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yuting   2019-6-25 17:44   10085   0
  Neither the escalation of the trade war between the US and China nor the intense debate regarding the direction of U.S.monetary policy have had much impact on the prices of copper options–at least not yet.Implied volatility on COMEX High Grade Copper options has rarely been lower(Figure1).Copper options are hardly unique in this regard.While there has been a spike in oil options volatility and a modest rise in the implied volatility of equity index options,most other options markets,including those for gold,silver,currencies and U.S.Treasuries,remain in the doldrums.Like the other markets,the general level of copper optionsappears to be following a cycle>
Figure1:Copper Options Implied Volatility Remains Near Record Lows.
  Before we delve into the copper options markets,however,here is a brief reminder of the economics of copper.
  但在深入探究铜期权市场之前,还是先简要回顾一下铜的供求关系吧。Copper’s Supply and Demand Drivers and the Copper Options Paradox
  While the general cost of copper options is closely>
  虽然铜期权的综合定价成本与美国的货币政策密切相关,但中国经济的增长状况对铜价的影响更直接。具体来说,像很多大宗商品如其他工业金属、原油和农产品以及新兴市场货币如智利比索一样,铜价的走势也与衡量中国经济增长状况的狭义指标——Li Keqiang指数高度相关,该指数用三个因素衡量中国经济的表现:电力消耗量、铁路货运量和银行贷款增量,见图2。

Figure2:Copper Prices TrackLi KeqiangIndex with a Lag of About One Year.铜价对Li Keqiang指数的反应要晚一年
  When Chinese industrial demand growth accelerated in the early2000s,in2009-10and again in2016-17,copper prices soared with a lag of about one year.Likewise,when Chinese growth slowed in2007-08and2011-15,copper prices crashed,with declines lagging by about one year.The good news for copper prices recently has been that Chinese growth hasn’t slowed much as a result of the10%tariffs that Washington slapped on$200billion worth of Chinese goods in May2018.Copper prices,however,have sold off by about10%in the past month after the Administration jacked up those tariffs to25%.China has many ways to offset the negative impact of higher tariffs,some of which might be supportive for copper,such as easier monetary policy,and others which could be detrimental,such as a devaluation of the renminbi(RMB).
  The reason why China exerts such a strong influence on copper is simple.Each year,40-50%of newly minedand refinedcopper heads to China.Secondly,Chinese demand is critical for absorbing a copper supply that has more than doubled since1994and continues to rise byapproximately5%per year(Figure3).Without continued growth in China,copper prices would likely collapse like they did between2012and2016.Even after its recent correction,copper prices are trading at about30%above their cost of production.This suggests that copper production is likely to increase further in2019and2020and,as such,maintaining steady demand growth in China and elsewhere will be critical if copper prices are to maintain their current levels or move higher.
  中国对铜价走势的影响力如此之大的原因很简单。第一,每年有40%-50%的新增铜矿产量以及新增精制铜被输往中国;第二,要想消化1994年以来供应量翻了一番还多并且每年还在以约5%的速度增长的铜,来自中国的需求至关重要,见图3。没有中国持续增长的需求作为支撑,铜价将有可能像2012-2016年期间一样出现崩盘。虽然铜价在近期出现回落,但当前的铜价仍比生产成本高三成左右,这就意味着铜的产量有可能在2019-2020年继续增长,因此如果想让铜价维持在现有水平或继续上行的话,中国侧的需求能否保持稳定增长是个关键。Figure3:The Inexorable Growth of Copper Supply,Which Rose5%From2017to2018.

  Herein lies copper’s options paradox.If Chinese growth is the main driver of copper prices,why doesn’t the options market react more vigorously to Chinese growth than,say,U.S.monetary policy?Notice how low copper options volatility was back in2013,2014and2015(Figure1)even as Chinese growth rates slowed dramatically and copper prices crashed by70%(Figure2).Neither the subsequent rebound in copper prices nor their recent selloff–both inapparent response to fluctuations in Chinese growth rates–had any lasting impact on the price of copper options,which have averaged at around16%implied volatility–close to where they began2007in the pre-crisis period.
  这就是铜期权定价中的矛盾之处了。如果说中国的需求增长是决定铜价走势的关键因素,那么为什么中国经济增长状况对铜期权市场的影响却赶不上美国的货币政策?值得注意的是,即使中国的经济增速在2013、2014和2015年明显放缓,见图1,铜价暴跌70%,见图2,但是铜期权的隐含波动率水平仍很低。在那之后铜价的反弹和近期遭遇的抛售均是对中国经济增长过程中的波动做出的明显反应,但这两种情况均未对铜期权的报价产生任何持续的影响,铜期权报价的隐含波动率的均值为16%左右,与2008年金融危机前的2007年的水平很接近。The Copper Option Volatility Cycle
  While Chinese growth drives the underlying price of copper,U.S.monetary policy exerts a strong influence on the general cost of options for a wide range of markets,including equities,bonds,currencies,precious metals and agricultural products.In the case of the equity market,this cycle has now persisted for three decades.Since at least2007,when QuikStrike’s series on at-the-money(ATM)copper prices begin,copper options have been following this cycle as well(Figure4).Essentially,it can be broken into four parts:
  Recession:Following a period of tight monetary policy(as evidenced by a flat yield curve),volatility begins to soar.
  Early recovery:in response to central bank easing,the yield curve steepens and the economy begins to recover but implied volatility on options remains expensive as confidence takes time to rebuild.
  Mid-expansion:low average implied volatility and steep yield curves,which begin to flatten as the central bank begins to tighten policy.
  Late expansion:tight monetary policy as evidenced by a flat yield curve and still low implied volatility,which begins to transition to a higher volatility state as the central bank drains funds from the markets.

  Figure4:Copper Options Follow a Similar Cycle to Stocks,Bonds and Gold.
  While copper demand may be dominated by China,it’s priced in U.S.dollars,like nearly all other commodities.This means that Fed monetary policy wields a strong influence on liquidity conditions in various markets that is vastly larger than the>
  The outlook for copper depends a great deal on China.If China can maintain output growth at a fast pace,copper may survive the trade war without a scratch.This depends,however,in China’s willingness and ability to ease and fiscal policy without devaluing RMB too severely.
  For copper options,the greatest threat may not be China but rather the Fed.If the Fed maintains a tight monetary policy,that may give rise to a widening of credit spreads and a general rise in volatility across markets,including and most likely,copper.On the other hand,if the Fed eases,as is now widely expected by the short-term interest rate market,it may keep volatility containedand U.S.economic expansion going for a while.
  Bottom Line
  Copper options implied volatility is trading near record lows.铜期权市场的隐含波动率水平接近历史最低;
  The price of copper depends a great deal on Chinese growth.
  Options prices for copper however,follow a cycle with U.S.monetary policy.
  Tight U.S.monetary policy could translate into much higher copper implied volatility.
  Fed easing,by contrast,could keep a lid on copper options prices.
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