19岁的大学生将股票期权重新包装后卖给同学 称感觉像开了自己的交易所

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搞个后空翻   2020-5-30 03:31   2633   0

The Man Who Solved The Market (20)

A year or two earlier, Baum couldn't stop thinking about math; now it was trading that occupied his mind. Lying on a beach with his family one morning during the summer of 1979, Baum mulled the extended weakness in the value of the British pound. At the time, the conventional wisdom was that the currency could only fall in value. One expert who advised Simons and Baum on their trading made so much selling pounds that he named his son Sterling.

Relaxing on the beach that morning, Baum sat straight up, overcome with excitement. He was convinced a buying opportunity was at hand. Baum raced to the office, telling Simons that Margaret Thatcher, Britain's new prime minister, was keeping the currency at unsustainably low levels.

"Thatcher is sitting on the pound," Baum said. "She can't hold it down much longer."

Baum said they needed to buy pounds, but Simons was amused, rather than swayed, by Baum's sudden conviction.

"Lenny, it's too bad you didn't come in earlier," Simons responded, smiling. "Thatcher stood up…… The pound just rose five cents."

That morning, it turned out, Thatcher had decided to let the pound rise in price. Baum was unfazed.

"That's nothing!" He insisted. "It's going to go up fifty cents — maybe more!"

Baum was right. He and Simons kept buying British pounds, and the currency kept soaring. They followed that move with accurate predictions for the Japanese yen, West German deutsche mark, and Swiss franc, gains that had the South American investors calling Simons with congratulations and encouragement as the fund grew by tens of millions of dollars.

Fellow mathematicians still scratched their heads about why Simons had discarded a promising career to sit in a makeshift office trading currency contracts. They were just as stunned that Baum and Ax had joined him. Even Simons's father seemed disappointed. In 1979, at a bar mitzvah party for Simons's son Nathaniel, Matty Simons told a Stony Brook mathematician, "I like to say, 'My son, the professor,' not 'My son, the businessman.'"

Simons spent little time looking back. After racking up early currency winnings, Simons amended Limroy's charter to allow it to trade US Treasury bond futures contracts as well as commodities. He and Baum — who now had their own, separate investment accounts — assembled a small team to build sophisticated models that might identify profitable trades in currency, commodity, and bond markets.

Simons was having a blast exploring his lifelong passion for financial speculation while trying to solve markets, perhaps the greatest challenge he had encountered. Besides, he joked, his wife Marilyn at last could "hang out with people and know what they were talking about."

The fun wouldn't last.

Searching for someone to program his computers, Simons heard about a nineteen-year-old onthe verge of getting kicked out of the California Institute of Technology. Greg Hullender was sharp and creative, but ha had trouble focusing on his schoolwork and did poorly in many of his courses. Later in life, he would be diagnosed with attention-deficit disorder. At the time, Hullender was frustrated by his struggles, as were the school's administrators. The last straw came when he was caught running an unauthorized, high-stakes trading operation out of his dorm room. Friends pooled their cash and handed it to Hullender, who purchased stock options before a market rally in 1978, turning $200 into $2,000 in a matter of days. Soon, everyone in the dorm wanted in on the operation, throwing money at Hullender, who began repackaging stock options purchased through a brokerage account at Merrill Lynch and reselling them to eager students.

"It was like my own stock exchange," Hullender says, with pride.

Merrill Lynch officials weren't amused by his ingenuity. Citing Hullender for violating the terms of his account, the brokerage pilled the plug on his venture and the school kicked him out. Sitting in his dorm room, waiting to be expelled, Hullender was startled by a seven a.m. phone call from Simons. Simons had heard about Hullender's unlicensed trading operation through a Caltech grad student and was impressed bu Hullender's understanding of financial markets, as well as his moxie. Simons offered Hullender a salary of $9,000 a year, as well as share of his firm's profits, to come to New York to program Limroy's trades.

With a round, cherubic face, shaggy brown hair, and a boyish smile, Hullender looked like a teenager heading off to summer camp, not someone cut out for across-country trip to join an unknown trading operation. Rail-thin with thick, oversized glasses, Hullender kept pens in his front pocket, along with a brown case for his spectacles, a look that made him appear especially guileless.

Hullender hadn't met Simons or Baum and was wary of the job offer.

"Jim's firm sounded like the shadiest thing in the world," he says.

The young man didn't hesitate to accept Simons's offer, however.

"I was in my dorm room waiting to get kicked out — it's not like I had a lot of options."

Hullender moved to Long Island, staying with Simons and his family for several weeks until he rented a room in a nearby Stony Brook dormitory. The young man didn't have a driver's license, so Simons lent him a bicycle to get to work. At the office, Simons, wearing his usual open-collared cotton shirt and loafers, gave Hullender a tutorial on how he approached trading. Currency markets are affected by the actions of governments and others, Simons told him, and his firm hoped to develop detailed, step-by-step algorithms to identify "trends that result from hidden actors influencing the market," not unlike what Simons did at the IDA to break enemy code.

Hullender began by writing a program to track the new firm's results. Within six months, Hullender's figures showed disturbing losses — Simons's shift to bond trading had gone awry. Clients kept calling, but now they were asking why they were losing so much money, rather than extending congratulations.

Simons seemed to take the downturn hard, growing more anxious as the losses increased. On one especially rough day, Hullender found his boss lying supine on a couchin his office. Hullender sensed Simons wanted to open up to him, perhaps even make some kind of confession.

"Sometimes I look at this and feel I'm just some guy who doesn't really know what he's doing," Simons said.


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