如何评价第 65 届格莱美奖获奖名单?

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期权匿名问答   2023-2-7 22:18   5936   5
年度制作(通项)About Damn Time - Lizzo
年度专辑(通项)Harry’s House - Harry Styles
年度歌曲(通项)Just Like That - Bonnie Raitt
年度新人(通项)Samara Joy
最佳流行歌手  Easy on Me - Adele
最佳流行对唱/组合  Unholy - Sam Smith and Kim Petras
最佳传统流行演唱专辑  Higher - Michael Bublé
最佳流行演唱专辑  Harry's House - Harry Styles
最佳舞曲/电子乐制作  BREAK MY SOUL - Beyoncé
最佳舞曲/电子音乐专辑  Renaissance - Beyoncé
最佳当代器乐演奏专辑  Empire Central - Snarky Puppy
最佳摇滚歌手  Broken Horses - Brandi Carlile
最佳金属乐表演  Degradation Rules - Ozzy Osbourne Featuring Tony Iommi
最佳摇滚歌曲  Broken Horses - Brandi Carlile, Phil Hanseroth & Tim Hanseroth, songwriters (Brandi Carlile)
最佳摇滚专辑  Patient Number 9 - Ozzy Osbourne
最佳另类音乐专辑  Wet Leg - Wet Leg
最佳R&B歌手  Hrs & Hrs - Muni Long
最佳传统R&B歌手  PLASTIC OFF THE SOFA - Beyoncé
最佳R&B歌曲  CUFF IT - Beyoncé
最佳创新R&B专辑  Gemini Rights - Steve Lacy
最佳R&B专辑  Black Radio III - Robert Glasper
最佳说唱歌手  The Heart Part 5 - Kendrick Lamar
最佳旋律说唱歌手  WAIT FOR U - Future Featuring Drake & Tems
最佳说唱歌曲  The Heart Part 5 - Jake Kosich, Johnny Kosich, Kendrick Lamar & Matt Schaeffer, songwriters (Kendrick Lamar)
最佳说唱专辑  Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers - Kendrick Lamar
最佳乡村歌手 Live Forever - Willie Nelson
最佳乡村组合 Never Wanted To Be That Girl - Carly Pearce & Ashley McBryde
最佳乡村歌曲 'Til You Can't - Matt Rogers & Ben Stennis, songwriters (Cody Johnson)
最佳乡村专辑  A Beautiful Time - Willie Nelson
最佳新世纪专辑Mystic Mirror - White Sun
最佳爵士乐器独奏Endangered Species - Wayne Shorter & Leo Genovese, soloist
最佳爵士演唱专辑Linger Awhile - Samara Joy
最佳爵士演奏专辑New Standards Vol. 1 - Terri Lyne Carrington, Kris Davis, Linda May Han Oh, Nicholas Payton & Matthew Stevens
最佳大爵士乐团专辑Generation Gap Jazz Orchestra - Steven Feifke, Bijon Watson, Generation Gap Jazz Orchestra
最佳拉丁爵士专辑Fandango At The Wall In New York - Arturo O'Farrill & The Afro Latin Jazz Orchestra Featuring The Congra Patria Son Jarocho Collective
最佳拉丁流行音乐专辑Pasieros - Rubén Blades & Boca Livre
最佳拉丁摇滚或另类专辑MOTOMAMI - Rosalía
最佳热带拉丁专辑Pa'lla Voy - Marc Anthony
最佳蓝草音乐Crooked Tree - Molly Tuttle & Golden Highway
最佳传统布鲁斯专辑Get On Board - Taj Mahal & Ry Cooder
最佳当代布鲁斯专辑Brother Johnny - Edgar Winter
最佳民俗音乐Revealer - Madison Cunningham
最佳本土音乐专辑Live At The 2022 New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival - Ranky Tanky
最佳雷鬼专辑The Kalling - Kabaka Pyramid
最佳世界音乐歌手Bayethe - Wouter Kellerman, Zakes Bantwini & Nomcebo Zikode
最佳世界音乐专辑Sakura - Masa Takumi
最佳儿童音乐专辑The Movement - Alphabet Rockers
最佳有声读物旁白故事专辑Finding Me - Viola Davis
最佳喜剧专辑The Closer - Dave Chappelle
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期权匿名回答  16级独孤 | 2023-2-7 22:18:46 发帖IP地址来自 中国
2023年第65届Grammy Award:Post-pandemic下的时代更迭

  • 「拉丁新宇宙」
  • 「文艺复兴?」
  • 「嘻哈王朝的兴衰」
  • 「野蛮生长与自然传承」
  • 「AB面人生 - 终究难敌现实的神话」

  • 「拉丁新宇宙」

Bad Bunny, Best Música Urbana Album 两届卫冕得主(该奖仅设立两年)

溢满屏幕的热带风情,2022年度全球音乐流媒体之王,Best Música Urbana Album创立至今的两届卫冕得主Bad Bunny,在向世界昭告着Latin Music多年来厚积薄发的强大野心与华丽复兴。在2015年主流乐坛全面黑人化后已有七八年时间,Latin Music无疑是众多谋求创新与变革的Option B。2022年风头无两的Motomami、各大乐评新宠Un Verano Sin Ti、乃至于2023年初Shakira与前夫的大型撕逼单曲,均为这场睽围多年的拉丁音乐复兴贡献己力。Grammy所背负多年的保守固化的形象,也在这场拉丁狂欢的序幕中快速消退。
2. 「文艺复兴?」

Jazz歌手Samara Joy获Best New Artist

最佳新人提名,似乎暴露出了青黄不接的新生一代;奖项的最终颁发纵然与主流预测的Latto或Mneskin截然不同,不过在以John Batiste凭借Jazz爆冷拿下上一张年度专辑后,我们大可平复心绪,毕竟谁能想到,也许早已退隐主流视线的Jazz,即将在接下来的年代中带领我们重新探索那种睽围已久的平和与舒缓呢?

Lizzo获Record Of The Year

About Damn Time,不折不扣的高质量热单,拿奖实至名归。不过对Lizzo,个人观点而言不太讨喜,Drama较多,且有捆绑Political Correctness之嫌。

Bonnie Raitt获Song Of The Year

在2022年一众大热单曲中悄无声息地脱颖而出,展现的是Bonnie Raitt对Folk数十年如一日的执着与坚守,也是Grammy不忘前人、坚持全流派传续的力证。曾经的自己也在一年又一年地埋怨着,为什么Grammy总为这类音乐做出顽固的坚守,现在来看方知年少浅薄:多样性、传承性,才是创新与变革的根基。
3. 「嘻哈王朝的兴衰」

Kendrick Lamar第四次获Best Rap Album

Jay Z领衔压轴表演

五年前,第60届Grammy通过临时迁往纽约举办的独特仪式安排,庆祝着自己成为全球现代音乐主宰者的甲子春秋。彼时意气风发的开普敦之子,借着东风,手握DAMN,第三次狂扫Rap类奖项而正式宣告着继Kanye West之后成为新一代King of Hip Hop。
正所谓有人欢喜有人忧,那一年对于东海岸领袖Jay Z而言,无疑充满了“廉颇老矣, 尚能饭否”的无力与落寞感。在Beyonce于第59届Grammy以当代神作Lemonade铩羽而归后,自己的4:44,又以Classic Rap狂揽八项提名却颗粒无收,重蹈了妻子的覆辙,甚至因其在自己的发迹之地纽约而更显尴尬。二人竭尽全力创造的Roc Nation商业帝国,似乎第一次面临着顶端图腾的褪色危机。Jay Z像一只老去的狮王一样,彼时只能在夫妻专辑Everything is Love中发泄着“Fuck 0 for 8 sh*t”的幽怨忿恨。
可就像历任登顶黑人音乐世界的王一样,Kendrick Lamar在三大奠基之作后,也不可避免地进入了相对沉寂。Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers,纵使是K.Dot在身为人父后的自我沉淀,也绝对称得上是精品佳作,却也终究失去了那种被底层大众所崇拜乃至信仰的王者之尊。领奖台上的Kendrick Lamar,依旧是那么谦逊温和,但怕是已经像To Pimp A Butterfly所言,再度破茧成蝶,只不过这一次丧失了那些惊世骇俗的华丽感。
而依托于2000年代的艺术造诣与2010年代商业成就的完美结合,圣经餐桌前的Jay Z,如今已经可以悠然端坐在耶稣主位上,享受着黑人音乐世界的众生朝拜。

