Note: opinions below are not guaranteed wrong, maybe some of them are right.
Starting from nature number, mathematicians invented integer, rational number, irational number, which combined into real number, imaginary num- ber, which combines with real number to construct the whole amazing number theory of modern math. Numbers are just a math abstraction of common sense, nature number one at the very beginning was not nothing but means a tent or something else concrete. Numbers are mathematical object. Usually, math begins from concrete, evolves into abstraction – meaning evolving from real-world object into mathematical object. What is a number? There is no formal mathematical answer for a very long time in the history. Just like you ask your father in your childhood: “what is a lion?” The only way to make you understand is to bring you to the zoo and point at the lion, and say: “Look, that is a lion!” But this should not be the case if math wants to keep developing. So, during 19th century, mathematicians reconstruct the whole number theory, based on set theory, mathematical logic and peano theorom. From then on, classical mathematics becomes modern mathematics. Set theory, number theory, mathematical logic are foundations of mathe- matics. Normally, they do not have any practical usage – they are building blocks of the ones that have practical usage. Using those building blocks, mathematicians invented structure of them – group, ring, field. Those are the ultimate abstraction of real-world objects. What’s more, structures also capture calculation(operation and relation) be- tween them – they are captured in the ultimate abstraction form as well. If you have learnt algebraic structure, you will understant what I am talking about. If not, go reading it... Equipped with weapons which has bigger granuity, mathematicians built worlds, which are called spaces mathematically. For example, vector space is one space who is notoriously famous. Those worlds are stages for all kinds of dramas played by mathematical object. Those are where applications of math happen. From what I have learnt, applications of math are mainly doing two kinds of things: Given real-world stuffs, try to find a world, then try to find the stuff’s inner mathematical structure in that world. The world normally are cho- sen using two criteria: similarity with the real world; low computation complexity. Finding a the world and the structure is aleady a notoriously difficult thing. What’s more, one essential usage of finding those two is to predict. The world and structure are publicly known mathematical model. The meaning of mathematical model is to predict – predicting the real-world stuff that are not used when building the model and predicting how this model will evolve. The latter brings forward another pillar of math – the study of evolvement. The notorious calculus falls under this category. Acutally, a whole branch of math called analysis is doing this kind of thing. |