Total wealth is composed of both human capital and financial capital. Human capital is the discounted present value of expected future labor income.
Net wealth is the sum of the individual’s financial capital and Human capital less any liabilities owed by the individual.
The economic (holistic) balancesheet extends the traditional balance sheet assets to include Human capital. Liabilities are extended to include consumption and bequest goals.
Premature death risk can be a serious risk early in the career when substantial Human capital could be lost and cause unexpected expenses that consume limited financial capital.
Life insurance protects the survivors from the adverse financial consequences of the insured’s premature death.
Temporary life insurance is for a set period of time. Permanent life insurance builds up value sufficient to pay for insuring the remaining lifetime of the insured.
Pricing reflects mortality estimates that determine how many in the group are expected to die during the insurance period and allow calculating the net premium to charge to make those payouts.
insurer:承保人 ; 保险公司;
Policy-holder 投保人
The insured :被保险人 insurant :被保险人;投保人