Jack Antonoff第二次获Producer Of The Year, Non-Classical

4. 「野蛮生长与自然传承」


2022年爆款单曲Unholy(Sam Smith & Kim Petras)

直播现场的欢呼声、背后荧屏的形象驻留、本月初The Celebration Tour全球各地门票发售即立刻告罄的盛况,在持续昭示着这位统治乐坛长达40年的Queen of Pop,早已与音乐和流行文化融为一体。
当目光不由自主地驻留到Madonna背后荧幕中的Hung Up造型时,这无疑是对其最后一张公认巨作Confessions On A Dancefloor在时隔近二十年的2020年代、为Dua Lipa等人提供了灵感源泉、而掀起新一轮复古Disco的卓越引领者地位的由衷致敬。
而作为Introducee,很难想象,在2015年凭借In The Lonely Hour一专狂揽四大重量级奖项后,沉寂在Adult Contemporary舒适区中多年的Sam Smith,在2022年实现了艺术人格的极速转化,也顺带收获了众多过气歌手梦寐以求的职业生涯第二春。

Sam Smith & Kim Petras获Best Pop Duo/Group Performance

这,大概也是为什么早已入驻摇滚名人堂的Madonna,会与一向唱情歌的Sam Smith产生舞台联系的原因。那种如今伴随着Madonna年事已高而自然衰退的叛逆与野性,如今竟从之前被戏谑为“女版Adele”的Sam Smith身上看到了野蛮生长。岁月催人老即使是在Madonna身上也难以避免,因为当Madonna略显局促紧张的肢体动作和一种少女般的羞怯感被轻而易举地注意到时,大家终究会感慨:天下没有不散的筵席。
然而,当Madonna作为introducer,为Sam Smith的全新本我而拉开序幕的那一刻,也正彰显了Grammy所强调的代际传承与发扬精神,这也正是音乐得以发展和进化的内核。
5. 「AB面人生 - 终究难敌现实的神话 」

专辑发行首周后并未如期出现的逆天数据,即刻宣判着2015年那场足以计入人类音乐工业史册的、划时代的Adult Contemporary复兴,大概率成为了商业绝唱。对于过去曾经被商业奇迹所覆盖住的艺术批判,即使在巨大的销量数据前显得那么微不足道,但细腻敏感的Adele显然探知到了些许音调,也确实在连同外貌重塑的过程中一起做出了改善。不过很可惜,时代的垂怜这一次错过了她。
Las Vegas的驻唱还在进行中,且契合叫好叫座的大众预期,这无疑是她的避风港,也是她在为我们带来新乐章之前的休憩之地。但无论如何,那个当年凭一己之力撑起全球音乐工业半壁江山的神话,到底还是在这个伴随着疫情而极速翻腾的时代洪流中落下了帷幕。


从业超过20年,她极少经历过脱颖而出、称霸群雄的高光时刻,因为不论她的作品多么卓越,总会有一个人会在某一时刻掩盖住她的光芒。纵使在Britney Spears、Christina Aguilera等优秀同代歌手退隐后,她依旧面临着诸如Taylor Swift、Lady Gaga等强劲后辈的竞争。从初期饱受诟病的“炫技”“无情感”,到后期从vocal到艺术人格的全面蜕化,即使早已通过多张划时代巨作奠定了公认的历史地位,她似乎永远缺乏一个高光,去真正地向全世界彻底照亮、照透她。
2013年的同名专辑、2016年的Lemonade、2022年的Renaissance。就私心话而言,站在一个永远不会疲惫、时刻沉浸在其诸多杰出专辑中的普通粉丝,我已经很难通过自身的有限认知去想象,除了已经实现的优秀且不断进化的vocal水平、对于作品立意和深度的无限探索、跨流派的艺术表现能力、甚至于常年正向且低调的公众形象以外,Beyonce到底还需要做到多少,才能够获得一个亏欠她多年的Album Of The Year,来为她早已无可挑剔的职业生涯补全一个句号。


回溯到两年前的颁奖现场,Beyonce以高达28座奖杯成为历史上Grammy获奖最多的女性音乐家,无疑已经先于此而体验到了载入史册的辉煌感。可以清晰地看到,那一时刻的她,是真的喜悦,纯粹、单纯的喜悦。而在2015年Lemonade落败Album Of The Year时的泪状,以及十几个小时前显得极为复杂的微笑中,我相信所有人都已经或多或少产生了情感共鸣。也许,在接受Best Dance/Electronic Music Album的时刻,她就已经预示到了自己将踏入又一轮熟悉的轮回,正如2015年Lemonade接受Best Urban Contemporary Album的那一时刻,如出一辙。这种遗憾,很显然,不是32座奖杯就能够弥补的。

第59届Grammy,Lemonade惜败25,错失Album Of The Year

期权匿名回答  16级独孤 | 2023-2-7 22:19:01 发帖IP地址来自 黑龙江大庆
Harry Styles得格莱美似乎跌破眼镜。不过也有迹可循。他从单飞开始便走上了转型之路,先是用经典摇滚来创造深沉感,与boy band所隔开,第二张专辑走上合成器流行道路,收获首支全美冠单,这些都给他第三张专辑的大爆铺垫。在他二专时期,我曾在他身上看到巨大的潜力,并且觉得当时格莱美会捧他这样一个英国白男,但当时他连通类提名都没有。索性这次流专、年专一起给他,反而让我出乎意料。
先说为什么先前我会认为格莱美会捧他。首先格莱美一直有捧从组合单飞的英国白男的传统,再者他展现出的音乐形象也是一个有些纯情的形象,而在外形上有在尝试突破,更具另类色彩,可以说有相当的转型突破,而且人气稳定,显示出他在之后能有事业的延续和突破。我个人很喜欢《Fine Line》,因为它保持了《Harry Styles》的真诚感,从《Golden》开始一个少年黄金年代演绎的疾速感,《Lights Up》作为首单的MV以及歌词中的青春肆意,《Adore You》和《Falling》的深情人设也挺好卖的,至少我觉得他前景不错。到了《Harry's House》,他的商业人气大爆发,格莱美有了一个新的可以捧的人。
最后,一个最重要的点是,格莱美是很鼓励唱作人传统的,鼓励几个人完成创作而不是庞大的制作团队。这点在神局这里吃亏很明显,因为就连她唯一的年歌也是一群人创作。而《Harry's House》的所有创作人加制作人总共6个人,可以说格莱美是有偏好的。
总之神局的格莱美还是遥遥无期了,我相信格莱美已经失去了在通类肯定她的动力。希望哈卷别走上不思进取的躺赢路线,太多男艺人如此。比起嘉奖哈卷,我倒更希望《As It Was》背后的灵感和才华来源——The Strokes能够继续获得关注(这首歌的创作者曾指出学习了the strokes的鼓点)。
期权匿名回答  16级独孤 | 2023-2-7 22:19:33 发帖IP地址来自 中国
期权匿名回答  16级独孤 | 2023-2-7 22:19:53 发帖IP地址来自 北京
格莱美是自由的,但Bonnie Raitt拿年歌确实不存在不配的问题,人家2000年就进摇滚名人堂了,滚石五百大专辑歌曲百大歌手吉他手(旧版)都有一席之地,作为根源蓝调领域里少数的优秀白人在演唱、创作、吉他演奏等方面的贡献都是卓群的,跟国内更熟悉一些的Joni Mitchell比都不会落多少下风。当然你可以说这一首歌流传度不高,但是格莱美一直是自由的,以前给现场专辑年专的事情都有,而且年歌的提名里几乎全是流行,格莱美的投票制度会导致乡村民谣蓝调(她的风格一直是融合)的票仓都投给她而流行票仓分流,出现这种结果就可以理解了。
所以年专也就可以理解了,学院一直很偏爱做花哨“复古”流行成绩又很好的男歌手(Bruno Mars拿了多少个通类了),不会谈什么出格话题,复古又符合保守取向,对他们来说是很“安全”的选项。
期权匿名回答  16级独孤 | 2023-2-7 22:20:16 发帖IP地址来自 北京



