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Not long ago, if you wanted a website, you had to be willing to shell out at least a few grand for the most basic of static sites. I remember about ten years ago at a firm I worked for, quotes for ecommerce sites, or sites with other dynamic features, would be over $20,000!

不久前,如果您想要一个网站,则必须愿意为最基本的静态网站支付至少一些费用。 我记得大约十年前在我工作过的一家公司中,电子商务网站或具有其他动态功能的网站的报价超过20,000美元!

If you're not a developer, designer, or even a web person, but you have a business or brand that you want to get online, here are some hosts you can sign up with that won't require you to hire design services or developers.

如果您不是开发人员,设计师,甚至不是网络人员 ,但您拥有要上网的业务或品牌,则可以注册以下主机,这些主机不需要您雇用设计服务或开发人员。

我要花什么钱? (What's It Going to Cost Me?)

The answer is, having a website is pretty stinking cheap these days. Most of the following hosts have plans starting at FREE! And unless you have hundreds of thousands of visitors a day, less than $10 a month gets you a pretty powerful setup.

答案是,如今这些网站的价格非常便宜。 以下大多数主机都有免费提供的套餐! 而且,除非您每天有成千上万的访问者,否则每月不到10美元就能为您提供强大的设置。

但是首先,奖金! (But First, a Bonus!)

Before we get into web hosting, it's worth mentioning that if you have a business, and especially if you cater to local clients in your area, you should get your business listed on maps!


Many people use Google Maps or other map services to find businesses while they travel, or just as a normal way to search (I do!). It makes sense to update your listing on the most popular map services.

许多人在旅行时会使用Google Maps或其他地图服务来寻找商家,或者只是一种正常的搜索方式(我愿意!)。 在最流行的地图服务上更新您的列表很有意义。

Here are some links to get started:


社会概况 (Social Profiles)

Maybe you don't need a full-fledged website; maybe you just need a personal brand page or business page.

也许您不需要完整的网站; 也许您只需要一个个人品牌页面或业务页面。

If that's the case, try the following services. All free!

如果是这种情况,请尝试以下服务。 全部免费!

Facebook business page

脸书 (Facebook)

The king of social profiles title still belongs to Facebook. If you have a personal profile already, you can create a page for your business too. In a company I work for, when searching Google for the company name, the Facebook page comes up even before the primary website!

社会档案标题之王仍然属于Facebook。 如果您已经拥有个人资料,则也可以为您的业务创建页面 。 在我工作的公司中,当在Google中搜索公司名称时,Facebook页面甚至出现在主要网站之前!

领英 (LinkedIn)

You would benefit here if your business revolves around you personally as the brand. If you're a consultant or freelancer, or do business-to-business or networking, then LinkedIn can help. Start with a free profile, but you may want to upgrade at some point.

如果您的企业在身边围绕个人的品牌,你会在这里受益。 如果您是顾问或自由职业者,或者是企业对企业或人脉网络,那么LinkedIn可以为您提供帮助。 从免费的个人资料开始,但是您可能需要在某个时候进行升级。

Google Plus (Google Plus)

If your business is connected to media, perhaps through YouTube or other Google services, then G+ is a good idea. If your business is a personal brand, similar to what I said about LinkedIn, this could be for you as well.

如果您的公司可能通过YouTube或其他Google服务与媒体建立了联系,那么Google+是个好主意。 如果您的业务是个人品牌,类似于我对LinkedIn所说的话,那么这也可能适合您。

我的空间 (Myspace)

Yes, Myspace is still around! And mostly owned by Justin Timberlake. The site focuses mainly around music and the arts, culture, and lifestyle.

是的,Myspace还在! 由贾斯汀·汀布莱克(Justin Timberlake)拥有。 该网站主要关注音乐和艺术,文化和生活方式。

If your brand is in music and arts, you should think about a profile here.


奖励:Foursquare (Bonus: Foursquare)

This is a category all its own, but if you have a local business with high foot traffic and a young culture, take a look at Foursquare.


