如何评价 2022 年上海高考英语?

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如何评价 2022 年上海高考英语?
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期权匿名回答  16级独孤 | 2023-5-19 00:59:55 发帖IP地址来自 中国
写在前面: 寄,喜提133。二卷可能批的比较紧(?,周围没见到什么高分,不过相较春考提分显著的也不少。以及总分成功被加试学科195带偏到了梦校边缘线,裂开。希望综评面试上岸。


  听力体感上可谓是近几年春秋考中最简单的一次。1-10短对话逻辑清晰,错误选项设置大多较明显,也不存在“I'm a calculator myself”之类可能会卡住部分学生的地道表达。让我比较疑惑的是第9题。W:"I can't get on well with my roommate Kate, she's so weird." M:"Well,she's just different. After all, diversity is a fact of life." Q: What does the man imply? 个人在“be more tolerate”和“respect diversity”中纠结后选择了前者,毕竟男生引出diversity是为了帮助女生解决问题而重点并非在diversity本身(?)更新:一些同学向我提示了D选项中respect diversity的主语是Kate而不是Women,这样一来本题选A也就理所当然了。感谢指正!所以说...大家在考场还是得胆大心细,千万别因为这种小坑失去宝贵的客观题分数!11-20中两篇短文和短对话长度均较短(毕竟听力16分钟就结束了),个人的答题习惯是第一遍不看题只写笔记,第二遍直接在各个选项中进行勾划。三篇内容在听完一遍后便基本可以对整篇文本进行复现,加之题目设置也较为平和,不必过多赘述。值得注意的是第二篇文本中“launch with”与“eliminate”和选项中“design(A)”与“save(D)”的对应设置,感觉比较迷惑,个人选了D。
2. Grammar
    考察语法知识范围全面,且在设空和语篇本身(以对话形式呈现,内容为职业培训计划与建议。虽然Grammar基本上也不用顾及语篇本身难度,但相比春考的Aurora borealis给了我开幕雷击而言确实更亲切一些)难度上均可谓平易近人。22题an awful(?)period of time虽然不难但对我而言挺有趣,感觉有点巧妙,人生中第一次见到time前出现an。26题个人在unless/until中纠结后选择了until,但又隐约感觉unless应该更好,只能随缘。不过值得反思的是unless/until的连词之争其实在往年模卷Grammar中也曾出现,只能说其中的细微差异还是得自己反复阅读不断玩味,在更多的积累中慢慢培养感觉吧。(实际上在考场上自己排除unless的原因很离谱:因为前面没有逗号。属于是语法基础不过关了,切记只有并列句中and/but/so/or/for前一定要逗号隔开!话说连词前面还想着要加逗号是什么鬼啊喂。)
3. Vocabulary
excel/similarly/account/breed/exposure。相较于春考而言对固定搭配的考察更多,因而在进入文章的过程中就能够顺手完成不少空。对edge(n.),current(n.),excel(v.),breed(v.)的考察相比之下较为细致,但认真背过考纲词汇后便也不难完成。个人认为breed的使用有一点点奇怪,毕竟在外刊中更为常见的用法是导致某些坏的结果,不过无伤大雅,毕竟有“Nothing breeds success like success”的谚语。最后的判断空落在available/open,由于后文说的是creative people相较他人更容易“understand”一个比较难以理解的事物,个人认为是available。
4. Cloze
  Cloze按照一贯风格并没有给出标题。全文围绕“filler word”展开论述,相关内容在往年模卷中也同样曾出现。个人认为这篇文章所有题目的答案都可以通过Context(即关联上下文)来得出,可能是出卷者有意为之?于是这篇文章便着实没有更多值得反思与探讨的地方了。
5. Reading
  三篇阅读理解总体上让人感觉眼前一亮,既有题目设置上的新意,又有难度上的逐步过渡。                                                       Reading A节选自Nick Smith的自传,相较于春考A篇的小说阅读(贫贱夫妻)而言整体难度较低,但是59题的选择设置确实让我在考场上陷入了短暂的自我怀疑。由于个人日常积累太少,对传主的了解处于空白状态,面对选项不由得产生了“哈?作者有最后意识到他不是genius了吗?”的疑问,但实际上选出A选项本身其实并不难,属于典型的细节题。
  Reading B采用了研究报告的形式,对非连续性文本阅读能力进行考察,个人认为出题水平相较于春考B篇(露营注意事项)更高,新意更强,而实际的题目难度上稍稍偏低,甚至可以说只是披着新意的纸老虎。60题考察研究目的,61题考察实验变量,62题考查运用实验结果对实际情况进行分析,看上去高大上,但实则接地气,一般2-4分钟即可完成,可以姑且当做是考试进行到半程对心情的转换,似乎也是暴风雨前的宁静。在市教育考试院专家点评中,称本文“通过多模态文本所生成的意义 ,以图片的形式考查学生“看”的能力,以及跨学科情境下迁移并运用新知识开展探究性学习的能力。”(引自“上海国子监发布”)由此可见教育考试院专家对Reading B设置的高度赞赏(虽然我也不知道他具体想表达什么)。但作为学生,只要具备无视“纸老虎”的空壳并回归非连续性文本阅读本质的能力,自然能以不变应万变。有一说一,我个人也着实很期待能够见识到往后英语高考中非连续性文本阅读题目设置的上限何在。
  到达Reading最难篇,C篇!援引市教育考试院的专家点评,本篇阅读聚焦于“对科技产品内涵和外延的辩证思考”。总体上,C篇在行文结构上非常典型且清晰,但不可否认文章本身在理解难度上相较A、B篇有了显著提升,若对这一领域话题较为陌生,可能会对考生造成一定的困扰,横向对比而言难度略大于等于春考Reading C(经济发展与自然保护是否可以共存)。运用一定的答题技巧,或许能帮助考生更快更准确的完成64、65两题。63题题设新颖但难度较低,对于感觉好的同学而言脱离原文单看选项可能就可以轻松得出答案,个人感觉和今年浦东新区线下语文二模中现一的找同义词有异曲同工之妙(似乎有什么不对的?)。66题较为常规地考察了作者的情感态度,在文章的开头结尾都进行了明示,属于送分题。64、65题有一定难度,均属于细节题,但只要能耐着性子根据题目引导“啃下”对应段落内容后就能够得出答案。值得一提的是,笔者在65题CD选项的考虑过程中维持了相当一段“逡巡而不敢进”的状态,当时脑子比较糊涂,最后感觉D选项中的smart有一丝诡异,遂选择了C,不知道有没有大佬能给出一个比较好的解释orz这一篇我个人的答案是CACA。
6. 六选四(“动物学家观察动物习性”)
  这里不得不吐槽,隐隐觉得今年春秋考的六选四基本处于放海状态,文章理解难度与答题难度个人认为均远低于考试手册样卷中的Interpreted Theatres。答题策略与Cloze基本一致,基本看过文章就能够得到正确答案。唯一有争议的是67题,个人选了F,因为不觉得要突出“Unlucky”而且E选项后半句跟的内容有一丝丝奇怪。

