B2B Online Trading System of SDE

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上海钻石交易所   2019-7-8 04:02   1973   0
Dear Members:

For a long time, the industry has called on SDE to play more important roles in creating an open, just and transparent market environment for SDE members as well as all market players, and to drive China’s diamond market towards a sustainable, regulatory and healthy growth. With this purpose, SDE puts great efforts into building a B2B online trading platform based on blockchain technology and consider extending traceability services to all derivative trading sectors to ensure the legitimacy and transparency of each diamond transaction.

As a supporting service, SDE will provide a digital ID for each diamond imported through SDE with a grading certificate and develop a mobile inquiry system that allow mass consumers to check whether the diamonds they purchased are legal and natural ones by imputing the number of grading certificates.

This B2B online trading platform is aimed to helping SDE members better develop their business, promoting the communication of goods information, and widening the outward sales channels. Moreover it would provide the feasibility of introducing financial services to diamond business on the basis of true and verified online trading data. Once it is done, it would become the largest online trading platform of legal diamond stocks in China, and provide the best purchase option for retailers, jewelry manufacturers and professional diamond buyers and investors. SDE is taking steps to help its members to use this platform and giving a general introduction of platform as below:

This B2B is developed in compliance with general practices of international B2B online platforms. It is a professional industry platform between members and members, members and outside enterprise buyers. The first phase of B2B platform will beonly limited within members and members to display and communicate diamond stock information. The second phase will be open to outside enterprise buyers with a pattern of “Online display, Offline check and trade”. SDE would make general publicity and promotion forthe platform in the whole industry and offer offline trading venues in Shanghai  and Shenzhen for outside buyers. The third phase will introduce all kinds of online trading functions. Financial support and services will take into consideration once the trading data is complete.   
Only SDE members can be the sellers on the platform. Only the diamonds bonded and imported through SDE can be displayed in the stock section and traded online. The platform is currently free for SDE members to use. Outside enterprise buyers will be charged of service fee.
SDE will provide verification of qualification and management services to members and outside buyers to ensure the normal order of online trading. SDE will provide traceability service and digital ID for each diamond displayed and traded on this platform (except overseas diamonds).
Under current circumstance, Members can only display diamonds with grading certificates in the stock section (Bonded and Imported section) as SDE’s current traceability service is based on Certificate No. Bulk goods cannot be displayed due to such limitation.
There are three categories of diamonds can be displayed online: overseas goods, bonded goods and imported goods. The platform will only open display function to overseas goods, no traceability and trading function offered. More stocklike bonded and imported diamonds are encouraged to put online to provide efficiency facility, and traceability for buyers to see and purchase, which are also the biggest advantages of this platform.
Each member will be given user manual for the use of this platform. In case of any question or problem, please contact Ms. Grace Huang of Membership Department.

Tel: 021-50158057  
Email: grace@cnsde.com

For more information about the platform,
please visit https://sscm.cncde.com

Thank you for the support!

Shanghai Diamond Exchange
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