If you have the type of business that would benefit from the social activity as created by Foursquare, this is a top option for you. Any business with high traffic, or a youth-centered atmosphere, is a good fit. Coffee shops, entertainment outlets, media stores, places that are hip and cool!

如果您有可以从Foursquare创建的社交活动中受益的业务类型,这是您的最佳选择。 任何人流量大或以青年为中心的业务都非常适合。 咖啡厅,娱乐场所,媒体商店,时尚凉爽的地方!

免费网站 (Free Websites)

Here's a list of services to host a free website to get you started, in no particular order. Just please, as soon as possible, upgrade to premium features and get your own custom domain name! Most free hosts won't let you have a custom domain such as www.mysuperpetcollection.com, but instead will offer something more like mysuperpetcollection.someservice.com. To be more professional, upgrade to a custom domain name.

以下是托管免费网站的服务列表,以无特定顺序启动您的网站。 请尽快升级到高级功能并获得您自己的自定义域名 ! 大多数免费主机不会让您拥有自定义域,例如www.mysuperpetcollection.com ,而是会提供诸如mysuperpetcollection.someservice.com更多mysuperpetcollection.someservice.com 。 要更专业,请升级到自定义域名。

Free services also typically do some sort of advertising, such as sticking ads at the bottom of your site, or an occasional popup shown to your users. Another reason to upgrade as soon as you can!

免费服务通常还会做某种形式的广告,例如在网站底部粘贴广告,或偶尔向用户显示弹出窗口。 尽快升级的另一个原因!

Disclaimer: No links in this article are affiliate links.


约拉 (Yola)

You won't get your own domain name with the free package, and you only get three pages, but it's ad-free and the templates are fine. Try this if you only need a couple pages and don't care about having your own domain name yet.

免费软件包将不会获得您自己的域名,您只会得到三页,但是它没有广告,模板也很好。 如果您只需要几个页面并且不关心自己的域名,请尝试此操作。

When you're ready to upgrade, you can get a free domain name with purchase of the next package which is only about $4.17 per month for unlimited pages and bandwidth, and 2GB of storage.

当您准备升级时,购买下一个软件包即可获得免费域名,每月只需$ 4.17,即可获得无限制的页面和带宽以及2GB的存储空间。

Site123 (Site123)

Site123 is a site builder with a simple pricing system that includes a free-forever plan, and its standout feature is its sidebar-based website builder, which makes laying out pages much more efficient than traditional drag-and-drop builders.



One of the more highly regarded free hosts, Wix has nice templates, add-on apps, unlimited pages and much more. You won't get a custom domain name, and you'll see Wix advertising. The $4.08 per month upgrade gives you a domain but doesn't remove ads; you'll need the $9.25 per month option to get rid of those.

Wix是备受推崇的免费主机之一,它具有漂亮的模板,附加应用程序,无限制页面等。 您将不会获得自定义域名,并且会看到Wix广告。 每月4.08美元的升级可为您提供域名,但不会删除广告; 您将需要每月$ 9.25的费用才能摆脱这些费用。

Here is an example of a few Wix templates:


Wix templates

DoodleKit (DoodleKit)

The free templates here seem a little aged, but their tagline is Free Website Builder. For those who want to tinker a bit more on the default templates, they allow more customization. Their first upgrade path is for $14 per month to get a domain name, SEO tools, unlimited bandwidth and 3GB of storage.

这里的免费模板似乎有些陈旧,但其标语是Free Website Builder 。 对于那些想在默认模板上做更多修改的人,他们允许更多的自定义。 他们的第一个升级途径是每月14美元,以获得域名,SEO工具,无限带宽和3GB存储空间。

月果 (Moonfruit)

The free option allows 15 pages, including ads for Moonfruit. You'll have to upgrade to get your own domain, more pages, and remove branding.

免费选项允许15页,其中包括Moonfruit的广告。 您必须升级才能拥有自己的域名,更多页面,并删除品牌。

This one has an addition of ecommerce features and allows you to build a shop and publish products to other networks. They have clean, minimalist designs, built with HTML5, and are mobile optimized. The first upgrade is $4.50 per month when billed annually, and it removes ads.