  进入主观题的具体分析前先做一个小小的说明:个人认为自己总体英语能力水平尚可,但应试能力以及考场心态调整上仍有一定的欠缺,这就导致了在各类考试(包括今年春秋考)中屡屡出现主观题剩余时间(严重)不足的情况。这对冲刺140无疑是绝对不利的,毕竟高分段大家客观题都在75+的水平,真正用来决一胜负的就是主观题。所以说对应试能力和心态调整的deliberate practice还是有着举足轻重的作用的!

  • Translation(个人的做题习惯是先trans后sum)
  T72 妈妈忘记了两天前才给邻居买了黄瓜。(forget)
  考察了forget的动词搭配以及生活化词汇cucumber的拼写。写到这里,笔者突然发现自己考试时居然写成了forgot to have bought,真是罪该万死(悲),实际上处理成forgot doing/having done或者forgot that she had bought的从句结构都是可以的。以及值得留心的是,虽然cucumber属于小学词汇且出现在了考纲词汇书中,但笔者周围仍存在不少拼写错误乃至完全不会的同学,这提醒我们不仅要扎扎实实落实好考纲词汇的背诵,同时也更要特别注意背诵过程中生活化词汇的积累,如curtains,sink,cupboard......这些生活化词汇曾几何时都是高考考场上的偷分刺客,实属令人-0.5/-1。
  T73 每逢节假日,我们都会去郊外露营,为了体验一把悠闲惬意的生活。(so that)
   考察目的状语从句连词so that的使用以及生活化表达/成语,点对点落实即可。
  T74 切莫苛求运动强度和频率,细水长流方能见效。(a difference)
  T75 这条运河历经数百年才修建而成,如今虽无昔日繁荣之景,但仍然是横跨东西的重要水路。(as...as...)
3. Guided writing

