Part 1一般回答3-4句就可以,非常随意,无所谓什么逻辑性,只要保证流利就ok,问的问题也很生活化,一般不会有不知道怎么回答的,但还是建议事先看看题库,对几个不太熟悉的话题(比如sky,cooking等)先准备准备;
Part 2的题库大概有50个话题,有些话题可以合并,所以也就40个左右,我的办法是自己写讲稿(2分钟按照我的语速大概是260词,大家可以依据自己的情况调整),背下来,考试的时候直接背出来就是了。有些人可能会认为这样做工作量太大,但是亲测以后发现,自己写的东西其实很好背,一个话题卡写完以后先过2遍,再模拟1遍,完全可以背下来(我是可以基本一字不差)。
Part 3的要义就是要一直说,考官要是不示意停下,就一直说。现在想想当时第一次考试,就是把Part 3当作Part 1来答,每个问题就说了3-4句,自己很知趣地就停住了,现在想想真是太蠢。另外,Part 3最好可以按照一个固定的思维程序走,这样避免了无话可说的尴尬,也展现出了一定的逻辑性,下面会提到这点。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tips: 1. 一定要模拟考,最好是面对真人进行模拟(淘宝上外教模考有很多,我在准备的时候进行了大概7次左右的模考,不打广告,大家自己去淘宝上看看;如果有亲朋好友也可以让他们作主考官),并且一定要录音。好处至少有三个:对时间的把握;对语言的把握;对语音的把握。第一点无需多说,下面的两条建议分别针对第二点和第三点。
2. 对语言的把握:听听自己的回答,会发现其实不知不觉中有一些出现频率很高的词语(不管话题是什么),这时我们要做的是找出这些词语的同义表达,并在下次回答的时候有意识地运用这些自己不常用的同义表达以丰富lexical resources。比如,I think如果用太多次就会显得自己水平很low,那就可以用the way I see it, to my understanding, I feel, in my opinion这样的词组去替换,马上就和其他考生拉开差距了。再比如very,可以换作rather, pretty, quite, extremely等等,这不难吧,不需要背单词,不需要长期积累,只要稍作注意,立竿见影。
我的总结是:一句话结尾一定要把语调压下去,之前则要出现多个扬起,比如:Two factors weigh heavily against the effectiveness of scientific research in industry,这句话大概可以这样划下意群Two factors/ weigh heavily/ against the effectiveness/ of scientific research/ in industry,那么前面几个意群的最后一个单词可以选择几个有意识地读升调(不要全部往上扬,不然太累),比如factors, effectiveness, research,然后industry一定要读降调,把整个句子带到一个natural ending。这样的话一个句子有升(factors, effectiveness, research)有降(heavily, industry),会好听很多。
7. Part 3的答题思路。不得不说,Part 3中有些问题比较容易有话说,比如What can we do to ease traffic conjestion?我们可以从政府,个人,企业很多角度来答,个人又可以说很多具体措施,少开车,不要在高峰期出行等等,很容易答到考官喊停(也就1分钟)。但是有些题目比较抽象,这个时候按照一套固定的模式去答题会很容易。
分别解释一下,第一步有点像是写作的第一段,转述题目,用自己的表达,一方面显示自己的词汇量,一方面给自己一点时间想下后面的答案。第二步给出一个直接的回答,yes或者no,如果是What can we do to……就说点总体的,比如We can take a lot of measures/It needs the joint efforts of……and……第三步是对自己的答案做出点解释,第四步是从自己的生活出发,把抽象变成形象,说一些自己的生活经历(比如“What are the differences between the toys boy like and those girls like,就可以说自己小时候喜欢什么玩具)。Alternative指的是说说反面的情况,比如前面交通问题的应对措施,就可以说如果不采取这些措施,会有什么后果。Assessment/suggetions指的是对于问题的subject进行评价或者给出建议,又是那个玩具的问题,就可以说我认为这有助于shaping gender identity或者这样不好,会形成gender discrimination,又或者给出建议,父母应该重视孩子自己的喜好,不要想当然地觉得男孩喜欢变形金刚,女孩喜欢芭比娃娃。可能有些人会觉得这一部分偏题了,但实际上切题的部分我们已经在之前答完了,现在是合理的拓展,是为了答够时间,如果之前答够了,这一部分可以不说。最后一定要有一个natural conclusion,把自己的大意再重复一下,增强答案的逻辑性。不要说完了conclusion想到什么了又要继续说,说完了就是说完了,打住,这是自信的表现,况且不是每个问题都要等到考官打断你,有一两个足够。
like ≈ partial/ It's my cup of tea. / It's right up my alley.