“年度专辑“会花落谁家?Harry Styles!这个奖份量够重,他今晚第二次获奖;又是10位获得提名,adele和碧昂斯都落选了,再一次
Album of the year

“Harry’s House” — Harry Styles | WINNER
“Voyage” — ABBA
“30” — Adele
“Un Verano Sin Ti” — Bad Bunny
“Good Morning Gorgeous (Deluxe)” — Mary J. Blige
“In These Silent Days” — Brandi Carlile
“Music Of The Spheres” — Coldplay
“Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers” — Kendrick Lamar
“Special” — Lizzo


"新人奖"来了...    10位提名,胜率10%
New artist

Samara Joy | WINNER
Omar Apollo
DOMi & JD Beck
Muni Long
Tobe Nwigwe
Molly Tuttle
Wet Leg

诺亚恭喜harry styles获奖

steve lacy表演,98年生于加州


“年度唱片/制作“要来了...   得奖者就是下图左一银色礼服歌手lizzo,她自己惊呆了
Record of the year

“About Damn Time” — Lizzo | WINNER  10个提名,胜出获奖实属不易
“Don’t Shut Me Down” — ABBA
“Easy On Me” — Adele 再次落选
“BREAK MY SOUL” — Beyoncé 再次落选
“Good Morning Gorgeous” — Mary J. Blige
“You And Me On The Rock” — Brandi Carlile Featuring Lucius
“Woman” — Doja Cat
“Bad Habit” — Steve Lacy
“The Heart Part 5” — Kendrick Lamar
“As It Was” — Harry Styles  再次落选


Song of the Year  


“Just Like That” — Bonnie Raitt, songwriter (Bonnie Raitt) | WINNER
“abcdefu” — Sara Davis, GAYLE & Dave Pittenger, songwriters (GAYLE)
“About Damn Time” — Melissa “Lizzo” Jefferson, Eric Frederic, Blake Slatkin & Theron Makiel Thomas, songwriters (Lizzo)
“All Too Well” (10 Minute Version) (The Short Film) — Liz Rose & Taylor Swift, songwriters (Taylor Swift)
“As It Was” — Tyler Johnson, Kid Harpoon & Harry Styles, songwriters (Harry Styles)
” Bad Habit” — Matthew Castellanos, Brittany Fousheé, Diana Gordon, John Carroll Kirby & Steve Lacy, songwriters (Steve Lacy)
“BREAK MY SOUL” — Beyoncé, S. Carter, Terius “The-Dream” Gesteelde-Diamant & Christopher A. Stewart, songwriters (Beyoncé)
“Easy On Me” — Adele Adkins & Greg Kurstin, songwriters (Adele)
“GOD DID” — Tarik Azzouz, E. Blackmon, Khaled Khaled, F. LeBlanc, Shawn Carter, John Stephens, Dwayne Carter, William Roberts & Nicholas Warwar, songwriters (DJ Khaled Featuring Rick Ross, Lil Wayne, Jay-Z, John Legend &Fridayy)
“The Heart Part 5” — Jake Kosich, Johnny Kosich, Kendrick Lamar & Matt Schaeffer, songwriters (Kendrick Lamar)


“年度歌曲“大奖即将颁出... Just Like That

Music's Biggest Night,第一夫人,拜登夫人/吉尔教授来了,全场起立欢迎;好大的惊喜


Pop solo performance

“Easy On Me” — Adele | WINNER 这次赢了Harry Styles(最佳流行专辑得主)
“Moscow Mule” — Bad Bunny
“Woman” — Doja Cat
“Bad Habit” — Steve Lacy
“About Damn Time” — Lizzo
“As It Was” — Harry Styles

恭喜adele(清瘦版)获奖,最佳流行个人表演 Easy On Me

格莱美奖(Grammy Awards),是由美国国家科学院录音艺术与科学学院于1958年主办的音乐类奖项。格莱美奖与电影类的奥斯卡金像奖、电视类的艾美奖、戏剧类的托尼奖共称为美国年度四大娱乐奖项。
格莱美奖涵盖流行、摇滚、R&B、说唱、乡村、福音、爵士、拉丁、古典等音乐类型,由专业人士投票决定奖项获得者。格莱美奖最重要的奖项为四大通类(综合类)奖项:1 年度专辑奖、2 年度制作奖、3 年度歌曲奖和 4 最佳新人奖




说唱歌手Dr Dre(上图中间背对镜头者)获奖,影响力奖项



Dance/electronic music album 最佳舞曲/电子音乐专辑

“Renaissance” — Beyoncé | WINNER
“Fragments” — Bonobo
“Diplo” — Diplo
“The Last Goodbye” — ODESZA
“Surrender” — RFS DU SOL






颁奖场地在洛杉矶 1111 S Figueroa St, Los Angeles, CA 90015

洛杉矶Crypto.com Arena体育馆现场外景





See you again融入其中,致敬好多前辈歌手




最佳说唱专辑奖项 颁出

Rap album最佳说唱专辑

“Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers” — Kendrick Lamar | WINNER
“GOD DID” — DJ Khaled
“I Never Liked You” — Future
“Come Home The Kids Miss You” — Jack Harlow
“It’s Almost Dry” — Pusha T

Harry Styles现场表演,很干净唯美的舞台,没有一点多余突兀色彩


Música urbana album

“Un Verano Sin Ti” — Bad Bunny | WINNER
“TRAP CAKE, VOL. 2” — Rauw Alejandro
“LEGENDADDY” — Daddy Yankee
“La 167” — Farruko
“The Love & Sex Tape” — Maluma
Pop duo/group performance 最佳流行双人表演

“Unholy” — Sam Smith & Kim Petras | WINNER
“Don’t Shut Me Down” — ABBA
“Bam Bam” — Camila Cabello Featuring Ed Sheeran
“My Universe” — Coldplay & BTS
“I Like You (A Happier Song)” — Post Malone & Doja Cat
Country album 最佳乡村音乐专辑

“A Beautiful Time” — Willie Nelson | WINNER
“Growin’ Up” — Luke Combs
“Palomino” — Miranda Lambert
“Ashley McBryde Presents: Lindeville” — Ashley McBryde
“Humble Quest” — Maren Morris



第二场表演 Stevie Wonder乐队

颁奖典礼主持人Trevor Noah 诺亚,南非脱口秀演员

最佳乡村音乐专辑:“A Beautiful Time” — Willie Nelson   缺席领奖
最佳R&B歌曲:“CUFF IT” — Denisia “Blu June” Andrews, Beyoncé, Mary Christine Brockert, Brittany “Chi” Coney, Terius “The-Dream” Gesteelde-Diamant, Morten Ristorp, Nile Rodgers & Raphael Saadiq, songwriters (Beyoncé)
最佳流行专辑:“Harry’s House” — Harry Styles
R&B song 最佳R&B歌曲

“CUFF IT” — Denisia “Blu June” Andrews, Beyoncé, Mary Christine Brockert, Brittany “Chi” Coney, Terius “The-Dream” Gesteelde-Diamant, Morten Ristorp, Nile Rodgers & Raphael Saadiq, songwriters (Beyoncé) | WINNER
“Good Morning Gorgeous” — Mary J. Blige, David Brown, Dernst Emile II, Gabriella Wilson & Tiara Thomas, songwriters (Mary J. Blige)
“Hrs & Hrs” — Hamadi Aaabi, Dylan Graham, Priscilla Renea, Thaddis “Kuk” Harrell, Brandon John-Baptiste, Isaac Wriston & Justin Nathaniel Zim, songwriters (Muni Long)
“Hurt Me So Good” — Akeel Henry, Michael Holmes, Luca Mauti, Jazmine Sullivan & Elliott Trent, songwriters (Jazmine Sullivan)
“Please Don’t Walk Away” — PJ Morton, songwriter (PJ Morton)
Pop vocal album 最佳流行专辑

