从理论到现实的情况是完全不同的,理论是要学的,但要运用到实际又是另一回事。 理论;然而,在股市的世界里是相当无用的,除非它可以转换成现实。直言不讳:making money is King。 对于小额账户(低于25K),会受到pattern-day-trading (PDT) rule的限制, 不能day trading,很多限制。 Option trading给小额账户挣大钱的机会,而且无论涨跌都能挣钱。特别是跌你会发现他的魅力所在。 下面的这些案例有的是我的,有的是别人与我分享的。都是些非常成功的例子。谁的不重要,重要的是你能在其中学到什么? Option Case Study 1〉 The minimum amount of money needed to “get involved” in this trade was only $59 (it could have been more if you wanted). The trader made money when the price of $AAPL declined. 交易回顾: * Trader buy put option at $ 0.59 * Trader sold put option at $1.00 · 交易者的收益: 69% · 交易时间:55 min 上面the options trade was day-trade; 同样适用于 swing trading strategies, 看下面的实例: 交易回顾: Trader bought put options at $.88 Trader sold the put options at $2.48 Trader’s gain: 182% Time of Trade: 12/29/14 (BUY) – 12/21/14 (SELL) 看下面这个实例: The first trade was buying options at $1.61 (minimum amount needed to “get involved” = $161) and then selling for $1.90 for a day-trade gain of 18%. The second trade was buying options at $1.58 (minimum amount needed to “get involved” = $158) and then selling them for a day-trade gain of 14%. 这两个实例随便玩玩,没有想象的那么多收益,但很简单很容易。 Option Case Study 2> Thanks to GoPro, Inc. (GPRO) options they were able to pull in a gain of $1,600… in one day. The minimum amount of money needed to “get involved” in this trade was $385 (it could have been more if you wanted). The trader made money when the price of $GPRO declined. 交易回顾: Trader boughtput options at $4.10 and $3.60, bring their cost average to $3.85 Trader sold the options at $4.68 Trader’s gain: 21.5% ($1,660 profit) Time of Trade: 5 hours Option Case Study 3> 下面这个表可以看到其实止损是很重要的。看到什么不对赶快退出(当然,你最多损失的是premium),看第一笔:
下一笔:googl The minimum amount of money needed to “get involved” in this trade involving a stock that was trading over $500 per share was $315 (it could have been more if you wanted). The trader made money when the price of $GOOGL declined. Like a normal stock, this trader slowly scaled out of their position. You don’t have to sell everything at once if you don’t want to. 交易回顾: Trader bought options at $3.15 Trader sold the options at $3.70 and $5.10 Trader’s gain: 17.5% and 62% gains Time of Trade: Less than 1 hour Option Case Study 4> The minimum amount of money needed to “get involved” in this trade involving a stock that was trading over $500 per share was $295 (it could have been more if you wanted). The trader made money when the price of $GOOG declined. 交易回顾: Trader bought options at $2.95 Trader sold the options at $4.50 Trader’s gain: 52.5% gains Time of Trade: Less than 45 minutes Option Case Study 5> call option 下面这个实例展现了:当你买了以后发现错了怎么办? The trade idea was wrong, 怎样止损。 The minimum amount of money needed to “get involved” in this trade was $95 (it could have been more if you wanted). I made money when the price of $AAPL increased (call option). 我的交易理念是购买的回调,然后寻找一个快速的反弹。反弹的确发生了,但很快,出乎我意料,反弹跑出在一眨眼的功夫。看到这一幕,我意识到我的想法是错的,所以我退出了交易。 交易回顾: I bought call options at $.95 I sold the call options at $1.04 My gain: 9.5% gains Time of Trade: Less than 5 minutes 结束语: * option trading can make big gain, 但陪也陪得挺快;所以我自己绝不使用多于10% 的账户资金; * 找准方向很重要; * 只做自己熟悉的股。我跟踪NFlx一年以上,最后只在最后几个月make profit; * 学习是一个血淋淋的过程,你只有出了血了才会真正总结。 讲的不对请指正,多多包涵! |