hyperterminal使用教程_hyperterminal 教程

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第二步,进入 Windows98,Windows NT,Windows 2000,Windows XP 附件中的 Hyperterminal(超级终端),选择有关 Communication Setting 的选项。如果您安装了 PowerChute ......

输出终端 n Windows下Hyperterminal、 DNW、Secure...

3. 运行笔记本电脑 Windows 系统中的超级终端(HyperTerminal)程序(通常在"附件"程序组中)。对 超级终端的配置与交换机或路由器的配置一样,参见本教程前面有关介绍......

启动终端仿真程序如 HyperTerminal,设置 串口参数为: 2400bp...

'*'indicates the current baudrate | Change The HyperTerminal's Baudrate Accordingly | | |------| |<1> 9600(Default)* | |<2......

Do not run any applications that occupy the module’s ports, such as HyperTerminal. Issue 01 (2013-04-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright ......

HYPERTERMINAL? of Hilgraeve Incorporated...

步骤 1:建立与路由器 R1 的 HyperTerminal 会话。 步骤 2:...

HyperTerminal can be accessed from the start menu: Select Start è Programs è Accessories è Communications è HyperTerminal Version 1.1 Getting Started ......

MAX Requirements HYOACK MAX 的必 要条件 RS-422 If it talks in HYPER TERMINAL, it should talk to us. BCD You?ll need a special interface card, a......

(3)主函数(main.c) 图 4 获取转换结果函数 图 5 主函数 (4)通过超级终端下载程序 ①设置超级终端 ⅰ 运行Windows 系统下的超级终端(HyperTerminal)应用程序,......

实验一 1.1 实验名称博创 UP:运行 Windows 系统下的 超级终端(HyperTerminal)应用程序,新建一个通信终端;在接下来 的对话框中选择 ARM 开发平台实际连接的 PC ......

Software (DVD) and documentation 3 Open your preferred serial console window (TeraTerm, HyperTerminal, PuTTY) and connect to the COM port for the EVM ......

2. Start a terminal program such as HyperTerminal. 3. Set the terminal program to: o 9600 baud rate o 8 data bits o No parity o 1 stop bit o......

神州数码DCFW1800防火墙配置 第一部分 DCFW1800防火墙基本配置 网络安全无忧 源自神州数码 定义HyperTerminal name 1.1通过串口登陆防火墙进行初始配置 网络安全无忧 源......

四.下载 MODBUS 通讯程序 ASC 模块中的 MODBUS 通讯程序通过 WINDOWS 的超级终端软件 (HyperTerminal)下载。超级终端软件位于 WINDOWS 9X/NT/2000 附件-通讯部分, ......

? ? Download a binary file from the HyperTerminal to the STM32F3xx internal Flash memory. Upload the STM32F3xx internal Flash memory content (starting......

(2)连接到控制台端口 利用一个RJ-45到DB-9适配器(商家提供)将交叉线 的另一端连接到运行终端模拟软件(如 ProCommor或HyperTerminal)的控制终端,PC 机或笔记本......

common.c: contains functions related to read/write from/to the USART peripheral ymodem.c: is used to receive/send the data from/to the HyperTerminal ......

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