文章是对《Russia's Ruble during the onset of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in early 2022: The roel of implied volatility and attention》的理解和解读。这篇研究算是计量经济学的实证研究,角度未见得多新颖,但是贵在内容扎实。记录如下,多少也算积累了。本文中很多内容并非原文,而是我自己的理解,如有不对欢迎批评。 注:本文所有内容数据均来自《Russia's Ruble during the onset of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in early 2022: The roel of implied volatility and attention》,内容为作者结合自身理解后期加工。
作者:Stefan Lyocsa, Tomas
文章:《Russia's Ruble during the onset of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in early 2022: The roel of implied volatility and attention》
地址:Russia's Ruble during the onset of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in early 2022: The roel of implied volatility and attention