在Algs4中导入Stdlib.jar 和 algs4.jar包后程序仍然无法使用包中已定义的函数,并且程序无法 import相应的类。试了很多方法不成功,后面看到官网下载这两个包网页的底部有答疑:
Q. If I use a named package to structure my code, the compiler can no longer access the libraries in stdlib.jar or algs4.jar. Why not?
A. The libraries in stdlib.jar and algs4.jar are in the "default" package. In Java,you can't access classes in the default package from a named package. If you need to use our libraries with a named package, you can use these package versions: stdlib-package.jar and algs4-package.jar.
这里stdlib.jar下面包的名字是default package
2、或者 看
If you need to use our libraries with a named package, you can use these package versions: stdlib-package.jar and algs4-package.jar.
祝好运~~~~ |