VOA 常速 | 区块链技术追踪食物

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上海中学英语   2020-3-28 03:51   1835   0

VOA Standard English (常速英语) 语速不低于140 words/min,词汇量在4000词以上,句式结构相对复杂,难度高于Special English。
Transcript Note: This may not be a word-for-word transcript.

In a fantasy
world, a celebrity chef like Aaron Sanchez would prepare all of your meals, and
use only sustainably sourced organic produce. Reality is everyone has to
shop for and prepare our own food at some point.在一个虚幻的世界里,像艾伦·桑切斯这样的名厨会为你准备所有的食物,只使用可持续的有机农产品。事实上,每个人都要自己去购物,自己准备食物。How can you be
sure that you're getting the best ingredients? That
those organic vegetables are in fact organic.你怎么能确定你吃的是最好的食材呢?这些有机蔬菜实际上是有机的。IBM thinks the
solution lies in blockchain technology. IBM is connecting the worlds food
supply from farmer to producer, supplier to manufacturer.IBM认为解决方案在于区块链技术。IBM正在把世界粮食供应从农民到生产者、从供应商到制造商连接起来。And so were
connecting it in a secure, shared platform which is blockchain. A
blockchain is a decentralized digital ledger,所以我们把它连接到一个安全的共享平台上,这个平台就是区块链。区块链是一种去中心化的数字分类账,where
transactions are recorded, verified and become permanent and
immutable. With IBM Food Trust, a record of foods journey through the
supply chain is created at each step.其中的交易被记录、验证并具有永久性和不可变性。在IBM Food Trust中,每一步都会创建食品在供应链中的旅程记录。How exactly
does it work? So blockchain uses cryptography and we use hashing.它到底是如何运作的?区块链使用密码学,我们使用哈希算法。And what that
means is the information is connected to each other, and if you try to
change the information, it changes the hashing, so that you know it has been
compromised.这意味着信息是相互联系的,如果你试图改变信息,它会改变哈希算法,这样你就知道它被破坏了。And the
technology can be used for any number of foods, fresh or packaged. So our
consumer can scan a package of scallops, and understand that its coming from a
place that sustainably source, and it is fresh and the best-tasting scallops.这项技术可以用于任何数量的食物,新鲜的或包装好的。因此,我们的消费者可以扫描包装的扇贝,并了解它来自一个可持续的来源,它是新鲜的,味道最好的扇贝。For chefs like
Sanchez, blockchain technology helps engender trust around the food
distribution and handling process. Before I mean the farmer would send it
to a middle person, a distributor, and the distributor would send it to us,对于像桑切斯这样的厨师来说,区块链技术有助于在食品分发和处理过程中建立信任。我的意思是农民会把它寄给中间的人,一个经销商,经销商会把它寄给我们,so it was one
entity removed from the actual farmer. A foods traceability becomes
especially pertinent in the wake of foodborne outbreaks.所以这是一个来自真正农民的实体。食品可追溯性在食源性疾病暴发之后变得尤为重要。You know,
instead of decimating the whole farm because there was one outbreak, now we can
isolate to that one little parcel. With blockchain, farm-to-table takes on
a new meaning.你知道,不是因为一次爆发就摧毁了整个农场,现在我们可以孤立这一小块区域。有了区块链,“从农场到餐桌”有了新的含义。
VOA English  
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