1、Vis.js 官网:vis.js - A dynamic, browser based visualization library. github地址:GitHub - almende/vis: Dynamic, browser-based visualization library 在github上有4000多颗星,还蛮受欢迎的;
2、JointJS 官网:JointJS - the HTML 5 JavaScript diagramming library. github地址:GitHub - clientIO/joint: JavaScript diagramming library 在github上有1900多颗星,也不错;
3、GoJS 官网:GoJS Diagrams for JavaScript and HTML, by Northwoods Software github地址:GitHub - NorthwoodsSoftware/GoJS: All GoJS samples, extensions, and documentation
4、Raphal 官网:Raphal—JavaScript Library github地址:GitHub - DmitryBaranovskiy/raphael: JavaScript Vector Library 这个有8000多颗星。。。
5、jsPlumb It uses SVG and runs on all browsers from IE9 and later. 官网:jsPlumb Toolkit
github地址:GitHub - sporritt/jsPlumb: Visual connectivity for webapps 这个效果还不错,星也有2000多。
6、JTopo 这个是国产滴,看上去效果也还行 官网:jTopo |