今天早上知道了technoblade去世的事情 实在是无法相信这是真的
1.幽默 techno的地狱笑话大家都知道吧 就是每次开自己的玩笑都会特别心疼
2.乐观 techno在癌症面前有多乐观不用说了吧 真的比chat门还乐观 一直不是chat安慰techno而是techno安慰chat
3.肝帝 土豆战争每天能上线好几个小时种土豆 pogtopia时期又种了一夜土豆
4.坚强.techno明明已经晚期但是在今年一月制作了越狱lore 二月传说线 三月wilbur tommy phil的lore(我能把他当成4/4吗) 四月又发了新视频 五月在推特上对ranboo出柜表示 Proud of you king!六月末去世(根据techno的父亲具体是美国时间6月28号) 确诊癌症11月以来一直瞒着chat病情
5.强 这是techno火起来的必要原因之一具体看 当年3vs21(我毁了一场35000美元的比赛)和techno vs dream (我从这里开始粉techno的)
When your heart stop beating , that's your first death. When you was buried , that's your second death . When the last person who knows you dies ,that's your third death.But we will never forget you , we will miss you forever, you will always live in our minds. So , technoblade never dies.
I could hardly believe my eyes and ears when I saw the youtube video. My heart literally lost a beat. Last night I was thinking about you and today you left. I wish you could be happy in paradise ,maybe decades later,when I passed away , I could see that you beat the god and you became the new god. Technoblade never dies ,because he always live in our minds. o7 to technoblade.
oh and ,emmm ,fuck cancer
(由于techno是外国人所以悼念词我用英语写的 没有在装b 蹭热度等等 我粉techno一年半了 如有拼写错误、语法错误欢迎指出)
Rest in peace techno .you really helped me a lot |