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江苏东华期货有限公司   2018-5-25 05:02   4905   0
Fix the vix:Reducing Manipulation in the Volatility Index(2)
Numerical Results
Totest and demonstrate the results of applying our proposed modifications of theVIX calculation, we refer to the CBOE white paper. As a method of clearlyarticulating this calculation mechanism, the white paper gives details of thenearly 150 option quotes and strikes for a specific example.
Thewhite paper, moreover, produces numerical values at each step of thecalculation to enable readers to reproduce the methods. For this study, weplaced all the relevant information for the “Near-Term Strike” in a spreadsheetand confirmed the calculations. This data then forms the basis for our remarksand observations in this section.
Letus note that, on almost all days, the VIX calculation incorporates options thatare both somewhat shorter in maturity than 30 days (“near-term”) and longerthan 30 days (“next-term”). For our purpose, we use only the “near-term.” Wematch precisely the white paper’s value for near-term square of the volatility(0.01846292).
Thecorresponding near-term volatility, which CBOE calls “VIN,” is 13.59 (to twodecimal places after multiplication by 100). The VIX result of the white papercombines the “next-term” series of option values with the “near-term” values togive an overall VIX of 13.69. But we do not use this combined VIX in ourdiscussion. We focus instead on the VIN.
Figure1 below shows the prices of all options of the CBOE example as a function ofoption strike price. The price graph peaks at the strike of 1960 because thisis where the transition from put options (at lower strikes) and call options(at higher strikes) occurs. (Referring to equation (2), this transition strikelevel of 1960 is the K0 of the CBOE VIX calculation.) The forward value of theSPX equity index is 1962.9 – deliberately close to the transition strike valueof 1960.

For clarity, we emphasize that the quotes tothe left of the peak in Figure 1 pertain to out-of-the-money put options, whilethe quotes to the right of the peak are for out-of-the-money call options. Thisfigure also defines the range of strike prices (from 1370 to 2125) that theCBOE employed in its VIX calculation.
Observation:VIX is sensitive to the range of strike prices
As we have noted, an approximation of theVIX calculation of equation (2) omits the term

for all options with insufficient price quotes. Ideally, all options withstrike prices Ki, from zero to “infinity,” should contribute to (2).

In our CBOE white paper example of thissection, the calculation includes no quotes with strike prices less than 1370.Figure 2 (below) shows a portion of available option quotes of the white paperexample. (Of the five columns, the strike price is at the far left while theput option bid and offer sit in the fourth and fifth columns, respectively. Thesecond and third columns hold quotes for in-the-money call options, but theseare not relevant for our purposes.)

By the rules of the calculation, the loweststrike price of included options is 1370. Yet on a different day or at adifferent time on the same day, this lowest eligible strike price will change.

As one plausible example, imagine that thelowest included option is at the strike value of 1530. We choose this value dueto the listed quotes of the CBOE white paper near this value (see Figure 3).The data description of the columns of Figure 3 matches that of the earlierFigure 2.