这其中有一项电子商务功能,使您可以建立商店并将产品发布到其他网络。 它们采用HTML5进行构建,具有简洁的简约设计,并且针对移动设备进行了优化。 首次升级是每月4.50美元(按年计费),它会删除广告。

Here are a few examples of Moonfruit's themes:


Moonfruit themes

eb (Weebly)

Another option with ecommerce abilities and unlimited pages. The first upgrade is $8 per month to get your domain added and remove branding.

具有电子商务功能和无限页面的另一种选择。 第一次升级是每月8美元,以添加您的域并删除品牌。

This service integrates mobile features such as mobile management of online orders and analytics. There are some advanced features here worth looking at, including a drag-and-drop template editor and email with your domain.

该服务集成了移动功能,例如在线订单和分析的移动管理。 这里有一些值得一看的高级功能,包括拖放模板编辑器和与您的域一起发送的电子邮件。

WordPress的 (WordPress)

The granddaddy of all free hosts is WordPress. The company proudly declares that it powers 24% of the internet, whatever that means!

所有免费主机的祖父是WordPress。 该公司自豪地宣布,它为24%的互联网提供动力 ,无论这意味着什么!

You can build many types of sites on the free account, but you'll need a paid account to get into ecommerce and use your own domain name.


You wouldn't go wrong choosing WordPress, though its templates are still somewhat blog-centric, as it's primarily a blogging platform.


Tumblr (Tumblr)

This is a special mention, simply because it's free. Tumblr is more for personal sharing or blogging than for businesses. If you simply want a website to share your favorite things and blog, check out Tumblr.

这是一个特别提及,仅因为它是免费的。 与企业相比,Tumblr更适合个人共享或写博客。 如果您只是想让一个网站分享您喜欢的东西和博客,请查看Tumblr。

如果我想要更多控制权怎么办? (What If I Want a Tad More Control?)

If you intend to grow your website into a huge ordeal, catering to thousands of customers with full online account management, ecommerce and the whole bit, you'll want to look into dedicated hosting and eventually having your own web developers managing things.


A dedicated host doesn't necessarily imply big costs, but it does mean more ability to customize. You'll own a server in the cloud, and you can do as you please with it. You'll need to learn some things, or hire a developer on occasion for small tasks.

专用主机不一定意味着高昂的成本,但确实意味着更多的自定义功能。 您将在云中拥有一台服务器 ,并且可以随心所欲地对其进行操作。 您需要学习一些知识,或偶尔为一些小任务聘用开发人员。

What you want to look for is a hosting provider with a control panel on their systems. One of the most popular is called cPanel. From this one control panel, you can view analytics, make backups, create email accounts, perform file management, and install the website software itself.

您要寻找的是托管提供商,其系统上带有控制面板。 最受欢迎的一种叫做cPanel。 在此一个控制面板中,您可以查看分析,进行备份,创建电子邮件帐户,执行文件管理以及安装网站软件本身。

Popular hosting companies with cPanel include:


There are many more, though, so I recommend you look around a bit.


The good thing about these more powerful hosting options is that they tend to give you a free domain, and support custom domains from the start, with no branding or advertising. And they really aren't that expensive to start!

这些功能更强大的托管选项的好处是,它们倾向于为您提供免费域,并从一开始就支持自定义域,而没有品牌或广告。 而且启动它们确实并不昂贵!

我该怎么做? (How Do I Do It?)

It's beyond this article to go in to tutorials, but I chose all these providers because it really is super simple to get set up with them.


With the free hosts, you would sign up, pick a theme, customize a little, and it's done.


With a service like Hostgator, you would sign up and be given access to cPanel. Your server will most likely be empty of any software.

使用Hostgator之类的服务,您将注册并获得访问cPanel的权限。 您的服务器很可能没有任何软件。

When logged in to cPanel, look for 1-click installers for setting up software. For example, a service called Softaculous is quite commonly found.