  To whom it may concern,
   Word came that the long-awaited School Reading Festival would soon be held, and as a contributing member of our school, I’d sincerely relish being granted with this unparalleled opportunity to recommend an opportune picture for the advertising brochure.
   As is vividly depicted in the intriguing picture 1, books and graceful musical notes are flying like birds with spreading wings at liberty. On the top of the books lies a tea cup, with an upside-down kettle refilling the refreshing tea into it.
   Beyond doubt, the picture serves as a perfect reminder of the unlimited pleasure we are to attain in the course of reading. Immersed in such an artistic aura with the inviting aroma of ink and the phenomenal touches of musical notes, we can’t but respite from the rapid pace of life to embrace thorough relaxation. More momentously, just as the refilling of tea revitalize its charm, reading facilitates us to harbour a deeper insight into all unsung cherishing fragments of life, polishing our wisdom and mind. There’s no denying that reading is an indispensable endless journey of empowerment, indulging us with a vast exploration of the entire world.  
   Simply put, I’d like to air my effusive hope that the picture I’ve chosen can be taken into consideration in a bid to authentically let more students capitalize on the underlying wealth of reading through the grand occasion.
Pan Yang
好了,文章到这里就结束啦!祝愿大家都能在这个《凤凰花开的路口》取得自己的理想成绩鸭(*σ`)σ  Best wishes for all of us!
期权匿名回答  16级独孤 | 2023-5-19 01:00:26 发帖IP地址来自 中国
对不起!我刚发现关了评论 我还想之前我说词汇 没有人愿意和我讨论呜呜呜
(长文警告 大都是我的碎碎念哈哈哈 没什么跟答案有关系的内容)
语法真的笑死 一眼瞟到 就从cost那道题开始做 一路顺风顺水 除了nobody看了上下文 其他不需要

2.词汇 edge用的是优势的意思

3.完型 主要卡了下第一题
我有个疑惑 完型的第一个空 那句话应该是用分词 但是分词的主语不是i 而是it吧 那如果用writing down不就主语不一致了吗
完型逻辑很顺 除了第一二段好像说了不一样的观点 其他都是相同逻辑 一件事情正过来逆过来讲

a,b两篇真的还可以 根据印象对了下应该没什么
c留在最后看 没耐心了 选了两道蒙了两道
六选四挺简单的 好像第四道想了一下

看的真的很辛苦 内容挺杂的

个人是觉得比春考简单 基本考的是一些常用的词 只要结合语境就能写
第三句 细水长流就是 经常性的、适度的做运动 要结合情境去理解
第四句繁华想了会 然后历经建设什么的没太写好

很常规 很套路 很好写
选去走访老战士 理由是cost、effect 和社会效应(不会 写的responds of society)

