A Brief Story of Bitcoin

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Olly_Zhang   2018-11-20 23:35   3970   0
[h3]2008.11.1 Bitcoin white paper released[/h3]Bitcoin first time mentioned by Satoshi Nakamoto in
[h3]2009.1.4 Genesis block created[/h3]
New version Bitcoin trading system set it as number 0 block[h3]2009.1.12 First bitcoin transaction[/h3]100 bitcoin sent to developers, cryptographic Hal Finney,50 bitcoin as reward
[h3]2009.10.5 $ = 1309.03 BTC[/h3][h3]2009.12.30 Mining difficulty first time increase.[/h3]
To maintain the constant speed of mining at 10 mins per block, difficulty is adjusted[h3]2010. 7.12 First time prices violently fluctuated [/h3]
0.008$/BTC - 0.080$/BTC
GPU mining start[h3]2011.6.29 Bitcoin wallet[/h3]Bitpay launch the first mobile pay electric bitcoin wallet
[h3]2011.7 Unsettled case[/h3]the third biggest BTC exchange Bitomat announced they lost the permission to read Wallet.dat which means they lost totally 17,000 BTC hold on behalf of clients.
[h3]2012.8.14 Suomen Pankin verkkopalvelu admit legitimacy of Bitcoin[/h3][h3]2012.9.27 Bitcoin Community founded[/h3][h3]2012.11.28 The first halving reward from 50 to 25 bitcoins[/h3][h3]2013.10.25 FBI new millionaire of bitcoin[/h3]
[h3]2013.11.29 Bitcoin value first time exceed Gold[/h3]
1242$/BTC  1241.98$/oz[h3]2013.12.5 中国五部委 issues 《关于防范比特币风险的通知》, bitcoin price dropped. RMB-power service ceased. Bitcoin dropped to 2011 RMB.[/h3][h3]2014.12.11 Microsoft accepts Bitcoin pay[/h3][h3]2015.12.16 Bitcoin security issued[/h3][h3]2016.7.20 Bitcoin second halving reward[/h3]
[h3]2017. 2 The People's Bank Of China testing cryptocurrency[/h3][h3]2017.9.20 China's bitcoin crackdown forces exchanges to close. The price is crashing[/h3][h2]2018.6.11 The price is crashing again[/h2]
图片发自论坛App[h2]2018.5 CCID issued ranking on 31 cryptocurrency[/h2]
BTC drop to No.17However, 2018 Blockchain and Initial Coin Offering Investment already exceeds 2017 total

$363 million raised by brokerage app provider Robinhood, raised to expand its crypto trading platform to all 50 U.S. states
$250 million raised by blockchain banking tech developer Revolut
$110 million raised by peer-to-peer payments company Circle
$77 million raised by cryptocurrency wallet manufacturer Ledger
$65 million raised by Paxos to scale its blockchain platform
$38 million raised by Harbor for its tokenized compliance platform for private securities trading
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