禅·聚-办公区庭院设计/ JS金石景觀

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JS 金石景觀   2019-7-27 14:58   2339   0
“ 禅意空间提供设计师们无限设计灵感”

作为一处兼顾了办公使用需求的庭院空间,不同于以往的私家园林和公共空间,既要满足常处于高度压力和负荷的设计工作人员的休憩,放空之所,又要满足与客户、朋友洽谈,喝茶,展示的商务之用。因此我们将庭院分成了两个部分;即禅院和聚院,禅院的主要表现为茶室空间及外部枯山水景观。是供洽谈,放空,冥想之处,主要表现为 “静” 。而聚院则是表现欢聚,娱乐,放松的“动”感空间。一动一静,把庭院的功能性和美观性完美融合。

As a courtyard space that takes into account the needs of office use, it is different from the previous private gardens and public spaces. It not only needs to satisfy the resting and emptying places of design staff who are often under high pressure and load, but also needs to meet the business needs of customers and friends for negotiation, tea drinking and exhibition.  So we divided the courtyard into two parts.  That is, the Buddhist monastery and the gathering monastery. The Buddhist monastery is mainly characterized by the tea room space and the external dry landscape.  It is a place for negotiation, emptying and meditation. It is mainly expressed as "quiet".  However, the gathering hall is a "moving" space for gathering, entertainment and relaxation.  A quiet movement perfectly integrates the functionality and aesthetics of the courtyard.


▼入口,Entry account

▼入口一角,Enter a corner of one's account

▼庭院一隅,A corner of the courtyard

我们提倡一种简约和朴素之美,将对人生认知和感悟渗入到自然深处,与自然浑然一体,素竹编制的篱笆,原石的水钵,捡来的山石, 用材皆取之于自然,借用自然原始的材料表达一种寂静空灵之美。
We advocate a kind of simple and simple beauty, which permeates the cognition and perception of life into the deep place of nature and is integrated with nature. The fence made of plain bamboo, the water bowl of raw stone, the rock picked up and the materials used are all taken from nature, and the original materials of nature are used to express the beauty of silence and emptiness.
▼茶室,Tea house

The teahouse provides a space for business talks.
▼曲径通幽,Garden zigzag bridge

“ 清逸起于浮世,纷扰止于内心”
"Qing Yi originates from the floating world and troubles stop at the heart."
▼闲暇交流的娱乐空间,Entertainment Space for Leisure Communication

▼下沉空间,Sinking space

Sinking space can be used as a salon for designers to communicate and brainstorm.
▼暮时景象,The twilight scene

项目名称: 禅·聚-办公区庭院设计
设计公司: JS金石景观设计
项目地址: 南京市江宁区将军大道8号辣椒区59-1
设计时间: 2018年5月-2018年6月
施工时间: 2018年7月-2018年9月
材料: 花岗岩,防腐木,砾石,竹,玻璃,水性漆,金箔
Project Name:Zen gathering-Office Area courtyard design
Design Company: JS Jinshi Landscape Design
Landscape Design Team: Jin Jianxin, Jin Ye, Wang Lei, Liu Yaorui
Interior Design Team: Ping Yi Hui
Project Address: 59-1, Pepper District, No.8, Jiangjun Avenue, Jiangning District, Nanjing
Design time: May 2018-June 2018
Construction time: July 2018-September 2018
Materials:Stargate Cosmos, anticorrosive wood, gravel, bamboo, glass, water paint, gold foil.

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