随着去年政府的会议谈话发出要大力发展区块链开始,区块链技术也受到公众大量关注,正如“互联网+”与各行各业碰撞出不同火花,区块链技术也渐渐地被应用到各行各业 ,其中包括政府机构 实体行业 金融业等。With the spirit of governmental convention in last year that rapid development of blockchain needs to be began, blockchain technology has received a lot of public attention. Just as the “Internet +” has already made implications on various industries, blockchain technology is also gradually being applied in many industries, including financial institutions and government agencies and entities.
在业内人士看来,区块链的迷人之处在于点对点的可靠信任,通过构建多个“中心”体系来保证信息的不可篡改与公开透明, 然而区块链的这些优势用来帮助供应链提高A端到B端的数据透明度,降低成本和风险,同时还可以打通采购、生产、物流、销售、监管环节。In the eyes of the industry, the charm of blockchain lies in the reliable trust of peer-to-peer. Through the construction of multiple "central" systems to ensure that information cannot be tampered with and transparent at the same time, these advantages of blockchain are used to prefect supply chain, which improves the transparency from end A to end B, reduces costs and risks, and can also unclog the sectors such as procurement, production, logistics, sales, and supervision.
即使像供应链这么枯燥的行业也可以应用区块链这些非常酷炫的东西,那么区块链和供应链结合在一起又会有怎样的火花发生呢?简单来说,供应链就是帮助货物从A到B进行运输,你在其中的工作就是对每一个环节优化。Even industries that are as boring as supply chain can apply these very cool things like the blockchain, then what kind of spark will look like when blockchain and supply chain are combined. In simple terms, supply chain is to help delivering the goods from A to B, your job is to optimize every steps in the process.
来看一个例子,我手上有两瓶酒,谁能告诉我,其中哪一瓶是真的,哪一瓶是假的,即使它们看起来都像科罗娜啤酒,包装、颜色、气味都差不多,那么你该如何辨别?现在供应链行业的挑战是不能保证供应链中每个产品信息的透明度,Let ’s look at an example. I have two bottles of wine in my hands. Can anyone tell me which one is real and which one is fake, even though they all look like Corona beer, the packaging, color and smell are similar? So how do you make the choice? The challenge for supply chain industry nowadays is that it cannot guarantee the transparency of each product information in the supply chain.
于是,区块链就被引入进来。Therefore, blockchain has been brought in.
区块链技术在供应链行业中非常适用,供应链行业目前有很多痛点,这些痛点可以通过区块链技术来解决,供应链和区块链是一对天作之合,区块链的基本要素、特征正是今天供应链所需要的,几个例子来阐释一下。Blockchain technology is highly applicable in supply chain industry. Supply chain industry currently has been confronting many pain points. These pain points can be solved by the blockchain technology. Supply chain and the blockchain are such a perfect match. The basic elements and characteristics of the blockchain is exactly what today's supply chain needs. To be more clear, let’s take a look to the following examples.
可追溯性 Traceability
如果你看过去十年所有的食品丑闻,比如牛奶、橄榄油,根源就是供应链不透明、不可追踪,最开始的供应链完全可以追溯,但把货物运送给经销商之后,跟踪信息就消失了,这就是坏事发生的地方。因此,通过区块链,你可以利用它的可追溯性,从头到尾追踪货物的所有信息。If you go back to look at all the food debacles in the past ten years, such as milk and olive oil, the causation is that nontransparent and untraceable information in supply chain. At the very begin, supply chain actually can be traced back completely, but the tracking information disappears after the goods are delivered to the distributor, which is where bad things happen. Therefore, with blockchain, you can use its traceability to track all the information of the goods from beginning to end.
不可篡改 Tamper-proof
区块链的另一优点是不可更改,不仅适用于食物还适用其他行业,例如航空业,飞机的零件需要定期维护,检查费用非常昂贵,但是如果你能改变最后一次检查日期,就能节省一些钱。如果有人入侵航空公司的中央数据库,就可以更改检查日期和所有内容。但是,一旦信息存储在区块链上,你就无法更改它,这是区块链的一大力量。Another advantage of the blockchain is tamper-proof. It is not only suitable for food industry but also other industries, such as the aviation industry. Parts of aircraft need regular maintenance and inspection are pricey, but if you can change the date of the last inspection, it can save your money. If someone hacks into the airline's central database, the inspection date and everything can be changed. However, once the information is stored on the blockchain, no one can change it, which is a great power of the blockchain.
透明公开 Transparency
供应链的一个大问题是缺乏信任,比如橄榄油丑闻,一瓶特级初榨橄榄油里面可能只有十分之一是橄榄油,其余的只是普通油,但运用区块链技术后你可以看到橄榄油背后生产环节的所有信息,比如哪个农民栽培,什么时候出货。A major problem in upply chain is the lack of trust. For example, in the olive oil debacle, only one-tenth of a bottle of extra virgin olive oil may be real olive oil, and the rest is just ordinary oil. But you can see after using blockchain technology, all information about the production process behind olive oil, such as which farmer cultivates it and when it is shipped.
还可以利用区块链创建一个系统,让供应链中的所有参与者都能获得奖励,一个(PoC),去证明你可以利用区块链和人才激励计划建立一个供应链生态系统。A system also can be built by capitalizing on blockchain that allows all people involved in the supply chain to get rewarded, a proof of concept (PoC) to prove that you can use blockchain and talent incentive programs to build a supply chain ecosystem,
创建一个游戏化的激励计划,奖励每一个参与供应链的经销商。把这个原本非常无聊的供应链产业变成一个游戏,因为这在其他的传统产业非常奏效。所以,区块链可以解决供应链目前存在的许多问题,无论哪个行业,一旦建立了信任,品牌就会越变越好。Create a gamified incentive plan that rewards every distributor involved in the supply chain.Making this originally boring supply chain industry to become a game, because this idea works like a charm in other traditional industries.Therefore, blockchain can solve many problems that currently exist in supply chain. No matter which industry, once trust is established, the brand will become better and better.