习语-Tape 2 A -音频-word

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雅思听力提分宝   2019-7-20 09:23   1796   0

Tape 2 A

dark sides 阴暗面
day and night 夜以继日
day in and day out 一天又一天,一直
deal with 对付,处理
decide on 决定……
department chair 系主任的职位;系主任
depend on 依靠,依赖
develop the film 冲胶卷
dial the number 拨电话号码
dig into one's savings 动用某人的存款
dine out 出去吃饭
dining car 餐车
dining room 餐厅
dinner party 晚宴
dirt cheap 特别便宜
do one's best 尽某人最大的努力
do one's hair 做头发
do one's teeth 刷牙
do some errands 做一些跑腿的事情
do some good 对……有好处,会有用
do something over 把……再做一遍
do the cooking 做饭
do the dishes 洗碗
do the kitchen 收拾厨房
do the laundry 洗衣服
do the washing 洗衣服
do with 用……凑和
do without 没有……也行
dog tired 特别累
don't bother 别麻烦
don't look at me 别看我(通常表示不同意)
don't mention it 没什么值得提的,没关系的
don't tell me 你还说呢
dorm building 宿舍楼
dorm council 宿舍管理委员会
dorm food 食堂的饭菜
dorm room 宿舍的房间
dorm supervisor 宿舍管理员
down in the dumps 情绪低落
down in the mouth 情绪低落
down jacket 羽绒服
down on one's luck 运气不佳
down with a bug (因为病毒而)生病
drag one's feet (干活)拖拖拉拉
draw the line 到此为止;拒绝做……
draw up 起草;拟订
dream house 特别好的房子
drive somebody up the wall 让某人发疯
drive someone out of one's mind 让某人发疯
driver's license 驾照
driving license 驾照
drop by 访问,拜访;去一趟
drop in on sb. 去看看某人,去拜访某人
drop someone a line 给某人写封短信
drop off 把……放下来,睡着了
drop out of 退(学)
drop out of 从……当中退出
drop the class 退课
dry off 烘干(衣服)
dry out 使……很干燥
dry spell 一段时间的干旱
due to 因为

eat out 出去吃饭
eat up 吃光;占用
editorial section (报纸的)社论版
emergency landing 紧急着陆
end up 结果是……
enroll in 选课
entertainment committee 娱乐委员会
enthusiastic about sports 对体育特感兴趣
every now and then 有时
every once in a while 有时
every other 每隔……
every so often 有时
exam period 考试周
exercise class 体育课
exercise program 锻炼计划
express way 快车道
extra work 额外作业,额外工作

face to face 面对面
fall apart 散架
fall asleep 睡着了
fall asleep (腿)麻了
fall back on 依靠,依赖
far from 离……还差得很远,远不是
feel free to do something 做……不要感到拘谨
feel up to 感觉有能力做……
feel well 身体好
few and far between 稀少,极少见
field hockey 曲棍球
field trip (学生的)实习
figure out 琢磨出,搞清楚
fill a prescription 按处方抓药
fill in for 代替
fill one's place 代替
fill one's position 代替
fill one's shoes 代替
fill out 填(表格等)
fill somebody in on 将有关……的详情告诉某人
film lab 照相馆
film selection committee 电影评选委员会
final exams 期末考试
financial aid 助学金,奖贷学金,财政援助
financial plan 财政计划
find out 调查,搞清楚
finishing touches 最后润色
finish up 完成;以……而结束
first class 一流的,最好的;头等舱的
fit as a fiddle 身体非常好
fit it in 在日程当中安排
fit somebody in for an appointment 为某人安排一个预约
fitness center 健身中心
fly by (时间)飞逝
food for thought 思考的食粮;发人深思的东西
football season 橄榄球赛季
football stadium 橄榄球场
for a change 变化一下;换换口味
for a little bit 一会儿,一小段时间
for fun 为了好玩
for hours 好几个小时,好长时间
for nothing 免费
for oneself 自己、亲自
for sale 出售
for sure 肯定,一定
for the life of me 无论如何(常用于否定句)
for years 好多年,好长时间
framed poster 带框的装饰画
free up 空出来
from now on 从现在开始
from time to time 有时
from top to bottom 从上到下,到处
front desk (饭店的)前台
front tire (自行车、汽车等的)前胎
front row 前排,头一排

gain some weight 胖了一些
gas station 加油站
gas stove 煤气炉
genetic engineering 基因工程
get (set, start) off on the wrong foot 开始就把事情给做糟了,出师未捷
get……in order 整理
get a lift 搭车
get a lot out of something 从……当中学到很多
get a ride 搭车
get a ride with 搭……车
get along 相处
get along with 和……相处不错
get along without 没有……也行
get around to 抽时间做……
get at 想说……,意思是……
get away 出去
get away with something 做……也不受处罚(尤指做坏事也不受惩罚)
get back in shape 恢复身体
get back in touch with somebody 再和某人联系
get back to 再和……联系
get better 康复
get by 勉强混过,勉强生存
get going 快,赶紧;行动起来
get hold of 抓住,找到
get in 加入
get in (that) line 排队,站到队里
get into shape 使身体好起来
get in touch with somebody 联系某人
get it made 成功
get it over with 做完
get mixed up 混淆
get moving 快,赶紧;行动起来
get nowhere 毫无进展,毫无进步
get off the ground 开始;起作用;进行顺利
get off the phone 别占着电话
get on one's nerve 让某人很烦
get one's hands full 手头很忙
get out of 从……当中出来;不再做……
get out of bed 起床
get over 摆脱……
get rid of 处理掉
get started on 开始做……
get through 完成,做完
get time off from work 从工作中抽出时间
get tired of 对……厌烦
get to 找到;到达,赶到
get to sleep 睡觉
get to someone 让某人很烦
get together 聚会,见面
get……under control 将……控制住
get up 起床
get used to 习惯
get……in order 将……整理、整理
gift catalog 礼品目录
gift shop (博物馆内的)纪念品店
give away 给出去
give credibility to 相信……
give me a break 饶了我吧

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