首先台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分?这是主权声张,claim to own,
Russian and Chinese sharp power
Authoritarian regimes in Beijing and Moscow are asserting control over the realm of ideas
The authoritarian regimes in China and Russia are preying on the openness of democracies. And this situation presents challenges distinct from the cold war era, which did not afford autocrats so many opportunities for action within democratic societies.
China, especially, has cultivated economic leverage as a tool for getting others to play by its rules, often with the aim of limiting free expression. The spectacle of large international companies bending to the Chinese Communist party’s restrictive standards of expression is chilling.
Beijing and Moscow are claiming larger roles on the global stage. Their ability to exert influence abroad has created a need for new concepts that can adequately describe this new situation.
Chief among them is the idea of sharp power. This describes an approach to international affairs that involves efforts at censorship and the use of manipulation to sap the integrity of independent institutions. Neither “hard” nor “soft” sharp power has the effect of limiting free expression and distorting the political environment. It is sharp in that it seeks to pierce or penetrate the political and information environments of targeted countries.
One well-known recent example of this is Russia’s interference in foreign elections, with the goal of undermining the health and credibility of democratic regimes. China is following suit. Australia and New Zealand have served as testing grounds for intrusions into democratic political institutions by Beijing and its surrogates. Australian authorities have identified an unprecedented effort by the CCP to infiltrate the country’s political and foreign affairs circles, as well as to gain more influence over its growing Chinese population. Similar actions have come to light in New Zealand, where the CCP pursues its political and economic agendas by co-opting local elites and securing access to strategic information and resources.
The corrosive effects of sharp power are not limited to the political realm. They are increasingly felt in the cultural sphere, in academia, the media and publishing. These sectors are crucial in determining how citizens of democracies understand the world around them; but they are also vulnerable to self-censorship. The circumstances surrounding the removal of Stephen Morgan from the management board of the University of Nottingham Ningbo after he wrote an essay critical of the CCP are emblematic of the danger. |