a96f521ce84bcf3ad94344bc24848a0464dc44a8f889c8cd","amount":0.01,"voutindex":0},{"txid":"f96d72dff3076292ad3a9d943aa396cda070401cd12a4824f776083dc4247f7a","amount":0.01,"voutindex":0},{"txid":"24d8316b2e41674010a4f049b10cf264cdb925705d44b6f92ebca2d4f21993d4","amount":0.01,"voutindex":0}]}%~ curl{"message":"Route Error"}%~ curl{"message":"Address format error: checksum mismatch","status":400}
[h3]0x02 Tool[/h3]
  • dep for Go package management
  • gin for web API
  • btcutil for address validate
  • elastic for elasticsearch client
  • viper for configure
  • elasticsearch v6.3.0
Thanks all contributors for the nice open ource.
[h3]0x03 elasticsearch mapping[/h3]There are four es indices in our database: block, tx, vout, balance. here are vout and balance mappings:
  1. const voutMapping = `{  "settings": {    "number_of_shards": 1,    "number_of_replicas": 0  },  "mappings": {        "vout": {      "properties": {        "txidbelongto": {          "type": "keyword"        },        "value": {          "type": "double"        },        "voutindex": {          "type": "keyword"        },        "coinbase": {          "type": "boolean"        },        "addresses": {          "type":"keyword"        },                "time": {                    "type": "long"                },        "used": {          "properties": {            "txid": {              "type": "text"            },            "vinindex": {              "type": "short"            }          }        }      }    }  }}`
In vout mapping,used field is a nested object,addresses is an array of object. The example docutment:
  1. {  "_index" : "vout",  "_type" : "vout",  "_id" : "Clrk4GQBQUbZgPHUI_tg",  "_score" : 1.0,  "_source" : {    "txidbelongto" : "8f7cbb5cdddaa6548f00aafac4086c0788a7221dea4b7339b321d566a70d392d",    "value" : 500,    "voutindex" : 0,    "coinbase" : false,    "addresses" : [      "1ALwHv6FTu6WTQhCA8yEaJBYceSL2Go66i"    ],  "used" : {    "txid" : "cbf201195d2ae9def2bf47396a909d3f7ef709ad7c503ff4163dbb4865ab9e9c",    "vinindex" : 0    }  }}
balance mapping and example docutment:
  1. const balanceMapping = `{  "settings": {    "number_of_shards": 1,    "number_of_replicas": 0  },  "mappings": {        "balance": {            "properties": {                "address": {                    "type":"keyword"                },                "amount": {                    "type": "double"                }            }        }  }}`.....{  "_index" : "balance",  "_type" : "balance",  "_id" : "AVFH4GQBQUbZgPHU2UIR",  "_score" : 1.0,  "_source" : {    "address" : "1GkQmKAmHtNfnD3LHhTkewJxKHVSta4m2a",    "amount" : 50  }},
[h3]0x04 Endpoint[/h3]
  1. func main() {    r := ginEngine()    r.GET("/balance/:address", balanceHandler)    r.GET("/utxo/:address", utxosHandle)    if err := r.Run(":3000"); err != nil {        sugar.Fatal("New Router Error:", err.Error())    }}
The Endpoints are easy to understand, let's look at the handle function.
  1. func balanceHandler(c *gin.Context) {    address := c.Param("address")    // https://github.com/btcsuite/btcutil/blob/master/address_test.go    _, err := btcutil.DecodeAddress(address, &chaincfg.MainNetParams)    if err != nil {        ginResponseException(c, http.StatusBadRequest, errors.New(strings.Join([]string{"Address format error:", err.Error()}, " ")))        return    }    searchResult, err := esClient.Search().Index("balance").Type("balance").Query(elastic.NewTermQuery("address", address)).Do(context.TODO())    if err != nil {        ginResponseException(c, http.StatusNotFound, err)        return    }    if len(searchResult.Hits.Hits) != 1 {        ginResponseException(c, http.StatusNotFound, errors.New(strings.Join([]string{"Fail to query balance for", address}, " ")))        return    }    b := new(Balance)    if err := json.Unmarshal(*(searchResult.Hits.Hits[0].Source), b); err != nil {        ginResponseException(c, http.StatusBadRequest, errors.New("unmarshal result error"))        return    }    c.JSON(200, gin.H{        "status":  http.StatusOK,        "address": address,        "balance": b.Amount,    })}
  1. func utxosHandle(c *gin.Context) {    address := c.Param("address")    // https://github.com/btcsuite/btcutil/blob/master/address_test.go    _, err := btcutil.DecodeAddress(address, &chaincfg.MainNetParams)    if err != nil {        ginResponseException(c, http.StatusBadRequest, errors.New(strings.Join([]string{"Address format error:", err.Error()}, " ")))        return    }    // addresses is an array datatype    // https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/array.html    // exists Query    // https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/query-dsl-exists-query.html    //    // curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -XPOST\?pretty\=true -d '    // {    //      "query": {"bool":{"must":{"term":{"addresses":"12cbQLTFMXRnSzktFkuoG3eHoMeFtpTu3S"}},"must_not":{"exists":{"field":"used"}}}}    // }'    q := elastic.NewBoolQuery().Must(elastic.NewTermQuery("addresses", address)).MustNot(elastic.NewExistsQuery("used"))    searchResult, err := esClient.Search().Index("vout").Type("vout").Query(q).SortBy(elastic.NewFieldSort("value").Asc()).Do(context.TODO())    if err != nil {        ginResponseException(c, http.StatusBadRequest, errors.New(strings.Join([]string{"Query utxo error:", err.Error()}, " ")))        return    }    var utxos []*utxo    for _, vout := range searchResult.Hits.Hits {        newVout := new(esVout)        if err := json.Unmarshal(*vout.Source, newVout); err != nil {            ginResponseException(c, http.StatusBadRequest, errors.New(strings.Join([]string{"fail to unmarshal esvout", err.Error()}, " ")))            return        }        utxos = append(utxos, &utxo{Txid: newVout.TxIDBelongTo, Amount: newVout.Value, VoutIndex: newVout.Voutindex})    }    c.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{        "status":  http.StatusOK,        "address": address,        "utxos":   utxos,    })}
[h3]0x05 Link[/h3]         
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