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藝術藏宝閣   2019-7-20 17:39   3771   0

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【历 史 背 景】
公元1894年(清光绪20年),湖北省武昌银元制造局,根据广东省造的银元图案,开始铸造“湖北省造光绪元宝”。刚开始铸造时,为了限定流通范围,币的背面都加了“本省”二字,即限本省流通之意。试铸后,发现“本省”二字不免有画蛇添足之嫌,故没有流通,悉数销毁,今存世量非常稀少。公元1895年(清光绪21年),湖北省武昌银元局正式铸造目前广泛存世的“湖北省造光绪元宝”,铸造时间之长,铸造成色之足,铸造数量之大,以至于流通至全国各省,深受国民的喜欢。In 1894 (the 20th year of Guangxu in Qing Dynasty), the Yinyuan Manufacturing Bureau of Wuchang, Hubei Province, started casting "Guangxu Yuanbao in Hubei Province" according to the pattern of silver yuan made in Guangdong Province. At the beginning of casting, in order to limit the scope of circulation, the word "province" was added on the back of the coin, that is, the meaning of limited circulation in the province. After trial casting, it was found that the word "this province" was suspicious of adding to the suspicion, so there was no circulation, all destroyed, and the current stock is very rare. In 1895 (21 years of Qing Guangxu), the Yinyuan Bureau of Wuchang, Hubei Province formally cast the "Guangxu Yuan Bao of Hubei Province", which is now widely survived. The casting time is long, the casting quality is sufficient, and the casting quantity is so large that it is circulated to all provinces in the country and is deeply loved by the people.

【市 场 行 情】古钱币是不可再生之物,收藏一枚少一枚,像光绪元宝这种存世量极为稀少币种,如今大多情况下是北大收藏家或博物馆所占有,而且也只有在高端拍卖会上偶尔能见到它的身影,如果有缘相见,也算是收藏者与古币只见的一种奇缘了.Ancient coins are non-renewable objects. Collecting one less coin, such as Guangxu Yuanbao, is a rare currency in the world. Nowadays, most of the coins are owned by collectors or museums of Peking University, and only occasionally can they be seen at high-end auction. If they meet each other, they are the only coins that collectors and ancient coins can see. It's kind of strange.


【藏 品 介 绍】编号:W10502
规 格:直径:3.8cm 重:6.5g此币工艺精湛,正面珠圈内满汉文“光绪元宝”,圈外上环“湖北省造”四字,下环币值“当十”,左右各书有满文。背面上下环绕英文,左右各六星花,中心为蟠龙图,龙头高昂,龙目聚光有神,龙口大开气势威严,龙爪向外苍劲有力,龙身鳞片厚实坚硬片片相连,身体卷曲把宝珠卷在中间,四周布满云雾隐蔽其身。其纹饰精美,流畅堪然,神龙威严,代表皇家不容侵犯的气势,可窥当年皇家之尊贵威严。此币文字书法根基牢固、运笔自如、浑厚有力,包浆滋润,具有浓厚的历史意义。This coin is exquisite in craftsmanship, with Manchu-Chinese "Guangxu Yuanbao" in the front bead circle, four characters "Made in Hubei Province" in the outer circle, and the value of "Dang 10" in the lower circle, with Manchu in about every book. The back is surrounded by English, the left and right six-star flowers. The center is a picture of the dragon. The dragon's head is high, the dragon's eyes are focused, the mouth of the dragon is open and dignified, the dragon's claws are vigorous and powerful, the dragon's scales are thick and hard, the body is curled up in the middle, and the jewels are covered with clouds and mists. Its ornamentation is exquisite, fluent and magnificent. It represents the inviolable momentum of the Royal Empire and shows the dignity of the Royal Empire at that time. The calligraphy of this coin is firmly rooted, freely handled, vigorous and moist, and has a strong historical significance.

【收 藏 价 值】钱币尽管阅历了无情年月的洗礼,但现在仍然保留较为完好。藏品反面神龙纹理明晰,如刀刻所成,锻造技术神乎其技,且龙身纹理精巧,并有云海烘托,看上去似乎是一幅神龙翱翔天际油画,极端绮丽,美得扣人心弦!而湖北省造光绪元宝作为近代钱币中最为精巧铸币之一,其的确风格共同,文明内在丰厚,是不可多得的珍稀之品。Although the coins have experienced the baptism of relentless years, they are still relatively intact. On the opposite side of the collection, the dragon's texture is clear, such as knife carving, forging technology is superb, and the dragon's body texture is exquisite, and it is foiled by the sea of clouds. It seems to be a dragon's soaring oil painting in the sky, extremely beautiful and exciting! And as one of the most exquisite coins in modern times, Guangxu Yuanbao made in Hubei Province has its true style. Together, civilization is inherently rich and rare.

湖北省造光绪元宝 ---------------------------598万

湖北省造光绪元宝“本省” -------------------372.5万

1895年湖北省造光绪 ----------------------- 264.4万

湖北省造光绪元宝 ----------------------------357.5万

湖北省造光绪元宝当十圆珠 ---------------286万

湖北省造光绪元宝 ----------------------------398万

湖北省造光绪元宝“本省” --------------------368万

1895年湖北省造光绪 -------------------------265万

湖北省造光绪元宝 -----------------------------320万

湖北省造光绪元宝当十圆珠 ----------------282万

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聯係人 / Contact
唐总/ Mr. Tang
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  • 经营范围:瓷器、玉器、青铜器、木器、杂件及矿物质(陨石)

  • 1、瓷器:清乾隆以前的精品瓷器;元、明、清为主,宋瓷为佳;
  • 2、玉器:翡翠玉器,高古玉,明清玉;以“润、透、白”为佳;
  • 3、书画:名人字画;以古代名家字画为主;
  • 4、杂项:各类精品杂项,如佛像、石章、各类雕刻、陨石等;
  • 5、青铜器:各类器具;宝剑,铜镜,佛像,鼎;金银器等;

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