Watch TV 这个行为 ≈ guilty pleasure / couch potato:a lazy person who does nothing but sit on the couch and watch television.
Please don't lie around like a couch potato. 请不要躺着像个couch potato。
A: oh~okay, well…TV is my guilty pleasure. It's what I do every afternoon when I get home from work so I watch lots of programs. Detective series are really my cup of tea but I'm also partial to soap operas and even reality shows, so I guess anything goes.
(1) guilty pleasure: Something, such as a film, television programme, or piece of music, that are enjoyable despite feeling that it is not generally held in high regard.
A cigarette every now and then is a guilty pleasure for me. 随时随地抽根烟是我的一个坏习惯。
A. Again! Brainstorming! 根据关键词想近义词/短语/俚语,并记录在小卡片上。
B. 确定主体对象,以及描述的角度,写几个简单的词形成答题逻辑。
Q:Describe the politest person you know.
Who is this person?
What is this person's relationship to you?
What does this person like to do?
Why do you think this is the politest person you know?
第一步:在脑海中搜索polite的近义词,比如gentleman, respectful, courteous, chivalrous, gracious...俚语,minds his P's and Q's。
The topic you choose to talk about is important, it is relavant, is it a friend that you get on with like a house on fire? is it a parent who always be with you? is it a work colleague who can always be relied on? Think about the person try and imagine that person doing something that is really kind and gracious and polite.
Answer this question from other IELTS question: extreme sports.
This person is an adrenaline junkie. he loves dangerous sports, risky sports, things like skydiving or if I'm talking about someone like my mother for example, then I would just use maybe low-key, activities like she loves to play around of gulf or she loves shopping up a storm, or cooking up a storm. Choose vocabularies and phrases that are relavant and that sounds natural.
The easies way to deal with this that I would do in an exam is by relating some anecdotes something that happened with the person showed really courteous behaviour, giving up his seat for someone on the bus. That's a basic one but the moment I start telling a story. I also become very fluent.
(2) minds his P's and Q's: 剑桥词典的解释是 —to make an effort to be especially polite in a particular situation:在特殊场合下,表现得特别礼貌。
I have to mind my p's and q's when I'm with my grandmother. 当我和我的祖母在一起时,我必须表现得特别礼貌。
(3) get along with like a house on fire:剑桥词典的解释是 — If two people get on like a house on fire, they like each other very much and become friends very quickly:
I was worried that they wouldn't like each other but in fact they're getting on like a house on fire. 我原本担心他们不会喜欢对方,但实际上他们相处得特别融洽。
(4) adrenaline junkie: Urban Dictionary的解释是 — Someone who seek out and craves thrilling adventures and/or activities to get an adrenaline rush:
Carey Hart flipped his bike back backward because he is such the adrenaline junkie. Carey Hart把他的自行车反转过来因为他是一个沉迷于追求刺激的人。
之后的所有问题,注意,是Part1剩下的所有问题,要逼着自己回答出3-4句话来,不要考官问你,你喜欢坐船么,你答一个yes I do就完事儿了。要尽可能的让答案饱满。像这样的答案就会充实很多:Well, I liked boating when I was a child ,it was easy and breezy.But recently I prefer to drive because (u know),driving is much faster . 四级水平的句子吧(说不定还有语法错误),但是如果你很自信地,比较流利地这样作答,期间骚骚地偶尔用u know作为停顿,还怕自己拿不到6么?。
开头 可以用well,遇到态度肯定的答案 可以回答absolutely....句中多用definitely,obviously修饰,举几个例子:Do you like swimming? Absolutely/Definitely!!!!!!,swimming is pretty interesting, obviously it benefits a lot to our health 也不要用太多,整个part1 每个词各用一次差不多了。
u know....每个回答都可以用一个u know 用的要自然,句中停顿处,u know这两个词不用发音太清楚,然后咽口水,给自己一个缓冲的时间。切忌用太多