New Trading Policy Released by Chinese Government

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HiTouch艾达旗   2019-5-25 06:23   2688   0

January 16th, 2018, with fully-packed attendances and enthusiastic applause,  HiTouch New Year New Trading 2018 Seminar successfully drew a close  at Crown  Plaza Hotel.

Image:  HiTouch New Year New Trading 2018 Seminar  

Without being informed well, foreign companies have a lag of receiving effective  information from the government, for sure you know the  Chinese policies in trading and banking will keep tightening and regulating in 2018, as media and your friend zone all said so, but that is a very superficial  way to get real information.

As HiTouch works closely with the government,  we know China opens other doors for foreigners while it becomes stricter to supervise on ranges of business activities. We 'd like to interpret the rules and give solutions on how to embrace  the new business environment.

Image:  HiTouch New Year New Trading 2018 Seminar  

Don't feel regret for any reasons that have stopped you attending our seminar, we give a review of the most important points here! The seminar is mainly divided into two parts:  

  • China's New Trading System
  • Hong Kong Bank Account Management

China's New Trading System

Trading includes the capital  flow and the cargo flow, how to export cargoes overseas, receive foreign currencies and exchange into Renminbi legally, safely and freely is the most crucial for doing business in China.  

Image: Managing Director of HiTouch Consulting Mr. Jimmy Li interpreted the trading policies in 2018.

Image: Managing Director of HiTouch Consulting Mr. Jimmy Li interpreted the trading policies in 2018.

HiTouch Managing Director Jimmy gave a complete interpretation to attendees  of  China's trading system, he listed answers to the following questions:

  • How to export legallyeven without VAT invoice?
  • How to export with tax refund?
  • How does the Immigration Office work with China Customs to check the authenticity  of a trading company's business before giving approval of the work visa and business visa application?

Currently, Chinese government severely fight against export in a way of buying document (买单出口), which is a commonly-used way for many foreigners in trading, we have the definition  of buying document in this article:    2018 New Trading Policies You Should Know

Hong Kong Bank Account Management

In the past  few months, many foreigners' Hong Kong bank account constantly got shut down for different reasons, HiTouch Honorary Partner and  Consulting Supervisor Alan analyzed the current situation and gave attendees suggestions on opening and managing Hong Kong bank accounts. He gave answers to the following questions:

  • What does the bank concern  the most when giving the approval of opening a  Hong Kong bank account?
  • What kind of activities lead to the bank account being frozen or closed?
  • How to properly use Hong Kong bank account and successfully go through the investigation?

Previously, we had a presentation on the similar topic in Chinese, check this article to see all the above answers:  Knowing These, Your Hong Kong Bank Account Will Be Safe!

Image: Honorary Partner and  Consulting Supervisor of HiTouch Consulting Mr. Alan Lv gave suggestion on  how to keep Hong Kong bank account safe.

Let us hear your true  voices!  

The actual attendances are far more than what we expected, and we appreciate for all of your active participation. A little regret is we didn't have enough time to respond all the questions one by one at the seminar. Luckily, we have collected the questionnaires and we will follow up.

Q&A part in  HiTouch New Year New Trading 2018 Seminar  

Q&A part in  HiTouch New Year New Trading 2018 Seminar  

Q&A part in  HiTouch New Year New Trading 2018 Seminar  

HiTouch New Year New Trading 2018 Seminar, consultants responded attendees' questions.  

HiTouch New Year New Trading 2018 Seminar, consultants responded attendees' questions.  

HiTouch New Year New Trading 2018 Seminar, consultants responded attendees' questions.  

In the following months, we will organize similar events online or in Guangzhou, related to the topics of Chinese work visa, export, import,  corporate income tax, Chinese company operation, Hong Kong company operation, etc.  

China lowered tariff for numerous import items, will you consider doing an import business? Are you interested in how to properly operate companies in China that helps the work visa application? Just tell us what you want to know.


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