Trading Money Returns Too Slow? Here Is a Solution

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HiTouch艾达旗   2019-5-25 06:15   2053   0

June 9, with more than 300 attendees, the first Amazon Seminar  was successfully held at LN Garden Hotel by HiTouch,  Ha Worldway Supply Chain Services Guangzhou Co., LTD, and Supply Chain Branch of Guangdong Association of Garment and Garment Article Industry.  

While the traditional export, general trade meets difficulties on capital returning under China's restriction on foreign  currencies. Many traders have turned to another booming industry, the e-commerce sector, as it not only solves the problems on capital flow but also lowers supply chain cost for multiple  retailers, by providing a platform for vendors directly make deals with overseas high-end consumers.  

Image: Amazon  Seminar  host, HiTouch Product Manager Ms. Rainbow.

In this seminar, we invited Mr. Zhong Zhikun, Project Manager of Amazon China, Mr. Sun Lei, an entrepreneur who successfully switched from doing trading business from general trade to e-commerce. Mr. Wu Fan, a professional on Amazan management and operation, with yearly tens of million USD operation capital, to share experience and ways of doing e-commerce on Amazon.

Why choose Amazon to start e-commerce?

1Comparing with others e-commerce giants,  Amazon has  2.6 billion  daily pageviews, tops the first place among the worldwide  e-commerce platforms, while  Taobao, JD, Tmall are 1.6 billion, 1.48 billion and 948.3 million  respectively. More pageviews mean the customer base is bigger. Plus, opening an Amazon online shop is easier, only a business license and small financial investment are needed.

Image:  Mr. Zhong Zhikun, Project Manager of Amazon China

2Opening an online Amazon online shop costs less compared with that on  JD and Tmall, a monthly  39.99 USD and an initial  investment around USD5,000 - USD8,000, while Chinese crazy e-commerce platforms charge you USD15,000 - USD 30,000 to open a shop and different type fees up to tens of thousand yuan on promotion  and advertisement in the shop operation.  

Image: Mr. Sun Lei, an entrepreneur who successfully switched from doing trading business from general trade to e-commerce.

3The difference in the cost due to the operation  mode of these e-commerce platforms. Amazon serves to help vendors earn money while Chinese  e-commerce companies are more interested in earning money from vendors.  

Image: Mr. Wu Fan, a professional for Amazan management and operation, with yearly tens of million USD operation capital.

Amazon attaches more importance to products, clients, recommendation than shops, advertisement, data. If you open a Tmall, JD, Taobao shop, most  of the money you'll spend in fancy shop decoration and shop ranking  or buying  advertisement, setting click bait for more page views, creating customers data for e-commerce companies.

Amazon is totally different, no shop decoration, simple page layout, and recommend related products to consumers. Can you believe  when you apply for a refund, the refund has arrived your account before you return back the goods?

Do you want to know more about e-commerce on Amazon?

We have an  Amazon  training course from June 22  - June 24, professionals will deeply help trainees how to operation on Amazon as sellers, from choosing products to receiving  payment via Amazon account. Many of our attendees have signed up at the scene.

The training course is presented in Chinese, feel free to joins us if you are interested in. Scan the QR code below to sign up.

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