recersion(int i,int j)为遍历周围棋子的函数在kill函数中调用。
isInBlock(int neighbor)用来判断在遍历周围棋子中是否已经遍历,在recersion函数中调用。
这之中传入的board 实际上就是围棋的用二维数组实现的棋盘
/** * kill the pieces which have no breath 也就是实现围棋的提子功能,如果提子,则返回提子的位置以及种类 * @param board is the go board */ int[] block; int blockLength; public void kill(goboard board){ gopiece[][] maps=board.getMaps(); for(int i = 0;i < 19; i++){ for(int j = 0;j < 19; j++){ if(maps[i][j] == null) continue; else{ block = new int[361]; blockLength = 1; block[0] = i*100 + j; recursion(board,i,j); if(hasQi(board)) continue; else { for(int t = 0;t < blockLength; t++) {//吃子 System.out.println(maps[block[t]/100][block[t]%100]+" at ("+block[t]/100+","+block[t]%100+")"+" was eaten "); maps[block[t]/100][block[t]%100] = null; } } } } } } /** * add the piece to the block * @param board is the go board * @param I is the abscissa . * @param j is the ordinate. */ public void recursion(goboard board,int i,int j){ gopiece[][] maps=board.getMaps(); //Left if(i-1 >= 0 &&maps[i-1][j]!=null&& maps[i][j]!=null&&maps[i-1][j].getColor().equals(maps[i][j].getColor()) && isInBlock((i-1)*100+j)){ block[blockLength] = (i-1)*100 + j; blockLength++; recursion(board,i-1,j); } //Up if(j-1 >= 0 &&maps[i][j-1]!=null&& maps[i][j]!=null&& maps[i][j-1].getColor().equals(maps[i][j].getColor()) && isInBlock(i*100+j-1)){ block[blockLength] = i*100 + j-1; blockLength++; recursion(board,i,j-1); } //Right if(i+1 < 19 &&maps[i+1][j]!=null&& maps[i][j]!=null&& maps[i+1][j].getColor().equals(maps[i][j].getColor()) && isInBlock((i+1)*100+j)){ block[blockLength] = (i+1)*100 + j; blockLength++; recursion(board,i+1,j); } //Down if(j+1 < 19 &&maps[i][j+1]!=null&& maps[i][j]!=null&& maps[i][j+1].getColor().equals(maps[i][j].getColor()) && isInBlock(i*100+j+1)){ block[blockLength] = i*100 + j+1; blockLength++; recursion(board,i,j+1); } } /** * Judging whether there is gas in a block * @param board is the go board */ public boolean hasQi(goboard board){ gopiece[][] maps=board.getMaps(); int i,j; for(int t = 0;t < blockLength; t++){ i = block[t]/100; j = block[t]%100; if(i-1 >= 0 && maps[i-1][j] == null) return true; if(i+1 < 19 && maps[i+1][j] == null) return true; if(j-1 >= 0 && maps[i][j-1] == null) return true; if(j+1 < 19 && maps[i][j+1] == null) return true; } return false; } /** * Judging whether piece is in the block * @param neighbor is the position in block */ public boolean isInBlock(int neighbor){ for(int i = 0;i < blockLength; i++) { if (block[i] == neighbor) return false;//在块中返回false } return true; } |