- Point your web browser here,
- Download of copy of buildroot
- Unpack the tarball on your Linux system somewhere
- Edit the Makefile as needed if you wish to change anything.
- run 'unset CC'. Then run 'unset CXX'. Some Linux systems(i.e. Gentoo) set variables such as 'CC' in the system environmentwhich really messes things up when cross compiling.
- run 'make menuconfig'
- Select the things you want to build. If you only want atoolchain, leave everything except the toolchain disabled.
- save your buildroot configuration.
- run 'make'
- go eat a nice wholesome sandwich, drink a pop, call a friend,play a video game, and generally find something to do. While youare waiting, buildroot will download all the needed source code andthen compile things up for you.
- You should now have a shiny new toolchain, and maybe even a shinynew uClibc based root filesystem or development system, depending onthe options you selected.
2. 编译预处理选项中, 下面的参数你看看: -Bprefix 这个选项指出在何处寻找可执行文件,库文件,以及编译器自己的数据文件. 编译器驱动程序需要执行某些下面的子程序: `cpp', `cc1' (或C++的 `cc1plus'), `as'和`ld'.他把prefix当作欲执行的程序的 前缀,既可以包括也可以不包括`machine/version/'. 对于要运行的子程序,编译器驱动程序首先试着加上`-B'前缀(如果存在).如果没有找到文件,或没有指定 `-B'选项,编译器接着会试验两个标准前缀`/usr/lib/gcc/'和 `/usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/'.如果仍然没能够找到所需文件,编译器就在`PATH'环境变量 指定的路径中寻找没加任何前缀的文件名. 如果有需要,运行时(run-time)支持文件`libgcc.a'也在`-B'前缀的搜索范围之内. 如果这里没有找到,就在上面提到的两个标准前缀中寻找,仅此而已.如果上述方法没有找到这个文件,就不连接他了.多数 情况的多数机器上, `libgcc.a'并非必不可少.
make source 下载软件 ctrl +C停住 用 迅雷下载后使用smb拷贝到ubuntu。