IB的trader 读不读mfe跟你当不当的上trader没什么绝对联系
HF的trader 不同fund不同 style。特别quant 的quant fund 看不上mfe;但有一些新兴的fund强调quant and discretionary结合的有一定机会
We are not traditional “quantitative funds” that use HFT, Stat Arb or so. Our strategy is not any single named quant strategy but we require our trader to have a high level understanding of advanced mathemathics since we rely on heavily quantitative analysis
点进去一看:trader们里面最多的是牛剑藤校的math/phys/cs,剩下的约10%来自top mfe program
所以这个年代 当个trader不是反应快会心算就好了 mfe或多或少还是能够学到点高级一丢丢的东西的