“Harry’s House” — Harry Styles | WINNER
“Voyage” — ABBA
“2. 30” — Adele  可惜落选啦,不过提名本身就难能可贵
“Music Of The Spheres” — Coldplay
“Special” — Lizzo



第65届格莱美奖The 2023 GRAMMYs, officially known as the 65th GRAMMY Awards, will air live on Sunday, Feb. 5, from Los Angeles' http://Crypto.com Arena
美东时间周日晚八点 直播开始前已宣布的得奖名单:
Producer of the year, non-classical

Jack Antonoff | WINNER
Dan Auerbach
Dernst “D'mile” Emile II
Songwriter of the year, non-classical

Tobias Jesso Jr. | WINNER
Amy Allen
Nija Charles
Laura Veltz
Music film

“Jazz Fest: A New Orleans Story” — (Various Artists); Frank Marshall & Ryan Suffern, video directors; Frank Marshall, Sean Stuart & Ryan Suffern, video producers | WINNER
“Adele One Night Only” — Adele; Paul Dugdale, video director; Raj Kapoor & Ben Winston, video producers
“Our World” — Justin Bieber; Michael D. Ratner, video director; Kfir Goldberg, Andy Mininger & Scott Ratner, video producers
“Billie Eilish Live At The O2” — Billie Eilish; Sam Wrench, video director; Michelle An, Tom Colbourne, Chelsea Dodson & Billie Eilish, video producers
“Motomami (Rosalía Tiktok Live Performance)” — Rosalía; Ferrán Echegaray, Rosalía Vila Tobella & Stillz, video directors
“A Band A Brotherhood A Barn” — Neil Young & Crazy Horse; Dhlovelife, video director; Gary Ward, video producer
Music video

“All Too Well: The Short Film” — Taylor Swift; Taylor Swift, video director; Saul Germaine, video producer | WINNER
“Easy On Me” — Adele; Xavier Dolan, video director; Xavier Dolan & Nancy Grant, video producers
“Yet To Come” — BTS; Yong Seok Choi, video director; Tiffany Suh, video producer
“Woman” — Doja Cat; Child., video director; Missy Galanida, Sam Houston, Michelle Larkin & Isaac Rice, video producers
“The Heart Part 5” — Kendrick Lamar; Dave Free & Kendrick Lamar, video directors; Jason Baum & Jamie Rabineau, video producers
“As It Was” — Harry Styles; Tanu Muino, video director; Frank Borin, Ivanna Borin, Fred Bonham Carter & Alexa Haywood, video producers
Song written for visual media

“We Don’t Talk About Bruno” [From “Encanto”] — Lin-Manuel Miranda, songwriter (Carolina Gaitán - La Gaita, Mauro Castillo, Adassa, Rhenzy Feliz, Diane Guerrero, Stephanie Beatriz & “Encanto” Cast) | WINNER
“Be Alive” [From “King Richard”] — Beyoncé & Darius Scott Dixson, songwriters (Beyoncé)
“Carolina” [From “Where The Crawdads Sing”] — Taylor Swift, songwriter (Taylor Swift)
“Hold My Hand” [From “Top Gun: Maverick”] — Bloodpop & Stefani Germanotta, songwriters (Lady Gaga)
“Keep Rising (The Woman King)” [From “The Woman King”] — Angelique Kidjo, Jeremy Lutito & Jessy Wilson, songwriters (Jessy Wilson Featuring Angelique Kidjo)
“Nobody Like U” [From “Turning Red”] — Billie Eilish & Finneas O'Connell, songwriters (4*Town, Jordan Fisher, Finneas O'Connell, Josh Levi, Topher Ngo, Grayson Villanueva)
Musical theater album

“Into The Woods (2022 Broadway Cast Recording)” — Sara Bareilles, Brian d'Arcy James, Patina Miller & Phillipa Soo, principal vocalists; Rob Berman & Sean Patrick Flahaven, producers (Stephen Sondheim, composer & lyricist) (2022 Broadway Cast) | WINNER
“Caroline, Or Change” — John Cariani, Sharon D Clarke, Caissie Levy & Samantha Williams, principal vocalists; Van Dean, Nigel Lilley, Lawrence Manchester, Elliot Scheiner & Jeanine Tesori, producers; Jeanine Tesori, composer; Tony Kushner, lyricist (New Broadway Cast)
“MJ The Musical” — Myles Frost & Tavon Olds-Sample, principal vocalists; David Holcenberg, Derik Lee & Jason Michael Webb, producers (Original Broadway Cast)
“Mr. Saturday Night” — Shoshana Bean, Billy Crystal, Randy Graff & David Paymer, principal vocalists; Jason Robert Brown, Sean Patrick Flahaven & Jeffrey Lesser, producers; Jason Robert Brown, composer; Amanda Green, lyricist (Original Broadway Cast)
“Six: Live On Opening Night” — Joe Beighton, Tom Curran, Sam Featherstone, Paul Gatehouse, Toby Marlow & Lucy Moss, producers; Toby Marlow & Lucy Moss, composers/lyricists (Original Broadway Cast)
” A Strange Loop” — Jaquel Spivey, principal vocalist; Michael Croiter, Michael R. Jackson, Charlie Rosen & Rona Siddiqui, producers; Michael R. Jackson, composer & lyricist (Original Broadway Cast)
Comedy album

“The Closer” — Dave Chappelle | WINNER
“Comedy Monster” — Jim Gaffigan
“A Little Brains, A Little Talent” — Randy Rainbow
“Sorry” — Louis CK
“We All Scream” — Patton Oswalt
Folk album

“Revealer” — Madison Cunningham | WINNER
“Spellbound” — Judy Collins
“The Light At The End Of The Line” — Janis Ian
“Age Of Apathy” — Aoife O'Donovan
“Hell On Church Street” — Punch Brothers
Spoken word poetry album

“The Poet Who Sat By The Door” — J. Ivy | WINNER
“Black Men Are Precious” — Ethelbert Miller
“Call Us What We Carry: Poems” — Amanda Gorman
“Hiding In Plain View” — Malcolm-Jamal Warner
“You Will Be Someone’s Ancestor. Act Accordingly.” — Amir Sulaiman
Americana album

“In These Silent Days” — Brandi Carlile | WINNER
“Things Happen That Way” — Dr. John
“Good To Be...” — Keb’ Mo’
“Raise The Roof” — Robert Plant & Alison Krauss
“Just Like That...” — Bonnie Raitt
American roots song

“Just Like That” — Bonnie Raitt, songwriter (Bonnie Raitt) | WINNER
“Bright Star” — Anas Mitchell, songwriter (Anas Mitchell)
“Forever” — Sheryl Crow & Jeff Trott, songwriters (Sheryl Crow)
“High And Lonesome” — T Bone Burnett & Robert Plant, songwriters (Robert Plant & Alison Krauss)
“Prodigal Daughter” — Tim O’Brien & Aoife O'Donovan, songwriters (Aoife O'Donovan & Allison Russell)
“You And Me On The Rock” — Brandi Carlile, Phil Hanseroth & Tim Hanseroth, songwriters (Brandi Carlile Featuring Lucius)
Americana performance

“Made Up Mind” — Bonnie Raitt | WINNER
“Silver Moon [A Tribute To Michael Nesmith]” — Eric Alexandrakis
“There You Go Again” — Asleep At The Wheel Featuring Lyle Lovett
“The Message” — Blind Boys Of Alabama Featuring Black Violin
“You And Me On The Rock” — Brandi Carlile Featuring Lucius
American roots performance