The bid-side strength for put options isweak in this range. We consider it entirely possible that two consecutivestrikes would show no bids at sporadic moments or intervals. Furthermore, aparticipant with manipulative intent could offer aggressively at these weakpoints to eliminate bids and thereby shorten the range of options that equation(2) employs in the VIX calculation.
By eliminating the range of options from the1370 strike to the 1530 strike, the calculated volatility would fall from13.59% to 13.39%. This is a meaningful deviation for holders of VIX futures andoptions contracts. We consider this deviation of 20 bps to be plausible, andpossibly typical, rather than an extreme case. By a different measure ofdeviation, for example, Griffin and Shams find a mean disparity of 31 bps.
Observation:Simple calculation of the Put Tail is not meaningful
The weakness of the equation (2) VIXcalculation is that it fails to include all possible strike prices from zero to“infinity.” This failing is understandable. When there are no market bids fordeep out-of-the-money options, the most evident approximation is to treat theomitted options as having zero or near-zero value.
However, as with any measurement that isboth consequential to market players and for which there are clear rules, theapproximation invites manipulation. It is conceivable that participants willsend bids or offers to attempt to lengthen or shorten the range of eligibleoption strike prices.
An apparent solution, or at least amitigant, to this possible manipulation is to add to equation (2) calculationsfor the Put and Call tails. Thus, if one VIN calculation has a range beginningat the 1370 strike, for example, while a later calculation begins at 1530strike, then separate calculations for the tails (“zero to 1370” and “zero to1530,” respectively) could compensate for the 20 bps deviation.
But a first attempt to create thismitigation fails. In applying equation (3a) for the Put Tail for the 1370strike with the 13.59% volatility, we find a mitigating “correction term” thatis exceedingly small (less than one part in 1027). Even for the correction ofthe tail range to 1530 strike, the calculated correction is just one part in1015.
A fair conclusion might be that theapproximations of omitting these strike ranges (from zero to 1370 and 1370 to1530) is entirely reasonable. There’s a flaw in this logic, however. The VINresult of 13.59% (of this numerical example) is misleading in the sense thatthe value 13.59% is a blended outcome. The proper volatility of tail ranges –such as zero to 1370 and zero to 1530 – is higher than the “blended” VINresult. Hence, we defer the tail calculation momentarily.
一个公平的结论可能是,省略这些执行价范围(从零到1370和1370到1530)的近似值是完全合理的。然而,这个逻辑有一个缺陷。13.59%(这个数字例子)的VIN结果是误导性的,13.59%的值是混合结果。尾部范围的正确挥发性- 例如从零到1370和零到1530- 高于“混合”VIN结果。因此,我们暂时推迟尾部计算。
Observation:Volatility skew is critically important to VIX calculation
Just as Figure 1 shows the SPX option quotesas a function of strike price, Figure 4 shows the implied volatility wecalculate from the quotes.

Our equations (1a-b), (3a-b), and (4a-b) –as well as the framework of DDKZ and the CBOE VIX calculation of equation (2) –all treat volatility σ as if it is independent of strike price. (DDKZ didinclude analyses of volatility skew. As they assumed small deviations, theirresults are not applicable to this case in which the linear increase in putoption volatility is large relative to the VIX value.)
我们的方程(1a-b),(3a-b)和(4a-b)以及DDKZ的框架和方程(2)的CBOEVIX计算- 都处理波动σ,就好像它独立于执行价。(DDKZ确实包括了波动率偏度分析,因为他们假设了小的偏差,所以他们的结果不适用于这种情况,即看跌期权波动率的线性增长相对于VIX值较大)。
Rather than being a mistake in light of theclear strike-dependence in Figure 4, this single-volatility jargon is theconvention of the VIX. It’s easier to have a single, weighted-averagevolatility as an index. Yet in any deeper analysis, such as a tailextrapolation, incorporating the strike-dependence of implied volatility isnecessary.
For the put options (at strike values lessthan 1960), the implied volatility is visually linear. The put volatility is~12% at the K0 of 1960, and rises to ~50% at the end of the range at 1370.
Call options behave differently. Though thecall option implied volatility is not constant, neither is it linear orstriking in its deviation from its value at K0. It also bears noting that therange of call options is restricted. The range extends only 10% or so above K0,whereas the put option range goes 30% below K0.
Observation:It is necessary to incorporate skew into the Put Tail calculation
Given the clear linear skew of impliedvolatility for put options, it is not appropriate to apply equation (3a) tocalculate the Put Tail. Even if we choose a constant volatility equal to thatof the lowest strike option (i.e., ~50% at the 1370 strike), the calculationwould arguably underestimate the tail.
This type of procedure – setting a uniformtail volatility based on an illiquid, far out-of-the-money option – might alsomake the VIX more susceptible to manipulation. Instead, we create a Put Tailcalculation that assumes a linear volatility skew. We write again the equations(5a-c) we showed earlier, with a specification now in (5c) for the volatilityas a function of x (equivalent to K/F):

这种类型的程序- 基于流动差的深度虚值期权设定均匀的尾部波动率- 也可能使VIX更易于操纵。相反,我们创建了一个假设线性波动率偏离的看跌尾部计算。我们再次写出我们前面显示的方程(5a-c),现在(5c)中的波动率是x的函数(相当于K/ F):

