乘:times/multiplied by
除:divided by
(不)等于:(not)equals/be (not) equal to
大(小)于:be greater(less) than
远远大于(小于):be much/far greater(less)than
约等于:be approximately equal to
正比于:be in direct proportion to
圆(方/尖)括号:round(square/angle) brackets
A:B : the ratio of A to B
x的平均值:x bar(x上面有很多符号,比如hat(^),tilde(~),star(*),prime('),double prime(''))
Δx:delta x
dx:differentia x/dee x/dee of x
下标:suffix/subscript 直接读x i(为x下表i)或者x suffix i或者 x subscript i或者x sub i
绝对值:the absolute of x
x趋近与无穷:x approaches infinity
a大于(小于)等于b:a is greater(less) than or equal to b
0<x<1:x is greater than 0 and less than 1
x的阶乘:x factorial
幂函数通用的表示方法(也是用开根):x to the power n(特殊的如平方(square),三次方(cubed))
对数:the log of n to the base a
p=》q:if p ,then q
p《=》q:p holds if and only if q holds
元素a属于集合A:a is a member of A/a belongs to A
集合A为集合B的(真)子集:A isproperly contained of B/B contains A properly/A is aproper subset of
交集:A cap B/the intersection of A and B
并集:A cup B/the union set of A and B