谷歌数字图书馆_如何在没有联系的情况下找到6位数字的工作-提示使我获得了Google和其他技术巨头的工作机会. ...

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选择匿名的用户   2021-5-30 02:04   381   0
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<p>Shortly after college, I began chasing something many people want but few ever get: a job they love.</p>
<p> 大学毕业后不久,我开始追求许多人想要但很少有人得到的东西:他们热爱的工作。 </p>
<p>I left school with a biology degree and a job in the medical field. It took me about two weeks to realize I absolutely hated it.</p>
<p> 我以生物学学位和医学领域的工作离开了学校。 我花了大约两个星期才意识到我绝对讨厌它。 </p>
<p>I was working 6 days a week, waking up at 3:30am in order to be at the hospital by 5:30. Making next to nothing, I quickly racked up $10,000 in credit card debt. I knew I deserved more, but I had no idea how to get it.</p>
<p> 我每周工作6天,要在凌晨3:30醒来,以便在5:30之前到医院。 我几乎一无所获,很快就积10,000了10,000美元的信用卡债务。 我知道我应该得到更多,但是我不知道如何得到它。 </p>
<p>I saw people in my graduating class living in New York or San Francisco, making six figure salaries and going on exotic trips. I often wondered what they had figured out that I hadn’t. What was their secret?</p>
<p> 我看到即将毕业的班上的人们住在纽约或旧金山,挣六位数的薪水,然后去异国旅行。 我经常想知道他们发现我没有发现什么。 他们的秘密是什么? </p>
<p>I dedicated the next 12 months of my life to finding the answer. In this article I’m going to share everything I learned along the way.</p>
<p> 我将生命的接下来的12个月用于寻找答案。 在本文中,我将分享我在此过程中学到的一切。 </p>
<p>First, I’ll walk you through the exact process you can use to get a job interview at your dream company even if you don’t know a single person there — you won’t even need to apply online.</p>
<p> 首先,我将指导您完成在梦I以求的公司中进行面试的确切过程,即使您在那儿不认识一个人,甚至都不需要在线申请。 </p>
<p>Next, I’ll teach you how to ace the interview process, get the offer, and land a salary you deserve.</p>
<p> 接下来,我将教您如何应对面试过程,获得录用通知以及应得的薪水。 </p>
<p>I personally used these exact strategies to get interviews and offers at companies like Google, Uber and Twitter. They are also the same tactics that <a href="">my students have used to land interviews and offers at Google, Microsoft, Slack, Deloitte, PWC, American Express, ESPN and more</a>.</p>
<p> 我个人使用这些确切的策略来接受Google,Uber和Twitter等公司的采访和报价。 它们也是<a href="">我的学生用来在Google,Microsoft,Slack,Deloitte,PWC,American Express,ESPN等进行采访和提供采访</a>的相同策略。 </p>
<h3 id="referrals-are-the-most-effective-way-to-get-hired"> 推荐是最有效的雇用方式 <span style="font-weight: bold;">(</span>Referrals Are The Most Effective Way To Get Hired<span style="font-weight: bold;">)</span></h3>
<p>A recent LinkedIn survey on talent trends showed that <a href="">1 in 3 people were actively looking for new work</a>. As of January 2017, the <a href="">population of employed people in the United States was 123 million</a>. This means that, at any given time, 41 million people are looking for work.</p>
<p> LinkedIn最近对人才趋势进行的调查显示,每<a href="">3个人中就有1个人正在积极寻找新工作</a> 。 截至2017年1月, <a href="">美国就业人口为1.23亿</a> 。 这意味着在任何给定时间,有4100万人正在寻找工作。 </p>
<p>On average, an <a href="">open role at a well known company gets ~250 resumes</a>. 75% of these resumes came from some sort of online portal (like the company’s online application, or a career aggregator site like</p>
<p> 平均而言, <a href="">在一家知名公司</a>的<a href="">公开职位可获得约250份简历</a> 。 这些简历中的75%来自某种在线门户网站(例如公司的在线应用程序,或职业整合网站,例如。 </p>
<p>Once submitted, these applications are screened by Applicant Tracking software that scans them for keywords. At the end of the process, ~5 resumes make it into the hands of a recruiter. That’s 2% at best.</p>
<p> 提交后,这些应用程序就会通过申
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