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【历 史 背 景】清朝光绪年间流通的货币之一。由两广总督张之洞率先引进英国铸币机器铸造银元和铜元,之后各省纷纷仿效。共有十九个省局铸造,除中央户部,地方省所铸铜元,皆在其正面上缘镌写省名。One of the currencies circulated during the Guangxu period of the Qing Dynasty. Zhang Zhidong, governor of Guangzhou and Guangdong, took the lead in introducing British coin machines to mint silver and copper yuan, and later provinces followed suit. There are nineteen provincial bureaus casting. Except for the central household department, the copper coins cast by local provinces are all inscribed on the upper margin of their fronts.
【市 场 行 情】福建省造光绪元宝”为清代光绪二十二年(公元1896年)福建省由官绅办造币厂开始铸造,乃清代铸造的著名珍稀钱币之一。光绪年间闽省所需钱币均由粤省供应,因路途遥远,往返既浪费时间又耗费钱财,劳民伤财。闽督准商人孙利用集股购机,就在闽地试铸,后因局库支绌,无款拨给而作罢。随后在光绪二十四年和光绪二十六年,多次由地方官员设法筹款鼓铸,铸成后发商行用。"Making Guangxu Yuanbao in Fujian Province" is one of the famous precious coins minted in the Qing Dynasty, which was started by the Mint run by officials and gentry in Fujian Province in the 22nd year of Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty (A.D. 1896). During the Guangxu period, all the money needed by Fujian Province was supplied by Guangdong Province. Because of the long distance, traveling between Fujian Province wasted both time and money, and the people were labored and injured. Sun, a prospective businessman in Fujian, made use of stock-collecting to purchase machines, and then tried to cast them in Fujian. He stopped because of the lack of funds allocated by the Bureau and the treasury. Subsequently, in the twenty-four and twenty-six years of Guangxu, local officials tried to raise funds for drum casting, which was then commercially used.
【藏 品 介 绍】福建官局造光绪元宝,直该币正面点圈内镌汉文和满文“光绪元宝”字样,上铸“福建官局造”五字,下镌“每枚当钱十文”6字,两旁镌花饰。背面蟠龙居中,外圈为英文,并镌有阿拉伯数字,两旁镌小花饰。此种钱币留存于世甚少,完美品相者寥若晨星,仍不失为中国机制币中的珍品。背面神龙纹路清晰,如刀刻所成,铸造工艺神乎其技,且龙身纹路精美,并有云海衬托,看上去仿佛是一幅神龙翱翔天际油画,极其瑰丽,美得动人心魄!,此款钱币因其存世量极为稀少,且这钱币版面设计优雅,雕刻精良,被众多大收藏家搜刮而去,此种钱币难寻一两枚。Fujian official bureau made Guangxu Yuanbao, which was inscribed in Chinese and Manchu on the front of the coin. The words "made by Fujian official bureau" were coined on the top, and the words "ten articles for each coin" were inscribed on the bottom, with decorations on both sides. The dragon on the back is in the middle, and the outer ring is in English. It has Arabic numerals and small flower ornaments on both sides. This kind of coin is seldom preserved in the world, and few people with perfect appearance are like Morning Star. It is still a treasure of Chinese machine-made coins. On the back, the dragon's pattern is clear, such as the knife carving, the casting technology is superb, and the dragon's body pattern is exquisite, and set off by the sea of clouds. It looks like an oil painting of the Dragon soaring in the sky, extremely magnificent and beautiful. This coin is very rare in stock, and the layout of the coin is elegant, well carved, and it is made by the people. Many large collectors have searched and gone, and it is difficult to find one or two of these coins.
【收 藏 价 值】收藏界中对银币收藏的价值定位,和它背后代表的那一段历史离不开关系,像福建造光绪元宝库平七分二厘银币,就具备着重要的历史意义。我们近现代发行的各种纪念币,多数代表着重要的事件,所以限量发行,福建造光绪元宝库平七分二厘银币的铸造,就因为不是特意用于纪念的,所以没有多少人刻意保存收藏,因此流传至今,存世量已经特别少,是种特别稀罕的银币,保存完整的更是少见。因此如果确定是真品,而且保存完整若新的,其价值在银币收藏界是极高的。
The value orientation of silver coin collection in the collection circle is closely related to the period of history behind it. For example, the seven-cent and two-centimeter silver coin in Fujian Maoguang Xuyuan Treasury has important historical significance. Most of the commemorative coins issued in modern and contemporary times represent important events. Therefore, limited issuance and the casting of seven cents and two cents of silver coins in Fujian's Guangxuyuan Treasury are not specifically used for commemoration, so few people deliberately preserve and collect them. So far, the stock has been very small, and it is very rare. Rare silver coins are rarely preserved intact. Therefore, if it is authentic and completely preserved, if new, its value in the silver coin collection industry is extremely high.
成交價:HKD2,081,500 成交日期:2017-10-18
成交價:RMB2,200,000 成交日期:2017-05-18
成交價:HKD3,120,000 成交日期:2018-12-06
成交價:RMB2,850,500 成交日期:2018-09-02
中國區域 / China Region
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唐总/ Mr. Tang
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- 经营范围:瓷器、玉器、青铜器、木器、杂件及矿物质(陨石)
- 1、瓷器:清乾隆以前的精品瓷器;元、明、清为主,宋瓷为佳;
- 2、玉器:翡翠玉器,高古玉,明清玉;以“润、透、白”为佳;
- 3、书画:名人字画;以古代名家字画为主;
- 4、杂项:各类精品杂项,如佛像、石章、各类雕刻、陨石等;
- 5、青铜器:各类器具;宝剑,铜镜,佛像,鼎;金银器等;
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