“Stompin’ Ground” — Aaron Neville With The Dirty Dozen Brass Band | WINNER
“Someday It’ll All Make Sense (Bluegrass Version)” — Bill Anderson Featuring Dolly Parton
“Life According To Raechel” — Madison Cunningham
“Oh Betty” — Fantastic Negrito
“Prodigal Daughter” — Aoife O'Donovan & Allison Russell
Tropical Latin album

“Pa'lla Voy” — Marc Anthony | WINNER
” Quiero Verte Feliz” — a Santa Cecilia
“Lado A Lado B” — Víctor Manuelle
“Legendario” — Tito Nieves
” Imágenes Latinas” — Spanish Harlem Orchestra
“Cumbiana II” — Carlos Vives
Latin jazz album

“Fandango At The Wall In New York” — Arturo O'Farrill & The Afro Latin Jazz Orchestra Featuring The Congra Patria Son Jarocho Collective | WINNER
“Crisálida” — Danilo Pérez Featuring The Global Messengers
“If You Will” — Flora Purim
“Rhythm & Soul” — Arturo Sandoval
“Música De Las Américas” — Miguel Zenón
Contemporary Instrumental Album

“Empire Central” — Snarky Puppy | WINNER
“Between Dreaming And Joy” — Jeff Coffin
“Not Tight” — DOMi & JD Beck
“Blooz” — Grant Geissman
“Jacob’s Ladder” — Brad Mehldau
Producer of the Year, Classical

Judith Sherman | WINNER
Jonathan Allen
Christoph Franke
James Ginsburg
Elaine Martone
Engineered Album, Classical

“Bates: Philharmonia Fantastique - The Making Of The Orchestra” — Shawn Murphy, Charlie Post & Gary Rydstrom, engineers; Michael Romanowski, mastering engineer (Edwin Outwater & Chicago Symphony Orchestra) | WINNER
“Beethoven: Symphony No. 6; Stucky: Silent Spring” — Mark Donahue, engineer; Mark Donahue, mastering engineer (Manfred Honeck & Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra)
“Perspectives” — Jonathan Lackey, Bill Maylone & Dan Nichols, engineers; Joe Lambert, mastering engineer (Third Coast Percussion)
“Tuvayhun - Beatitudes For A Wounded World” — Morten Lindberg, engineer; Morten Lindberg, mastering engineer (Anita Brevik, Nidarosdomens Jentekor & Trondheimsolistene)
“Williams: Violin Concerto No. 2 & Selected Film Themes” — Bernhard Güttler, Shawn Murphy & Nick Squire, engineers; Christoph Stickel, mastering engineer (Anne-Sophie Mutter, John Williams & Boston Symphony Orchestra)
Contemporary classical composition

“Puts: Contact” — Kevin Puts, composer (Xian Zhang, Time for Three & The Philadelphia Orchestra) | WINNER
“Akiho: Ligneous Suite” — Andy Akiho, composer (Ian Rosenbaum & Dover Quartet)
“Bermel: Intonations” — Derek Bermel, composer (Jack Quartet)
“Gubaidulina: The Wrath Of God” — Sofia Gubaidulina, composer (Andris Nelsons & Gewandhausorchester)
“Simon: Requiem For The Enslaved” — Carlos Simon, composer (Carlos Simon, MK Zulu, Marco Pavé & Hub New Music)
Classical compendium

“An Adoption Story” — Starr Parodi & Kitt Wakeley; Jeff Fair, Starr Parodi & Kitt Wakeley, producers | WINNER
“Aspire” — JP Jofre & Seunghee Lee; Enrico Fagone, conductor; Jonathan Allen, producer
“A Concert For Ukraine” — Yannick Nézet-Séguin, conductor; David Frost, producer
“The Lost Birds” — Voces8; Barnaby Smith & Christopher Tin, conductors; Sean Patrick Flahaven & Christopher Tin, producers
Classical Solo Vocal Album

“Voice Of Nature - The Anthropocene” — Renée Fleming, soloist; Yannick Nézet-Séguin, pianist | WINNER
“Eden” — Joyce DiDonato, soloist; Maxim Emelyanychev, conductor (Il Pomo D’Oro)
“How Do I Find You” — Sasha Cooke, soloist; Kirill Kuzmin, pianist
“Okpebholo: Lord, How Come Me Here?” — Will Liverman, soloist; Paul Sánchez, pianist (J’Nai Bridges & Caen Thomason-Redus)
“Stranger - Works For Tenor By Nico Muhly” — Nicholas Phan, soloist (Eric Jacobson; Brooklyn Rider & The Knights; Reginald Mobley)
Classical instrumental solo

“Letters For The Future” — Time For Three; Xian Zhang, conductor (The Philadelphia Orchestra) | WINNER
“Abels: Isolation Variation” — Hilary Hahn
“Bach: The Art Of Life” — Daniil Trifonov
“Beethoven: Diabelli Variations” — Mitsuko Uchida
“A Night In Upper Town - The Music Of Zoran Krajacic” — Mak Grgi
Chamber music/small ensemble performance

“Shaw: Evergreen” — Attacca Quartet | WINNER
“Beethoven: Complete String Quartets, Volume 2 - The Middle Quartets” — Dover Quartet
“Musical Remembrances” — Neave Trio
“Perspectives” — Third Coast Percussion
“What Is American” — PUBLIQuartet
Choral performance

“Born” — Donald Nally, conductor (Dominic German, Maren Montalbano, Rebecca Myers & James Reese; The Crossing) | WINNER
“Bach: St. John Passion” — John Eliot Gardiner, conductor (English Baroque Soloists; Monteverdi Choir)
“Verdi: Requiem - The Met Remembers 9/11” — Yannick Nézet-Séguin, conductor; Donald Palumbo, chorus master (Michelle DeYoung, Eric Owens, Ailyn Pérez & Matthew Polenzani; The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra; The Metropolitan Opera Chorus)
Opera recording

“Blanchard: Fire Shut Up In My Bones” — Yannick Nézet-Séguin, conductor; Angel Blue, Will Liverman, Latonia Moore & Walter Russell III; David Frost, producer (The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra; The Metropolitan Opera Chorus) | WINNER
“Aucoin: Eurydice” — Yannick Nézet-Séguin, conductor; Barry Banks, Nathan Berg, Joshua Hopkins, Erin Morley & Jakub Józef Orliński; David Frost, producer (The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra; The Metropolitan Opera Chorus)
“Davis: X - The Life And Times Of Malcolm X” — Gil Rose, conductor; Ronnita Miller, Whitney Morrison, Victor Robertson & Davóne Tines; Gil Rose, producer (Boston Modern Orchestra Project; Odyssey Opera Chorus)
Orchestral performance

“Works By Florence Price, Jessie Montgomery, Valerie Coleman” — Michael Repper, conductor (New York Youth Symphony) | WINNER
“Adams, John Luther: Sila - The Breath Of The World” — Doug Perkins, conductor (Musicians Of The University Of Michigan Department Of Chamber Music & University Of Michigan Percussion Ensemble)
“Dvoák: Symphonies Nos. 7-9” — Gustavo Dudamel, conductor (Los Angeles Philharmonic)
“Eastman: Stay On It” — Christopher Rountree, conductor (Wild Up)
“John Williams - The Berlin Concert” — John Williams, conductor (Berliner Philharmoniker)
Roots gospel album

“The Urban Hymnal” — Tennessee State University Marching Band | WINNER
“Let’s Just Praise The Lord” — Gaither Vocal Band
“Confessio - Irish American Roots” — Keith & Kristyn Getty
“The Willie Nelson Family” — Willie Nelson
“2:22” — Karen Peck & New River
Contemporary Christian music album

“Breathe” — Maverick City Music | WINNER
“Lion” — Elevation Worship
“Life After Death” — TobyMac
“Always” — Chris Tomlin
“My Jesus” — Anne Wilson
Gospel album

