最近工作接触了一些波动率模型,自己开始看The Volatility Surfacey以及Stochastic Volatility Model这两本书,但是苦于书上的推导实在过于简单,对于我这种数学白痴来说读起来属实有点难顶,于是自己也在网上找了一些资料,整理了下面这些笔记
Dupire PDE 推导
Let's consider a Vanilla European Call with a Strike K and Maturity T. Its payoff function is as below:
Assume the underlying asset follows GBM process:
Take the derivative of the payoff function with respect to , using Ito's Lemma:
Let's take a look at rhs:
Similarly, we take the derivative of with respect to :
Then can be rewritten as below:
Replace and and simplify:
Take the Expectation of both side. Note that the second part of the rhs is a martingale:
Let's first consider the first term of the rhs
Note that the first term of the rhs of is the undiscounted payoff of call option:
Then we look at the second part. Using ,we can have:
Then can be written as
Remember we are now try to work on and so far we have finished the first term of the rhs of . Now we will work on the second term:
Using Double expectation theorem, we have:
Then can be written as
Using , can be written as:
Then can be written as
So far, we have figured ou both part of . All taken in to :
The lhs of can be rewritten as ,where is the undiscounted payoff of the call option:
This is called Depire PDE and local vol can be written as
Stochastic Volatility Modeling by Bergomi, Lorenzo
2. The Volatility Surface A Practitioners Guide (Wiley Finance) by Jim Gatheral, Nassim Nicholas Taleb
3. Local Volatility Model: Dupire PDE and Valuation/Pricing PDE Derivations and Comparisons - YouTube