ipad和iphone适配_如何在iPhone和iPad上将链接,照片和媒体快速添加到Apple Notes

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Adding a web page to Note in Apple Notes on iPhone
Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

Apple Notes is a great place to organize your thoughts and to collect your research. If you’re studying or researching online for a project, here’s how you can quickly add links, photos, and other media directly to Apple Notes.

Apple Notes是组织您的想法和收集研究的好地方。 如果您正在在线研究或研究某个项目,可以通过以下方法将链接,照片和其他媒体直接直接添加到Apple Notes。

使用共享表添加任何内容 (Add Anything Using the Share Sheet)

The easiest way to add something to Apple Notes is by using the Notes extension in the Share sheet. This feature is available virtually everywhere. If you can see a share button, you can share the content with Apple Notes. It works in all default Apple apps, along with third-party apps.

向Apple Notes添加内容的最简单方法是使用“共享”表中的Notes扩展名。 几乎在任何地方都可以使用此功能。 如果可以看到共享按钮,则可以与Apple Notes共享内容。 它适用于所有默认的Apple应用程序以及第三方应用程序。

Using this method, you can add links, photos, videos, map locations, PDFs, and screenshots to the Notes app.


For example, let’s say we’re researching ways to disinfect and clean all our gadgets, and we want to collect all the links and tips in a single note (or different notes).


To start, navigate to the web page in Safari, then tap on the Share button.


Tap on Share button from Safari on iPhone

Here, tap on the “Notes” option from the apps section. If you don’t see the Notes app here, swipe all the way to the end of the list, then tap on the “More” button to add it. Take a look at our guide to customizing the Share sheet for detailed instructions.

在这里,点击“应用”部分中的“注释”选项。 如果您在此处看不到Notes应用程序,请一直滑动到列表的末尾,然后点击“更多”按钮将其添加。 请参阅我们的自定义共享表指南以获取详细说明。

Tap on Notes extension from Share sheet

You’ll now see the Notes Share sheet extension. The link will be in the text area, in the rich text format, showing the title, and the feature image. You can tap on the area above the link to add any information that you want to send to the Notes app (observations or notes on the link, for example). The first line of text automatically becomes the title of the note.

现在,您将看到Notes Share工作表扩展名。 链接将以RTF格式显示在文本区域中,显示标题和特征图像。 您可以点击链接上方的区域以添加要发送到Notes应用程序的任何信息(例如,链接上的观察或注释)。 文本的第一行自动成为注释的标题。

As this is the first time you’re using the Notes extension in the Share sheet, you’ll see the option to save the details in a new note (denoted by the “New Note” option in the “Save to” option). Once you’ve added all the information, tap on the “Save” button.

由于这是您首次在“共享”表中使用Notes扩展名,因此您会看到将详细信息保存在新注释中的选项(由“保存到”选项中的“新注释”选项表示)。 添加所有信息后,点击“保存”按钮。

Add note title and tap on Save

You’ll be sent back to the original page and the link will end up in a new note.


Now, navigate to another webpage, tap on the Share button, and select the Notes extension again.


You’ll now see a change in the “Save To” option. It will show the title of the note you just created. If you want to add this link to the end of the previous note, you don’t need to change anything. Just add the text and keep going.

现在,您会看到“保存到”选项中的更改。 它将显示您刚刚创建的笔记的标题。 如果要将此链接添加到上一个注释的末尾,则无需进行任何更改。 只需添加文本并继续即可。

But if you want to create a new note, tap on the “Save To” option.


Tap to change the saved note

Here, tap on the “Create New Note” button.


Tap on Create new note

By default, the Notes extension always shows the previously created note as the destination. If you want to create a new note, you’ll have to switch to it manually every time.

默认情况下,“注释”扩展名始终将先前创建的注释显示为目标。 如果要创建新笔记,则每次都必须手动切换到该笔记。

Once you’re happy, tap on the “Save” button.


Tap on Save after choosing new note option

You can follow the same process from any app to save content to Apple Notes.

您可以在任何应用程序中执行相同的过程,以将内容保存到Apple Notes。

尝试复制和粘贴 (Try Copy and Pasting)

If you don’t want to use the Share sheet, or if you just want to add some text to the Notes app, the easiest option is to copy and paste. This also works for media and documents.

如果您不想使用共享表,或者只想向Notes应用程序添加一些文本,最简单的选择就是复制和粘贴。 这也适用于媒体和文档。

First, select the content that you want to send to Apple Notes. Then, press and hold on it. From the context menu, tap on the “Copy” button.

首先,选择要发送到Apple Notes的内容。 然后,按住它。 在上下文菜单中,点击“复制”按钮。

Tap on Copy

Open the Apple Notes app and go to the note where you want to add the information. Then, double-tap in the empty space and choose the “Paste” option.

打开Apple Notes应用程序,然后转到要在其中添加信息的注释。 然后,在空白处点按两次,然后选择“粘贴”选项。

Tap on Paste

If you’re using iOS 13, iPadOS 13, or newer, you can also use the new text editing gestures.

如果您使用的是iOS 13,iPadOS 13或更高版本,则还可以使用新的文本编辑手势

在iPad上使用拖放 (Use Drag and Drop on the iPad)

iPad users should try and embrace the drag and drop feature to share content from one app to another. When you’ve got two apps side-by-side, it’s much faster to just pick up a link and to drop into another app.

iPad用户应尝试使用拖放功能,以将内容从一个应用程序共享到另一个应用程序。 当您同时拥有两个应用程序时,选择一个链接并放入另一个应用程序会更快。

But you can use drag and drop even if you’re not using Split View.


First, tap and hold on the link, text, or media, and drag it a bit to pick it up.


Pick up and drag the link

Now, use your other hand to swipe up from the bottom of the screen to bring up the Dock. From here, select the Notes app. (If you don’t have the Notes app in your Dock, you can go to the home screen instead.)

现在,用另一只手从屏幕底部向上滑动以调出Dock。 从这里选择Notes应用程序。 (如果您的Dock中没有Notes应用,则可以转到主屏幕。)

Tap on Notes app from the Dock

Navigate to the note, all while you’re holding the content with your finger.


Once the note opens, use your finger to navigate to the place where you want to put it. Simply release your finger to drop the content in place.

笔记打开后,用手指导航至要放置笔记的地方。 只需松开手指将内容放到适当的位置即可。

Drop the link in Notes

轻松查找所有附件 (Easily Find All Attachments)

There’s now an easier way to only filter notes with attachments in Apple Notes.

现在,有一种更简单的方法来仅过滤Apple Notes中带有附件的注释。

In the Notes app, go to the All Notes section and swipe down and tap on the “Search” bar.


Tap on the Search bar in Notes app

Here, from the Suggested section, choose the “Notes with Attachments” option.


Tap on Notes with Attachments option

Notes app will now only filter notes with attachments. You can choose to search for a title of the note to further narrow down the search results.

Notes应用程序现在将仅过滤带有附件的注释。 您可以选择搜索注释的标题,以进一步缩小搜索范围。

Filter and tap on a note to open it

New to the Notes app? Learn how it can help you organize your thoughts.

Notes应用程序的新手? 了解它如何帮助您组织思想

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/667208/how-to-quickly-add-links-photos-and-media-to-apple-notes-on-iphone-and-ipad/


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