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【历 史 背 景】光绪二十九年,奉天市面流通货币紧缺,奉天当局将奉天造币厂改名奉天银元总局,开铸银、铜元。此际铸造的银元不再是元、角、分,而是以库平两、钱、分、厘为纪重单位。该年奉天银元总局还特地铸造了一款“奉天一两”孤品样币,物以稀为贵,币以精为美,由于鼓铸数量十分稀少,因而十分宝贵。近年来,光绪元宝奉天省造钱币深受藏家热捧,是炙手可热的珍稀古币。In the 29th year of Guangxu, there was a shortage of currency in Fengtian market. The Fengtian Mint was renamed Fengtian Silver and Copper Yuan General Administration by Fengtian authorities. At this time, the casting silver yuan is no longer yuan, angle, cent, but to Kuping two, money, cent, Li as the unit of weight. In that year, Fengtian Silver Yuan General Administration also specially minted a "Fengtian one or two" orphan sample coin, which is precious for its rarity and beauty for its refinement. Because the quantity of drum casting is very rare, it is very precious. In recent years, Fengtian coins made by Guangxu Yuanbao are very popular among Tibetans and are very popular rare ancient coins.

【市 场 行 情】奉天银元局(今沈阳造币厂),始建于公元1896年(清光绪二十二年)。清政府在洋务运动的推动下,根据盛京将军依克唐阿的奏请,批准设立“奉天机器局”铸造银元,它开创了沈阳近代工业的先河。奉天机器局从天津的德国礼和洋行购买了铸币机器、锅炉,以蒸汽机为动力,也有部分手工操作。公元1898年(光绪二十四年),奉天机器局开始正式制造一元、五角、二角、一角和半角银币,并在市面上流通。不仅解决了民间缺钱的困难,而且银币是一种较为先进的铸币,成色固定,重量一致,形制统一,便于携带和计算,较过去长期使用的论两称的银块有很大优越性。这在东北地区近代货币史上是一大进步。 Fengtian Yinyuan Bureau (now Shenyang Mint) was founded in 1896 (the 22nd year of Guangxu in Qing Dynasty). Promoted by the Westernization Movement, the Qing government approved the establishment of Fengtian Machinery Bureau to cast silver yuan at the request of General Yike Tang'a of Shengjing, which initiated the modern industry in Shenyang. Fengtian Machinery Bureau has purchased coin machines and boilers from Lihe, Germany, Tianjin. They are powered by steam engines, and some are operated by hand. In 1898 AD (Guangxu 24), Fengtian Machinery Bureau began to manufacture and circulate one yuan, five cents, two cents, one cents and half cents of silver coins on the market. It not only solves the problem of lack of money among the people, but also is a relatively advanced coin with fixed color, uniform weight, uniform shape, easy to carry and calculate. It has great advantages over the two-pronged silver blocks used for a long time in the past. This is a great progress in the modern monetary history of Northeast China.

光绪年间铸造了一系列钱币,但奉天省造光绪元宝由于不便于流通使用,故铸额极其稀少,更显珍贵。由于古钱币的不可再生性,作为投资的手段之一,吸引了一批原来沉迷于邮市股市的人,这些人的加入,造成了求大于供的局面,其真接结果就是带来了古钱币的价格上扬。除此,古钱币投资者的年龄越来越呈现年轻化趋势,给这支收藏大军不断注入了新鲜血液;使得古钱币的市场价格一直稳步上扬。During the reign of Guangxu, a series of coins were minted, but Fengtian Province made Guangxu Yuanbao, which was extremely rare and precious because of its inconvenience in circulation. Because of the non-renewability of ancient coins, as one of the means of investment, it attracted a group of people who had been addicted to the post market stock market. These people joined in, resulting in the situation that demand exceeds supply. The real result is that the price of ancient coins has risen. In addition, the age of investors in ancient coins is becoming younger and younger, which has injected fresh blood into the collection army and made the market price of ancient coins rise steadily.


【藏 品 介 绍】钱币正面珠圈内镌满文及“光绪元宝”四字,左右镌“癸卯”二字,珠圈外上端铸“奉天省造”四字,下端镌“库平七钱二分”六字。钱币背面内圈镌蟠龙图,外环镌英文,两旁镌小花饰。龙纹流畅清晰,龙鳞细腻优美,线条顿挫有力,龙眼炯炯有神,威武霸气,形象生动,仔细一看,犹如一幅神龙翱翔天际的油画,无比瑰丽,异常精美,让人看了无不叹为观止,爱不释手。Manchu and Guangxu Yuanbao are inscribed on the front side of the coin, the two words "Ku Mao" are inscribed on the left and right sides, the four words "Fengtian Jian Jian Jian" are cast on the upper end of the coin, and the six words "Kuping Qian Bian" are inscribed on the lower end. On the back of the coin, there is a dragon picture of the inner ring, an English picture of the outer ring, and small flower ornaments on both sides. Dragon lines are smooth and clear, dragon scales are delicate and beautiful, lines are strong, longan is shining, majestic and powerful, image is vivid, carefully look, like a dragon soaring in the sky oil painting, incomparably magnificent, extraordinarily beautiful, people can not help but admire.

【收 藏 价 值】光绪元宝是近代机制币中的名誉品之一,它设计的画面非常优雅,而且雕刻精细,现在的存储量已经非常稀少,从光绪元宝当制钱二十文价值来看,它非常具有收藏价值,而且在日后还具有极高的升值空间,现在许多藏家都光绪元宝比较关注,预计它的价格会一直处于增长的趋势,这不仅是收藏品的收藏,更是让中国文化继续传承下去,同时又有得到历史文化的收获和价格的收益。光绪元宝如此让人青睐有加,主要是有三个原因,一是制作十分精美,二是存世时间很短,三是在如此短的时间内居然还能造出各种品种的钱币来。Guangxu Yuanbao is one of the reputable products in modern machine-made coins. Its design is very elegant and its carving is fine. Now its storage is very scarce. Judging from the value of twenty-article money made by Guangxu Yuanbao, it has great collection value, and in the future it also has a very high appreciation space. Now many collectors are Guangxu Yuanbao. Xu Yuanbao pays more attention to it and expects that its price will keep increasing. This is not only a collection of collections, but also a continuation of Chinese culture. At the same time, it will also benefit from historical culture and price. There are three reasons why Guangxu Yuanbao is so popular. First, it is exquisitely made. Second, it has a very short lifetime. Third, it can produce various kinds of coins in such a short time.

成交价:RMB5,860,000       成交日期:2017-01-28

成交价:RMB4,770,000       成交日期:2019-01-23

成交价:RMB4,540,000       成交日期:2018-02-01

成交价:RMB2,420,000       成交日期:2017-02-07

成交价:RMB1,630,000       成交日期:2017-02-12

中國區域 / China Region
聯係人 / Contact
唐总/ Mr. Tang
聯係電話 / Tel: +86-18788966872

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  • 经营范围:瓷器、玉器、青铜器、木器、杂件及矿物质(陨石)

  • 1、瓷器:清乾隆以前的精品瓷器;元、明、清为主,宋瓷为佳;
  • 2、玉器:翡翠玉器,高古玉,明清玉;以“润、透、白”为佳;
  • 3、书画:名人字画;以古代名家字画为主;
  • 4、杂项:各类精品杂项,如佛像、石章、各类雕刻、陨石等;
  • 5、青铜器:各类器具;宝剑,铜镜,佛像,鼎;金银器等;

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