“Kingdom Book One Deluxe” — Maverick City Music & Kirk Franklin | WINNER
“Die To Live” — Maranda Curtis
“Breakthrough: The Exodus (Live)” — Ricky Dillard
“Clarity” — DOE
“All Things New” — Tye Tribbett
Contemporary Christian music performance/song

“Fear Is Not My Future” — Maverick City Music & Kirk Franklin; Kirk Franklin, Nicole Hannel, Jonathan Jay, Brandon Lake & Hannah Shackelford, songwriters | WINNER
“God Really Loves Us (Radio Version)” — Crowder Featuring Dante Bowe and Maverick City Music; Dante Bowe, David Crowder, Ben Glover & Jeff Sojka, songwriters
“So Good” — DOE; Chuck Butler, Dominique Jones & Ethan Hulse, songwriters
“For God Is With Us” — for KING & COUNTRY & Hillary Scott; Josh Kerr, Jordan Reynolds, Joel Smallbone & Luke Smallbone, songwriters
“Holy Forever” — Chris Tomlin; Jason Ingram, Brian Johnson, Jenn Johnson, Chris Tomlin & Phil Wickham, songwriters
“Hymn Of Heaven (Radio Version)” — Phil Wickham; Chris Davenport, Bill Johnson, Brian Johnson & Phil Wickham, songwriters
Gospel performance/song

“Kingdom” — Maverick City Music & Kirk Franklin; Kirk Franklin, Jonathan Jay, Chandler Moore & Jacob Poole, songwriters | WINNER
“Positive” — Erica Campbell; Erica Campbell, Warryn Campbell & Juan Winans, songwriters
“When I Pray” — DOE; Dominique Jones & Dewitt Jones, songwriters
“The Better Benediction” — PJ Morton Featuring Zacardi Cortez, Gene Moore, Samoht, Tim Rogers & Darrel Walls; PJ Morton, songwriter
“Get Up” — Tye Tribbett; Brandon Jones, Christopher Michael Stevens, Thaddaeus Tribbett & Tye Tribbett, songwriters
Regional roots music album

“Live At The 2022 New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival” — Ranky Tanky | WINNER
“Full Circle” — Sean Ardoin And Kreole Rock And Soul Featuring LSU Golden Band From Tigerland
“Natalie Noelani” — Natalie Ai Kamauu
“Halau Hula Keali’i O Nalani - Live At The Getty Center” — Halau Hula Keali’i O Nalani
“Lucky Man” — Nathan & The Zydeco Cha Chas
Contemporary blues album

“Brother Johnny” — Edgar Winter | WINNER
“Done Come Too Far” — Shemekia Copeland
“Crown” — Eric Gales
“Bloodline Maintenance” — Ben Harper
“Set Sail” — North Mississippi Allstars
Traditional blues album

“Get On Board” — Taj Mahal & Ry Cooder | WINNER
“Heavy Load Blues” — Gov’t Mule
“The Blues Don’t Lie” — Buddy Guy
“The Sun Is Shining Down” — John Mayall
“Mississippi Son” — Charlie Musselwhite
Bluegrass album

“Crooked Tree” — Molly Tuttle & Golden Highway | WINNER
“Toward The Fray” — The Infamous Stringdusters
“Almost Proud” — The Del McCoury Band
“Calling You From My Mountain” — Peter Rowan
“Get Yourself Outside” — Yonder Mountain String Band
Country song

“‘Til You Can’t” — Matt Rogers & Ben Stennis, songwriters (Cody Johnson) | WINNER
“Circles Around This Town” — Ryan Hurd, Julia Michaels, Maren Morris & Jimmy Robbins, songwriters (Maren Morris)
“Doin’ This” — Luke Combs, Drew Parker & Robert Williford, songwriters (Luke Combs)
” I Bet You Think About Me (Taylor’s Version) (From The Vault)” — Lori McKenna & Taylor Swift, songwriters (Taylor Swift)
“If I Was A Cowboy” — Jesse Frasure & Miranda Lambert, songwriters (Miranda Lambert)
“I’ll Love You Till The Day I Die” — Rodney Crowell & Chris Stapleton, songwriters (Willie Nelson)
Country duo/group performance

“Never Wanted To Be That Girl” — Carly Pearce & Ashley McBryde | WINNER
“Wishful Drinking” — Ingrid Andress & Sam Hunt
“Midnight Rider’s Prayer” — Brothers Osborne
“Outrunnin’ Your Memory” — Luke Combs & Miranda Lambert
“Does He Love You - Revisited” — Reba McEntire & Dolly Parton
“Going Where The Lonely Go” — Robert Plant & Alison Krauss
Country solo performance

“Live Forever” — Willie Nelson | WINNER
“Heartfirst” — Kelsea Ballerini
“Something In The Orange” — Zach Bryan
“In His Arms” — Miranda Lambert
“Circles Around This Town” — Maren Morris
Historical album

“Yankee Hotel Foxtrot (20th Anniversary Super Deluxe Edition)” — Cheryl Pawelski & Jeff Tweedy, compilation producers; Bob Ludwig, mastering engineer (Wilco) | WINNER
“Against The Odds: 1974-1982” — Tommy Manzi, Steve Rosenthal & Ken Shipley, compilation producers; Michael Graves, mastering engineer; Tom Camuso, restoration engineer (Blondie)
“The Goldberg Variations - The Complete Unreleased 1981 Studio Sessions” — Robert Russ, compilation producer; Martin Kistner, mastering engineer (Glenn Gould)
“Life’s Work: A Retrospective” — Scott Billington, Ted Olson & Mason Williams, compilation producers; Paul Blakemore, mastering engineer (Doc Watson)
“To Whom It May Concern...” — Jonathan Sklute, compilation producer; Kevin Marques Moo, mastering engineer (Freestyle Fellowship)
Album notes

“Yankee Hotel Foxtrot (20th Anniversary Super Deluxe Edition)” — Bob Mehr, album notes writer (Wilco) | WINNER
“The American Clavé Recordings” — Fernando González, album notes writer (Astor Piazzolla)
“Andy Irvine & Paul Brady” — Gareth Murphy, album notes writer (Andy Irvine & Paul Brady)
“Harry Partch, 1942” — John Schneider, album notes writer (Harry Partch)
“Life’s Work: A Retrospective” — Ted Olson, album notes writer (Doc Watson)
Boxed or special limited edition package

“In And Out Of The Garden: Madison Square Garden ’81 ’82 ’83” — Lisa Glines, Doran Tyson & Dave Van Patten, art directors (The Grateful Dead) | WINNER
“Artists Inspired By Music: Interscope Reimagined” — Josh Abraham, Steve Berman, Jimmy Iovine, John Janick & Jason Sangerman, art directors (VariousArtists)
“Big Mess” — Berit Gwendolyn Gilma, art director (Danny Elfman)
“Black Pumas (Collector’s Edition Box Set)” — Jenna Krackenberger, Anna McCaleb & Preacher, art directors (Black Pumas)
“Book” — Paul Sahre, art director (They Might Be Giants)
Recording package

“Beginningless Beginning” — Chun-Tien Hsia & Qing-Yang Xiao, art directors (Tamsui-Kavalan Chinese Orchestra) | WINNER
“Divers” — William Stichter, art director (Soporus)
“Everything Was Beautiful” — Mark Farrow, art director (Spiritualized)
“Telos” — Ming Liu, art director (Fann)
“Voyeurist” — Tnsn Dvsn, art director (Underoath)
Regional Mexican music album (including Tejano)

“Un Canto por México - El Musical” — Natalia Lafourcade | WINNER
“Abeja Reina” — Chiquis
“La Reunión (Deluxe)” — Los Tigres Del Norte
“EP #1 Forajido” — Christian Nodal
“Qué Ganas de Verte (Deluxe)” — Marco Antonio Solís
Latin rock or alternative album

“El Alimento” — Cimafunk
“Tinta y Tiempo” — Jorge Drexler
“1940 Carmen” — Mon Laferte
“Alegoría” — Gaby Moreno
“Los Aos Salvajes” — Fito Paez
Latin pop album

