耶鲁,创于1701 年,是常春藤名校之一。其管理学院SOM 在finance,general management 和ethics 方面是一流的;作为商学院,SOM 十分多元化,因为重视public management,学生就业于不同的职业权。
一年的管理学项目重在Global leadership 的培养。唯一要注意的是该专业录取只针对两类人:1,已经就读于Global Network for Advanced Management member school 的学生。 2. 毕业于GNAM school 并且拥有MBA 或同等水平学位。
Global Leadership: big issues
Global Leadership: Teams
Global Leadership: Practicum
Colloquium in Advanced Management
西北大学由John Evans 先生创办于1851 年 ,位于伊利诺伊州的埃文斯顿市,临近著名的国际大都市芝加哥。Kellogg 是US News 排名前十的商学院。其中管理学时长为十个月的学习重在提供商业管理的基本理论知识。申请该校的前提是申请人必须已经修读Microeconomics 以及Quantitative reasoning 这两门课程。
1. Accounting for Decision Making
2. Business Analytics
3. Leadership in Organizations
4. Finance I
5. Management Communications
6. Operations Management
7. Marketing Management
8. Business Strategy
9. Global Initiatives in Management
富卡商学院(The Fuqua School of Business)是杜克大学(Duke University)的商学院,坐落于美国北卡罗来纳州达勒姆市,目前拥有超过1,300 名学生。富卡商学院提供的学术项目包括:管理学硕士(Master of Management Studies: Foundations of Business)是一年项目,杜克MMS 项目专门给没有商科背景,不具有丰富工作经验的人而设。
1. Principles of Strategy
2. Business Communication II
3. Foundation of Capital Markets
4. Fundamentals of Market Intelligence
5. Principles of Cost and Managerial Accounting
Class Size: 130
Average Age: 23
Work Experience ≤ 6 months: 60%
Women: 49%
Minority: 22%
Underrepresented Minority: 10%
International Citizenship: 43%
Countries Represented: 20+
Average Undergraduate GPA: 3.4 (4.0 scale)
GMAT (middle 80%): 570 - 750
Undergraduate Institutions: 80+
Undergraduate Majors: 40+
管理学与其他专业申请相同在于:同样需要 online application(网申),transcripts(成绩单),degree(学位),recommendation letters(推荐信),resume(简历)。不同点在于:管理学(如同大部分商科专业一样)申请中有明确的 essay questions 和 interview。而这两个环节则是需要申请者额外的准备和练习。
Essay questions
LBS essay question:
1. What is your motivation to study for a MAcc/MBT degree at USC? Describe how you believe a MAcc/MBT degree fits with your further career objectives.
2. In what company and role will you be working in after completing your Masters in Management and how will your academic, professional, and personal achievements allow you to succeed in this position? What challenges do you foresee in pursuing this goal?
Duke essay questions:
1. Why are you pursuing the MMS degree at this stage in your professional development?
2. What are your immediate career goals after completing the MMS program?
3. Life is full of uncertainties, and plans and circumstances can change. As a result, navigating a career requires you to be adaptable. Should the immediate goals that you provided above not materialize, what alternative directions have you considered
Essays 主要要求你 1.评价你的事业 2.表述申请及未来发展目标 3.说明你为什么申请这个商学院。不同学校有不同的典型问题。以下是对申请人在 essay 中如何展示自己的建议。
“1. Be honest: Admissions professionals are good at identifying when someone is just saying what they think the admissions committee wants to hear.
2. Be realistic: Make sure that your career goals are based on an accurate assessment of your experience and skills. Also, make sure that your credentials match the typical admissions requirements.
3. Tell not only what you hope to gain, but also what you want to contribute: Classmates are an important part of the education. Show that you'll be a valuable member of the learning community.
4. Be knowledgeable about the school and program to which you are applying: You'll want to be able to show that you are familiar with the given school and why you are a good fit.
5. Pay attention to the school culture: Part of being a good fit for a school has to do with the culture of the school—whether you will feel comfortable and be able to thrive in the learning community.”
商科的申请分为两个阶段,第一阶段是所有申请文件的准备,而第二个阶段就是等待面试邀请。面试时评选过程非常关键的一环,甚至有很多学校开始提高面试占的比重。几乎所有的商学院对于申请者都有 interview 的环节,Kellogg 和 Yale 也开始采取 Video essay.
1. 做足 research。申请人必须对自己即将面试的学校有透彻的认识,学校在寻找的是合适他们课程的人选,所以面试中你需要去说服他们你就是“对的那个人”。因此你必须首先了解学校的文化和价值。如果有条件的话,可以参访学校,与校友和招生委员交流,细读学校网站等。
2. 整理自己的故事。很多面试问题都可以提前准备。比如,自我介绍。为什么读管理学?为什么选这所学校?职业目标是什么?结合实例说明你的 team work 或者 leadership的经历,等等。你需要准备好自己主打的“卖点”和相应的实例。
3. 提高英语口语水平。准备好自己的说辞后需要反复练习。注意流畅的口头表达。