We observe the volatility parameters σ0 andα (11.8% and -1.16, respectively) in the data of Figure 4. We then performnumerical integration of (5a-c), with L = 1370, F = 1962.9 and T = 0.0683486,and find that the Put Tail calculation increases the VIN to 13.68% from 13.59%(roughly a 0.7% adjustment).
我们观察图4数据中的波动率参数σ0和α(分别为11.8%和-1.16)。然后我们进行(5a-c)的数值积分,其中L= 1370,F= 1962.9和T= 0.0683486,发现看跌尾部计算将VIN从13.59%(约0.7%调整)提高到13.68%。
Separate calculation of the Call Tail doesnot require this numerical integration. Rather, given the absence of a markedlinear skew for call options, we apply equations (4a-b) and find the VIN risesan additional two basis points to 13.70%.
Observation:Inclusion of the Put Tail mitigates VIX sensitivity
Returning to our earlier observation thatthe VIX calculation is sensitive to the range of strike prices of equation (2),we noted that modifying the lowest strike from 1370 to 1530 decreased the VINfrom 13.59% to 13.39%. The procedure of adding the Put Tail to the calculationlargely eliminates this sensitivity.
As we noted just above, adding both the Putand Call Tails to the CBOE white paper example gives a VIN of 13.70% (ratherthan 13.59%). Modifying this example to make 1530, as opposed to 1370, thelowest strike price, our calculated VIN is 13.65% (rather than 13.39%).
Consequently, the tendency of incidental ordeliberate changes to the range of eligible options to affect VIX calculationsfalls greatly when we include the tail contributions. This smaller 5 bpsdifference (13.65% versus 13.70%) stems from the difference between actualoption quotes and the linear skew approximation in the range of 1370 to 1530.The traditional VIX calculation of equation (2) assumes a zero value, ratherthan the linear skew, for this 1370-1530 range.
Relevancefor the VIX of Individual Equities
As the CBOE white paper notes, the CBOEoffers VIX indices on individual equities (IBM, Alphabet, Amazon, Apple andGoldman Sachs), as well as on a variety of other equity indices andcommodity-based ETFs. Similar to the “conventional” VIX referencing the SPX,the VIX calculation for individual equities employs equation (2). Yet it’slikely that option quotes in single stocks cover a smaller range of strikeprices. With a more restricted range, the VIX approximations produce greatererrors.
Consider the VIX for the equity of Apple(“VXAPL”). Review of quotes for Apple call and put options at a CBOE websiteshows that the put range for purposes of VIX calculation is less than 25% ofthe equity’s forward value. (We reviewed option bids for contracts expiring onthe third Friday of the next full month. We searched for consecutive zero bidsto determine the minimum put option strike.)
The data for IBM options is comparable. Weexpect, therefore, that fixing the VIX methodology approximations provides asimilar or greater benefit to these single stock VIX variants.
VIX is a popular, successful and importantelement of U.S. financial markets. In its disclosure to the public, the CBOEwhite paper is open and clear in its calculation methodology.
This article highlights the theory behindthe VIX and finds three approximations that may leave the VIX prone to error orvulnerable to manipulation: (I) the second term of equation (2) expressing theCBOE method; (II) the implied integral approximation of the first term ofequation (2); and (III) the absence of Put Tail and Call Tail contributions inthis same first term of equation (2).
We propose that CBOE remove or improve theapproximations, and we demonstrate how to do so. The inaccuracy of theseapproximations is not large, in an absolute sense, for typical scenarios. Yetthe small differences we find – almost exclusively in the third approximationpertaining to tail contributions – may be meaningful to the VIX futures andfutures options participants.
我们建议CBOE删除或改进近似值,我们将演示如何这样做。在绝对意义上,这些近似值的不准确性对于典型场景并不大。然而,我们发现的小差异- 几乎完全属于与尾部贡献相关的第三近似- 对VIX期货和期货期权参与者可能有意义。
Beyond the possibility of inadvertentdeviations of the VIX, our strong interest also lies with potentialmanipulation. Fixing the VIX calculation, again especially with regard to thetail contributions, will make the VIX less susceptible to manipulation.
As we describe for the tail calculations,our improved approximation does add new elements to the calculation. We need,for example, a numerical integration for the Put Tail, and suggest a FixedPoint iteration technique to incorporate the Call Tail.
What’s more, we implicitly require anumerical estimate of the linear skew parameters for out-of-the-money putoptions. The improved calculation must have code to implement all three elements.But these additions are not onerous and do not prohibit continuous updates ofthe VIX.

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