登录到cPanel后,寻找用于安装软件的一键式安装程序。 例如,很常见的服务是Softaculous。

Here is just a small section of my Hostgator cPanel. Notice some of the features I circled. It also tells you the status of features in the left column. There are about nine more panels of icons out of view!

这只是我的Hostgator cPanel的一小部分。 注意我圈出的一些功能。 它还在左栏中告诉您功能的状态。 还有大约九个图标面板不可见!

CPanel screenshot

电子商务 (Ecommerce)

If your main intention for a website is purely as a store to sell stuff, we move into yet another category.


Ecommerce is a world unto itself, with many types of concerns a normal website doesn't have.

电子商务本身就是一个世界, 普通网站没有很多关注点。

There's one major design decision for an ecommerce website. You can design a standard website and retrofit ecommerce abilities into it, or you can buy a complete ecommerce solution and retrofit standard website features into that. I dare say trying to plug ecommerce into existing regular websites is the harder of the methods.

电子商务网站有一个主要的设计决策。 你可以设计一个标准的网站和改造电子商务能力它,或者你可以买一个完整的电子商务解决方案和改造标准的网站功能 。 我敢说,尝试将电子商务插入现有的常规网站是比较困难的方法。

Dedicated ecommerce software is, for the most part, always superior to add-on ecommerce carts. Trying to retrofit a cart into an existing site can be extremely difficult and require developers and designers to make it work for you.

在大多数情况下,专用的电子商务软件始终优于附加的电子商务购物车。 尝试将购物车改装到现有站点可能非常困难,并且需要开发人员和设计人员使其适合您。

There are two basic types of pure cart: those that you install on your own server and manage yourself, and those which you pay a monthly fee to rent as a service in the cloud.


Examples of install yourself carts include these:


The list goes on and on and on. It depends on your needs, type of products, complexity of products, and the size of your business and budget. You'd have to research all of these and more to find just the right fit for you!

清单不胜枚举。 这取决于您的需求,产品类型,产品复杂性以及业务规模和预算。 您必须研究所有这些以及更多内容,才能找到适合您的合适产品!

Examples of host it for me rental carts include these:


Sitepoint publishes many articles regarding shopping carts.


The easy-button for a non-technical person trying to get their store up and running is to use a SaaS (Software as a Service) rental cart with a built-in theme. All you would need to do is edit your colors, get a logo design made, and you're good to go. Definitely take a look at the top three most popular carts Shopify, Volusion and BigCommerce. I lean toward BigCommerce for various reasons.

对于非技术人员来说,轻松启动商店并轻松运行的简单按钮是使用带有内置主题的SaaS(软件即服务) 租赁推车。 您所需要做的就是编辑颜色,进行徽标设计,一切顺利。 绝对看看Shopify,Volusion和BigCommerce最受欢迎的三大购物车。 由于各种原因,我倾向于BigCommerce。

As you get more technical, grow in size, and want highly personalized branding and user experience, you may move to a self-hosted cart like Prestashop. The big daddy here is Magento. It's complex and large, needs a powerful server, but can do most anything you want if you have a team of nerds to work on it for you!

随着技术的提高,规模的增长以及想要高度个性化的品牌和用户体验,您可能会转向Prestashop之类的自托管购物车。 这里的大爸爸是Magento。 它既复杂又庞大,需要一台功能强大的服务器,但是如果您有一个书呆子团队可以为您工作,那么它可以完成大多数您想做的事情!

Examples of carts you can retrofit into existing websites include Foxycart and Ecwid. You definitely need a developer to help with those!

可以改装到现有网站推车的例子包括FoxycartEcwid 。 您肯定需要开发人员来帮助您!

苹果怎么样? (How About Them Apples?)

I've just shotgunned you with nigh unlimited choices to get your website up and running fast with no to little technical help and no to little cost!


Whether your budget is free, cheap, or Donald Trump sized, there is an option for you here.

无论您的预算是免费,便宜还是唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)大小,这里都有一个选择。

Now go make a website!


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/best-free-and-cheap-website-options-for-small-businesses/


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