“Pasieros” — Rubén Blades & Boca Livre | WINNER
“AGUILERA” — Christina Aguilera
“De Adentro Pa Afuera” — Camilo
“VIAJANTE” — Fonseca
“Dharma +” — Sebastián Yatra
Global music album

“Sakura” — Masa Takumi | WINNER
“Shuruaat” — Berklee Indian Ensemble
“Love, Damini” — Burna Boy
“Queen Of Sheba” — Angélique Kidjo & Ibrahim Maalouf
“Between Us... (Live)” — Anoushka Shankar, Metropole Orkest & Jules Buckley Featuring Manu Delago
Global music performance

“Bayethe” — Wouter Kellerman, Zakes Bantwini & Nomcebo Zikode | WINNER
“Udhero Na” — Arooj Aftab & Anoushka Shankar
“Gimme Love” — Matt B & Eddy Kenzo
“Last Last” — Burna Boy
“Neva Bow Down” — Rocky Dawuni Featuring Blvk H3ro
Reggae album

“The Kalling” — Kabaka Pyramid | WINNER
“Gifted” — Koffee
“Scorcha” — Sean Paul
“Third Time’s The Charm” — Protoje
“Com Fly Wid Mi” — Shaggy
Alternative music album

“Wet Leg” — Wet Leg | WINNER
“WE” — Arcade Fire
“Dragon New Warm Mountain I Believe In You” — Big Thief
“Fossora” — Bjrk
“Cool It Down” — Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Alternative music performance

“Chaise Longue” — Wet Leg | WINNER
“There’d Better Be A Mirrorball” — Arctic Monkeys
“Certainty” — Big Thief
“King” — Florence + The Machine
“Spitting Off The Edge Of The World” — Yeah Yeah Yeahs Featuring Perfume Genius
Rock album

“Patient Number 9” — Ozzy Osbourne | WINNER
“Dropout Boogie” — The Black Keys
“The Boy Named If” — Elvis Costello & The Imposters
“Crawler” — Idles
“Mainstream Sellout” — Machine Gun Kelly
“Lucifer On The Sofa” — Spoon
Rock song

“Broken Horses” — Brandi Carlile, Phil Hanseroth & Tim Hanseroth, songwriters (Brandi Carlile) | WINNER
“Black Summer” — Flea, John Frusciante, Anthony Kiedis & Chad Smith, songwriters (Red Hot Chili Peppers)
“Blackout” — Brady Ebert, Daniel Fang, Franz Lyons, Pat McCrory & Brendan Yates, songwriters (Turnstile)
“Harmonia’s Dream” — Robbie Bennett & Adam Granduciel, songwriters (The War On Drugs)
“Patient Number 9” — John Osbourne, Chad Smith, Ali Tamposi, Robert Trujillo & Andrew Wotman, songwriters (Ozzy Osbourne featuring Jeff Beck)
Metal performance

“Degradation Rules” — Ozzy Osbourne Featuring Tony Iommi | WINNER
“Call Me Little Sunshine” — Ghost
“We’ll Be Back” — Megadeth
“Kill Or Be Killed” — Muse
“Blackout” — Turnstile
Rock performance

“Broken Horses” — Brandi Carlile | WINNER
“So Happy It Hurts” — Bryan Adams
“Old Man” — Beck
“Wild Child” — The Black Keys
“Crawl!” — Idles
“Patient Number 9” — Ozzy Osbourne Featuring Jeff Beck
“Holiday” — Turnstile
Rap song

“The Heart Part 5” — Jake Kosich, Johnny Kosich, Kendrick Lamar & Matt Schaeffer, songwriters (Kendrick Lamar) | WINNER
“Churchill Downs” — Ace G, BEDRM, Matthew Samuels, Tahrence Brown, Rogét Chahayed, Aubrey Graham, Jack Harlow & Jose Velazquez, songwriters (Jack Harlow featuring Drake)
“GOD DID” — Tarik Azzouz, E. Blackmon, Khaled Khaled, F. LeBlanc, Shawn Carter, John Stephens, Dwayne Carter, William Roberts & Nicholas Warwar, songwriters (DJ Khaled featuring Rick Ross, Lil Wayne, Jay-Z, John Legend & Fridayy)
“pushin P” — Lucas Depante, Nayvadius Wilburn, Sergio Kitchens, Wesley Tyler Glass & Jeffery Lamar Williams, songwriters (Gunna & Future Featuring Young Thug)
“WAIT FOR U” — Tejiri Akpoghene, Floyd E. Bentley III, Jacob Canady, Isaac De Boni, Aubrey Graham, Israel Ayomide Fowobaje, Nayvadius Wilburn, Michael Mule, Oluwatoroti Oke & Temilade Openiyi, songwriters (Future Featuring Drake & Tems)
Melodic rap performance

“WAIT FOR U” — Future Featuring Drake & Tems | WINNER
“BEAUTIFUL” — DJ Khaled Featuring Future & SZA
“First Class” — Jack Harlow
“Die Hard” — Kendrick Lamar Featuring Blxst & Amanda Reifer
“Big Energy (Live)” — Latto
Rap performance

“The Heart Part 5” — Kendrick Lamar | WINNER
“GOD DID” — DJ Khaled Featuring Rick Ross, Lil Wayne, Jay-Z, John Legend & Fridayy
“Vegas” — Doja Cat
“pushin P” — Gunna & Future Featuring Young Thug
“F.N.F. (Let’s Go)” — Hitkidd & GloRilla
Progressive r&b album

“Gemini Rights” — Steve Lacy | WINNER
“Operation Funk” — Cory Henry
“Drones” — Terrace Martin
“Starfruit” — Moonchild
“Red Balloon” — Tank And The Bangas
R&B album

“Black Radio III” — Robert Glasper | WINNER
“Good Morning Gorgeous (Deluxe)” — Mary J. Blige
“Breezy (Deluxe)” — Chris Brown
“Candydrip” — Lucky Daye
“Watch The Sun” — PJ Morton
Traditional r&b performance

“Do 4 Love” — Snoh Aalegra
“Keeps On Fallin’” — Babyface Featuring Ella Mai
“‘Round Midnight” — Adam Blackstone Featuring Jazmine Sullivan
“Good Morning Gorgeous” — Mary J. Blige
R&B performance

“Hrs & Hrs” — Muni Long | WINNER
“VIRGO’S GROOVE” — Beyoncé
“Here With Me” — Mary J. Blige Featuring Anderson .Paak
“Over” — Lucky Daye
“Hurt Me So Good” — Jazmine Sullivan
Audio book, narration, and storytelling recording
“Finding Me” — Viola Davis | WINNER
“Act Like You Got Some Sense” — Jamie Foxx
“All About Me!: My Remarkable Life In Show Business by Mel Brooks” — Mel Brooks
“Aristotle And Dante Dive Into The Waters Of The World” — Lin-Manuel Miranda
“Music Is History” — Questlove
Children’s music album

“The Movement” — Alphabet Rockers | WINNER
“Into The Little Blue House” — Wendy And DB
“Los Fabulosos” — Lucky Diaz And The Family Jam Band
“Ready Set Go!” — Divinity Roxx
“Space Cadet” — Justin Roberts
Traditional pop vocal album

“Higher” — Michael Bublé | WINNER
“When Christmas Comes Around...” — Kelly Clarkson
“I Dream Of Christmas (Extended)” — Norah Jones
“Evergreen” — Pentatonix
“Thank You” — Diana Ross
Large jazz ensemble album

“Generation Gap Jazz Orchestra” — Steven Feifke, Bijon Watson, Generation Gap Jazz Orchestra | WINNER
“Bird Lives” — John Beasley, Magnus Lindgren & SWR Big Band
“Remembering Bob Freedman” — Ron Carter & The Jazzaar Festival Big Band Directed by Christian Jacob
“Center Stage” — Steve Gadd, Eddie Gomez, Ronnie Cuber & WDR Big Band Conducted By Michael Abene
“Architecture Of Storms” — Remy Le Boeuf’s Assembly Of Shadows

