本文适合有Java编程经验的程序员快速熟悉Python 本文程序在windows xp+python3.1a1 测试通过. 本文提到的idle指python shell,即安装python后你在菜单看到的IDLE(python gui) 在idle里ctrl+n可以打开一个新窗口,输入源码后ctrl+s可以保存,f5运行程序. 凡打开新窗口即指ctrl+n的操作. 1 你好
#打开新窗口,输入: #! /usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf8 -*-
s1=input("Input your name:") print("你好,%s" % s1) '''
知识点: * input("某字符串")函数:显示"某字符串",并等待用户输入. * print()函数:如何打印. * 如何应用中文 * 如何用多行注释 '''
2 字符串和数字 但有趣的是,在javascript里我们会理想当然的将字符串和数字连接,因为是动态语言嘛.但在Python里有点诡异,如下:
#! /usr/bin/python a=2 b="test" c=a+b
#! /usr/bin/python #运行这行程序会出错,提示你字符串和数字不能连接,于是只好用内置函数进行转换 a=2 b="test" c=str(a)+b d="1111" e=a+int(d) #How to print multiply values print ("c is %s,e is %i" % (c,e)) '''
知识点: * 用int和str函数将字符串和数字进行转换 * 打印以#开头,而不是习惯的// * 打印多个参数的方式 '''
3 列表
#! /usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf8 -*- #列表类似Javascript的数组,方便易用 #定义元组 word=['a','b','c','d','e','f','g'] #如何通过索引访问元组里的元素 a=word[2] print ("a is: "+a) b=word[1:3] print ("b is: ") print (b) # index 1 and 2 elements of word. c=word[:2] print ("c is: ") print (c) # index 0 and 1 elements of word. d=word[0:] print ("d is: ") print (d) # All elements of word. #元组可以合并 e=word[:2]+word[2:] print ("e is: ") print (e) # All elements of word. f=word[-1] print ("f is: ") print (f) # The last elements of word. g=word[-4:-2] print ("g is: ") print (g) # index 3 and 4 elements of word. h=word[-2:] print ("h is: ") print (h) # The last two elements. i=word[:-2] print ("i is: ") print (i) # Everything except the last two characters l=len(word) print ("Length of word is: "+ str(l)) print ("Adds new element") word.append('h') print (word) #删除元素 del word[0] print (word) del word[1:3] print (word) '''
知识点: * 列表长度是动态的,可任意添加删除元素. * 用索引可以很方便访问元素,甚至返回一个子列表 * 更多方法请参考Python的文档 '''
4 字典
#! /usr/bin/python x={'a':'aaa','b':'bbb','c':12} print (x['a']) print (x['b']) print (x['c']) for key in x: print ("Key is %s and value is %s" % (key,x[key])) '''
知识点: * 将他当Java的Map来用即可. '''
5 字符串 比起C/C++,Python处理字符串的方式实在太让人感动了.把字符串当列表来用吧.
#! /usr/bin/python word="abcdefg" a=word[2] print ("a is: "+a) b=word[1:3] print ("b is: "+b) # index 1 and 2 elements of word. c=word[:2] print ("c is: "+c) # index 0 and 1 elements of word. d=word[0:] print ("d is: "+d) # All elements of word. e=word[:2]+word[2:] print ("e is: "+e) # All elements of word. f=word[-1] print ("f is: "+f) # The last elements of word. g=word[-4:-2] print ("g is: "+g) # index 3 and 4 elements of word. h=word[-2:] print ("h is: "+h) # The last two elements. i=word[:-2] print ("i is: "+i) # Everything except the last two characters l=len(word) print ("Length of word is: "+ str(l))
#! /usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf8 -*- s=input("输入你的中文名,按回车继续"); print ("你的名字是 : " +s) |