[h1] 1. 确保数组值[/h1] 使用 grid ,需要重新创建原始数据,并且每行的列长度可能不匹配, 为了确保不匹配行之间的长度相等,可以使用Array.fill方法。
- let array = Array(5).fill( );
复制代码- console.log(array); // outputs (5) ["", "", "", "", ""]
复制代码 [h1] 2. 获取数组唯一值[/h1] ES6 提供了从数组中提取惟一值的两种非常简洁的方法。不幸的是,它们不能很好地处理非基本类型的数组。在本文中,主要关注基本数据类型。
- const uniqueWithArrayFrom = Array.from(new Set(cars));
复制代码- console.log(uniqueWithArrayFrom); // outputs ["Mazda", "Ford", "Renault", "Opel"]
复制代码- [/code][code]const uniqueWithSpreadOperator = [...new Set(cars)];
复制代码- console.log(uniqueWithSpreadOperator);// outputs ["Mazda", "Ford", "Renault", "Opel"]
复制代码 [h1] 3.使用展开运算符合并对象和对象数组[/h1] 对象合并是很常见的事情,我们可以使用新的ES6特性来更好,更简洁的处理合并的过程。
- const product = { name: Milk , packaging: Plastic , price: 5$ }
复制代码- const manufacturer = { name: Company Name , address: The Company Address }
复制代码- [/code][code]const productManufacturer = { ...product, ...manufacturer };
复制代码- console.log(productManufacturer);
复制代码- // outputs { name: "Company Name", packaging: "Plastic", price: "5$", address: "The Company Address" }
复制代码- [/code][code]// merging an array of objects into one
复制代码- { name: Paris , visited: no },
复制代码- { name: Lyon , visited: no },
复制代码- { name: Marseille , visited: yes },
复制代码- { name: Rome , visited: yes },
复制代码- { name: Milan , visited: no },
复制代码- { name: Palermo , visited: yes },
复制代码- { name: Genoa , visited: yes },
复制代码- { name: Berlin , visited: no },
复制代码- { name: Hamburg , visited: yes },
复制代码- { name: New York , visited: yes }
复制代码- [/code][code]const result = cities.reduce((accumulator, item) => {
复制代码- [item.name]: item.visited
复制代码- [/code][code]console.log(result);
复制代码 [h1] 4. 数组 map 的方法 (不使用Array.Map)[/h1] 另一种数组 map 的实现的方式,不用 Array.map。
Array.from 还可以接受第二个参数,作用类似于数组的map方法,用来对每个元素进行处理,将处理后的值放入返回的数组。如下:
- { name: Paris , visited: no },
复制代码- { name: Lyon , visited: no },
复制代码- { name: Marseille , visited: yes },
复制代码- { name: Rome , visited: yes },
复制代码- { name: Milan , visited: no },
复制代码- { name: Palermo , visited: yes },
复制代码- { name: Genoa , visited: yes },
复制代码- { name: Berlin , visited: no },
复制代码- { name: Hamburg , visited: yes },
复制代码- { name: New York , visited: yes }
复制代码- [/code][code]const cityNames = Array.from(cities, ({ name}) => name);
复制代码- // outputs ["Paris", "Lyon", "Marseille", "Rome", "Milan", "Palermo", "Genoa", "Berlin", "Hamburg", "New York"]
复制代码 [h1] 5. 有条件的对象属性[/h1] 不再需要根据一个条件创建两个不同的对象,可以使用展开运算符号来处理。
- [/code][code]nst getUser = (emailIncluded) => {
复制代码- ...emailIncluded && { email : john@doe.com }
复制代码- [/code][code]const user = getUser(true);
复制代码- console.log(user); // outputs { name: "John", surname: "Doe", email: "john@doe.com" }
复制代码- [/code][code]const userWithoutEmail = getUser(false);
复制代码- console.log(userWithoutEmail); // outputs { name: "John", surname: "Doe" }
复制代码 [h1] 6. 解构原始数据[/h1] 有时候一个对象包含很多属性,而我们只需要其中的几个,这里可以使用解构方式来提取我们需要的属性。如一个用户对象内容如下:
- displayName: SuperCoolJohn ,
复制代码- image: path-to-the-image ,
复制代码 我们需要提取出两个部分,分别是用户及用户信息,这时可以这样做:
- let user = {}, userDetails = {};
复制代码- ({ name: user.name, surname: user.surname, ...userDetails } = rawUser);
复制代码- [/code][code]console.log(user); // outputs { name: "John", surname: "Doe" }
复制代码- console.log(userDetails); // outputs { email: "john@doe.com", displayName: "SuperCoolJohn", joined: "2016-05-05", image: "path-to-the-image", followers: 45 }
复制代码 [h1] 7. 动态属性名[/h1] 早期,如果属性名需要是动态的,我们首先必须声明一个对象,然后分配一个属性。这些日子已经过去了,有了ES6特性,我们可以做到这一点。
- console.log(user); // outputs { name: "John", email: "john@doe.com" }
复制代码 [h1]8.字符串插值[/h1] 在用例中,如果正在构建一个基于模板的helper组件,那么这一点就会非常突出,它使动态模板连接容易得多。
- displayName: SuperCoolJohn ,
复制代码- image: path-to-the-image ,
复制代码- [/code][code]const printUserInfo = (user) => {
复制代码- const text = `The user is ${user.name} ${user.surname}. Email: ${user.details.email}. Display Name: ${user.details.displayName}. ${user.name} has ${user.details.followers} followers.`
复制代码- [/code][code]printUserInfo(user);
复制代码- // outputs The user is John Doe. Email: john@doe.com. Display Name: SuperCoolJohn. John has 45 followers.
复制代码 原文链接:https://devinduct.com/blogpost/26/8-useful-javascript-tricks
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