Jazz instrumental album

“New Standards Vol. 1” — Terri Lyne Carrington, Kris Davis, Linda May Han Oh, Nicholas Payton & Matthew Stevens | WINNER
“Live In Italy” — Peter Erskine Trio
“LongGone” — Joshua Redman, Brad Mehldau, Christian McBride & Brian Blade
“Live At The Detroit Jazz Festival” — Wayne Shorter, Terri Lyne Carrington, Leo Genovese & esperanza spalding
“Parallel Motion” — Yellowjackets
Jazz vocal album

“Linger Awhile” — Samara Joy | WINNER
“The Evening : Live At APPARATUS” — The Baylor Project
“Fade To Black” — Carmen Lundy
“Fifty” — The Manhattan Transfer With The WDR Funkhausorchester
“Ghost Song” — Cécile McLorin Salvant
Improvised jazz solo

“Endangered Species” — Wayne Shorter & Leo Genovese, soloist; Track from: Live At The Detroit Jazz Festival (Wayne Shorter, Terri Lyne Carrington, Leo Genovese & esperanza spalding | WINNER
“Rounds (Live)” — Ambrose Akinmusire, soloist; Track from: New Standards Vol. 1 (Terri Lyne Carrington, Kris Davis, Linda May Han Oh, Nicholas Payton & Matthew Stevens)
“Keep Holding On” — Gerald Albright, soloist
“Falling” — Melissa Aldana, soloist; Track from: 12 Stars
“Call Of The Drum” — Marcus Baylor, soloist
“Cherokee/Koko” — John Beasley, soloist; Track from: Bird Lives (John Beasley, Magnus Lindgren & SWR Big Band)
Best new age, ambient or chant album

“Mystic Mirror” — White Sun | WINNER
“Positano Songs” — Will Ackerman
“Joy” — Paul Avgerinos
“Mantra Americana” — Madi Das & Dave Stringer With Bhakti Without Borders
“The Passenger” — Cheryl B. Engelhardt
Arrangement, instruments and vocals

“Songbird (Orchestral Version)” — Vince Mendoza, arranger (Christine McVie) | WINNER
“Let It Happen” — Louis Cole, arranger (Louis Cole)
“Never Gonna Be Alone” — Jacob Collier, arranger (Jacob Collier Featuring Lizzy McAlpine & John Mayer)
“Optimistic Voices / No Love Dying” — Cécile McLorin Salvant, arranger (Cécile McLorin Salvant)
“2 + 2 = 5 (Arr. Nathan Schram)” — Nathan Schram & Becca Stevens, arrangers (Becca Stevens & Attacca Quartet)

Arrangement, instrumental or a cappella

“Scrapple From The Apple” — John Beasley, arranger (Magnus Lindgren, John Beasley & The SWR Big Band Featuring Martin Aeur) | WINNER
“As Days Go By” (an arrangement of “The Family Matters” theme song)” — Armand Hutton, arranger (Armand Hutton Featuring Terrell Hunt & Just 6)
“How Deep Is Your Love” — Matt Cusson, arranger (Kings Return)
“Main Titles (Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness)” — Danny Elfman, arranger (Danny Elfman)
“Minnesota, WI” — Remy Le Boeuf, arranger (Remy Le Boeuf)
Instrumental composition

” Refuge” — Geoffrey Keezer, composer (Geoffrey Keezer) | WINNER
“African Tales” — Paquito D'Rivera, composer (Tasha Warren & Dave Eggar)
“El País Invisible” — Miguel Zenón, composer (Miguel Zenón, José Antonio Zayas Cabán, Ryan Smith & Casey Rafn)
“Fronteras (Borders) Suite: Al-Musafir Blues” — Danilo Pérez, composer (Danilo Pérez Featuring The Global Messengers)
“Snapshots” — Pascal Le Boeuf, composer (Tasha Warren & Dave Eggar)
Immersive audio album

“Divine Tides” — Eric Schilling, immersive mix engineer; Stewart Copeland, Ricky Kej & Herbert Waltl, immersive producers (Stewart Copeland & Ricky Kej) | WINNER
“AGUILERA” — Jaycen Joshua, immersive mix engineer; Jaycen Joshua, immersive mastering engineer (Christina Aguilera)
“Memories...Do Not Open” — Mike Piacentini, immersive mix engineer; Mike Piacentini, immersive mastering engineer; Adam Alpert, Alex Pall, Jordan Stilwell & Andrew Taggart, immersive producers (The Chainsmokers)
“Picturing The Invisible - Focus 1” — Jim Anderson, immersive mix engineer; Morten Lindberg & Ulrike Schwarz, immersive mastering engineers; Jane Ira Bloom & Ulrike Schwarz, immersive producers (Jane Ira Bloom)
“Tuvayhun — Beatitudes For A Wounded World” — Morten Lindberg, immersive mix engineer; Morten Lindberg, immersive mastering engineer; Morten Lindberg, immersive producer (Nidarosdomens Jentekor & Trondheimsolistene)
Engineered album, non-classical

“Harry’s House” — Jeremy Hatcher, Oli Jacobs, Nick Lobel, Mark “Spike” Stent & Sammy Witte, engineers; Randy Merrill, mastering engineer (Harry Styles) | WINNER
“Adolescence” — George Nicholas & Ryan Schwabe, engineers; Ryan Schwabe, mastering engineer (Baynk)
“Black Radio III” — Daniel Farris, Tiffany Gouché, Keith Lewis, Musiq Soulchild, Reginald Nicholas, Q-Tip, Amir Sulaiman, Michael Law Thomas & Jon Zacks, engineers; Chris Athens, mastering engineer (Robert Glasper)
“Chlo and the Next 20th Century” — Dave Cerminara & Jonathan Wilson, engineers; Adam Ayan, mastering engineer (Father John Misty)
“Wet Leg” — Jon McMullen, Joshua Mobaraki, Alan Moulder & Alexis Smith, engineers; Matt Colton, mastering engineer (Wet Leg)
Remixed recording

“About Damn Time (Purple Disco Machine Remix)"” — Purple Disco Machine, remixer (Lizzo) | WINNER
“BREAK MY SOUL (Terry Hunter Remix)"” — Terry Hunter, remixer (Beyoncé)
“Easy Lover (Four Tet Remix)” — Four Tet, remixer (Ellie Goulding)
“Slow Song (Paul Woolford Remix)” — Paul Woolford, remixer (The Knocks & Dragonette)
“Too Late Now (Soulwax Remix)” — Soulwax, remixers (Wet Leg)
Dance/Electronic recording

“Rosewood” — Bonobo
“Don’t Forget My Love” — Diplo & Miguel
“I’m Good (Blue)” — David Guetta & Bebe Rexha
“Intimidated” — KAYTRANADA Featuring H.E.R.
“On My Knees” — RFS DU SOL
Score soundtrack for video games and other interactive media

“Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: Dawn Of Ragnarok” — Stephanie Economou, composer | WINNER
“Aliens: Fireteam Elite” — Austin Wintory, composer
“Call Of Duty: Vanguard” — Bear McCreary, composer
“Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy” — Richard Jacques, composer
“Old World” — Christopher Tin, composer
Score soundtrack for visual media (includes film and television)

“Encanto” — Germaine Franco, composer | winner
“The Batman” — Michael Giacchino, composer
“No Time To Die” — Hans Zimmer, composer
“The Power Of The Dog” — Jonny Greenwood, composer
“Succession: Season 3” — Nicholas Britell, composer
Compilation soundtrack for visual media

“Encanto” — (Various Artists) | WINNER
“ELVIS” — (Various Artists)
“Stranger Things: Soundtrack from the Netflix Series, Season 4 (Vol 2)” — (Various Artists)
“Top Gun: Maverick” — Harold Faltermeyer, Lady Gaga, Hans Zimmer & Lorne Balfe
“West Side Story"” — (Various Artists)
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