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Lehigh Business   2020-3-28 04:13   921   0

理海商学院研讨会 第二期

    Libra Rising: Facebook’s Move into Cryptocurrency


A Different Kind of Cryptocurrency

At a time when some question whether tech giants such as Facebook, Google, and Amazon already have accumulated too much power, what happens if one of them becomes a major player in the global markets competing with currencies issued by sovereign countries?


When currency is backed by the government that issued it, as is the case with the dollar in the United States, the yuan in China, and the euro in the European Union, as well as many other major world currencies, it provides a certain sense of security for most people.

当货币是由发行政府支撑,如美元之于美国,人民币之于中国,欧元之于欧盟,就像大多数其他主要的世界货币一样, 这在一定程度上给与了大多数人一种安全感。

So what would be behind Facebook’s cryptocurrency? Unlike other cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, which have no assets backing them up, Libra will have a reserve of stable and liquid assets, such as government bonds, which in effect means it will be backed by sovereign currencies from other nations.


What happens, then, if Libra becomes a huge force in the bond markets and Facebook’s interests become contrary to the interests of the Federal Reserve in the U.S., or other countries’ interests, in terms of their approach to buying and selling bonds? It could make it much more difficult for governments to be able to use those markets to manage their own economies.


The rapid rise of big tech companies and their expansion into other domains raises some interesting questions:


How will governments effectively regulate a company on such crucial issues as how it collects and handles data or taxation if the company grows so large that it holds a significant share of the government’s currency in its reserves?


Is there a tipping point where a company becomes so large, with so many users, that it in effect becomes a rival to the government, with the power to refuse to comply with regulations and laws?


And whose side will the company’s users take if there is a showdown with their own government?


The Yellow Vest protests in France that virtually shut down public transportation several times over the past year to demonstrate opposition to increases in gas taxes and changes to the pension system are just one example of citizens directly challenging their government. Whose side would citizens be on if their government decided to ban Facebook or Google or another major tech company for refusing to comply with regulations? I’m not sure we know the answer.


And since Libra is a standardized, global currency, it will have assets from every major nation in its reserves. So potentially, there could be one major player who would have an outsized influence not just on any one country’s market, but across global markets.

同时, 既然Libra是一种标准化的,全球性的货币,它的资产来源于世界主要国家的资金储备。所以,未来很有可能有一个主要的参与者,它不仅对任何一个国家有巨大的影响力,它的影响可能遍及全球市场。


[h2]Technology Is Not the Issue[/h2]The potential appeal of Libra for consumers is also easy to understand. In an increasingly global economy, having one currency that has a stable value and is accepted in any country would have obvious benefits.


And going back to the Argentina example, the reason the government is able to tightly control the exchange of plummeting pesos for stable dollars is because it controls the banks. But no bank account would be needed for the Libra cryptocurrency, which would make it difficult once again for governments to control the flow of money.


And at a time when fintech has already caused significant disruption in the banking industry, a universal, stable cryptocurrency would deal banks another major blow.


There are numerous other questions surrounding Libra, and they aren’t likely to be resolved soon. Facebook’s ambitious cryptocurrency won’t make its public launch in the first half of this year, as the company hoped, because of the widespread regulatory backlash. That backlash is fueled in part by the more general antipathy toward Facebook in light of its data collection and elections controversies, but more fundamentally, by the reluctance of the U.S. and other nation states to relinquish this ability to control currencies.


The barriers to a global currency such as Libra are political, not technological. The technology now exists for a cryptocurrency like Libra to become a reality. That means the time to carefully consider the implications for individuals, governments, and the global economy is also now.


下一期研讨会预告:The Coronavirus Outbreak and Globalization




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课程介绍 | 1-MBA(一年制MBA课程)
课程介绍 | Flex MBA

课程介绍 | Master of Science in Management(1年制管理学硕士)

课程介绍 | MS in Financial Engineering (金融工程硕士)

课程介绍 | MS in Accounting and Information Analysis ( 会计与信息分析硕士 )
课程介绍 | MS in Applied Economics(应用经济学硕士)

课程介绍 | MS in Accounting (会计学硕士 -- 非会计类背景)

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