2. 周五我负责一起毒品案件的听证,被告已经通过辩诉交易为自己争取了五年缓刑,也就是不需要蹲监狱,只不过需要定期接受毒品测试并向缓刑负责人汇报而已。 这哥们,在上法庭之前,可能又嗑药磕high了, 没错,律师还为他争取到了假释,尽管有充足证据表明他在拘留所期间还在联系毒贩谈生意,但他还可以自己走进法庭。 刚走到法官面前,被告双腿一软,倒了,哼哼唧唧的, 大家面面相觑,我先开口了: ”法官大人,被告很有可能是嗑药了,检方建议法官尽快安排毒品测试。如果测试结果为阳性,则被告违反了之前的认罪协议。果真如此的话,检方要求按照大明州律(开庭的时候写在小纸片上的某一条,我现在哪里还记得住)量刑。“ (Your honor, the state believes that defendant appear to be under the influence of illegal substance. The state would ask the court to conduct a Rule 25 chemical dependency assessment immediately. If the defendant is tested positive, it is the state's request that the court impose the sentence in accordance with Minn. Statue XXX, as a consequence for violation plea agreement.) (这里还涉及一些程序问题,之所以能这么要求,是因为认罪协议里本身就包含了"downward disposition departure", 也就是正常来说此人应该马上蹲监狱,仅仅是因为辩诉交易才可以争取到缓刑。) 被告律师辩护了几句,但有点底气不足,满脸都是”唉...真是带不动“的无奈。 这本来就是正常司法程序,但偏偏被告是名黑人,而法庭中其他等候出席听证的也有不少黑人, 于是又“捅娄子”了, 有人喊了一句"black lives matter", 其他人有的就开始鼓噪,我还大概听到了有人说Asian如何如何, 于是,很惭愧地,我又需要警察来保护自己了。
1. Shooter's Bias: In U.S., it's not that white people shoot black people faster, or black people shooter black people faster ——In this country, everyone shoots black people faster.
2. This police officer is afraid of black people more, may also because of the fact that he was shot THREE times in his previous law enforcement experience, ALL by black people.
.....you are completely ignorant of and uninformed about the social ramifications and implications surrounding the Black Lives Matter movement. People who support that message have robbed, rioted and burned innocent businesses and attacked law abiding peace officers who were charged with protecting ALL the demographics you've succeeded in isolating.