春考128 差不多接近130了 也算挺好的了
真的很喜欢英语。我的感觉就是:我学到的很死板,一一对应的词、无聊的读音语法句式,但是可以从中引申出别的意思,在新的语境中又有新的体验。这是从小就灵活掌握的母语不曾带给我的感觉。虽然学的也很一般,在高中比不了140的学生,终其一生也到不了native speaker的水平,但我很享受学习和掌握的过程。
期权匿名回答  16级独孤 | 2023-5-19 01:01:19 发帖IP地址来自 北京
然后在这样的状态下,开考后…一开始看到听力9 10就开始疑惑,难道这次秋考听力难度还变低了?给的答案选项怎么不是一堆短句了?然后果然…以及戴上耳机又发现好像读题的人咬字清晰了很多(也可能是换了耳机的原因)。总之听力长短对话我都能基本听清听懂了,放在模考基本别想的事。
期权匿名回答  16级独孤 | 2023-5-19 01:01:57 发帖IP地址来自 北京
如何评价 2022 上海高考作文题和语文卷?对于「小时候爱发问,长大后看结论」你的认识是什么?
如何评价 2022 年上海秋季高考数学试卷?
I. Listening Comprehension
Section A  
Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
1. M: I'm baking cupcakes, but I've run out of sugar. Would you please spare me a spoonful?
W: Sure, I'll fetch you a packet.
Q: What will the woman offer to the man?
A packet of sugar.
2. W: Haven't seen the dog for two days. I don't know if anything terrible has happened to it.
M: We'd better prepare for the worst.
Q:  How does the woman most probably feel?
3. M: Can you recommend something that a schoolboy of seven or eight will really like?
W: I'd suggest this toy train, sir. This new brand is popular these days.
Q: What is the man most probably doing?
Buying a gift for his son.
4. M: I put my notebook on the bench a while ago, but now it's gone.
W: Well, you should have kept an eye on it.
Q: What does the man imply about the woman?
The woman should have been more careful and she can only blame herself.
5. W: As you can see from the city map, the gallery is too far away from here. We don't have enough time to go there.
M: How about the Memorial Hall nearby? I heard it's breathtaking.
Q: What are the speakers mainly talking about?
Their travel plan in the city.
6. M: Linda, you'll have your chess game tomorrow. You'd better stay at home to do more practice.
W: Dad, it was yesterday.
Q: What do we learn about Linda from the conversation?
She had her chess game yesterday. / She is a chess player. / She signed up for the chess game.
7. W: Charles, what do you think of the stage play?
M: The storyline fascinates me a lot, yet the lighting and setting still need improving, let alone the music.
Q: Which aspect of the stage play does the man like?
The storyline.
8. M:  The flower show in the forest park closes today. Do you want to join me for the last chance?
W:  Good idea. Um, the movie can wait.
Q:  Where is the woman most probably going?
The flower show in the forest park.
9. W: I can't get on well with my roommate, Kate. She's so weird.
M: Well, she's just different. After all, diversity is a fact of life.
Q: What does the man imply?
Kate’s being distinct from others is normal.
10. M: I'm going to Beijing next week, but I haven't found a hotel within my budget.
W: Why bother? My parents can put you up for a couple of days.
Q: What does the woman mean?
He can stay at her parents’ house.

Section B
Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation. After each passage or conversation, you will be asked several questions. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.
Everbrown is a small town with a history of 1400 years. Each summer, the 300 hot springs nearby attract about 40000 tourists. For the rest of the year, it is home to just 3000 people. It is not the kind of place you'd expect to find Kitten Coffee, a famous food company.  After university in 1992, Miss Rosemary, founder of the company, wanted nothing more than to live in a small town. With jobs hard to come by in Everbrown, she and her husband had to move into a cabin with no electricity or running water, and began to run a fruit stand specifically for tourists during the summer months. They quickly realized that they needed to set up a business that could be successful all year round. In 1996, they began roasting coffee beans in their garage, giving the business the name Kitten Coffee. As sales quickly took off, it soon became apparent that their product was going to be better known than the town from which it came. Since then, Kitten Coffee has become one of the biggest success stories. Its special image of a brown kitten appears in grocery stores and cafés across the country.

11. What is the population of the town Everbrown?
About 3,000.
12. What can be learned about the company?
It started from nothing / in a garage. / It’s better known than the town. / It’s one of the biggest success stories.
13. What is the talk mainly about?
How the business Kitten Coffee has become successful. / The success story of Kitten Coffee.

Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.
Breaking through tightly sealed packaging can exhaust and frustrate you. Five years ago, as a pioneer in e-commerce, we set up a team and announced a multi-year initiative to reduce your frustration. We named it ‘Keep It Simple’ packaging or ‘KIS’ packaging for short. At that time we made an introduction video and got a great many comments like this: “The old packaging took scissors and sweat to open. The new way is perfect.” Since the launch five years ago, our KIS team has worked hard. We launched with 29 products. Today we offer more than 300,000 different products in KIS packaging, and they’ve been ordered more than 85 million times. In addition to being frustration-free, this packaging is also better for the environment﹣no clear plastic materials and it’s smaller. KIS packaging has so far eliminated over 27.4 million pounds of packaging material. We still have further to go on this initiative and we’ll keep after it. We want to say thank you to the millions of customers and thousands of sellers who have supported us on this journey so far. If you’d like to share your feedback and suggestions with us this holiday season, you can reach us anytime at our website. Your comments are the driving force behind hundreds of packaging improvements every year.

14. What can be learned about KIS packaging?
It makes packages simple to open. / It is material-efficient and environmentally friendly. / It has been hugely popular among customers and sellers.
15. What has the KIS team done so far?
It has offered a wide range of products.
16. What is the speaker mainly talking about?
A new way of packaging that’s frustration-free.

Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.
W: Hey, Steven! I heard you are going to Paris as an exchange student, but you don’t seem excited.
M: The school doesn’t have an on-campus dormitory for exchange students. I’m thinking of renting an apartment.
W: Good idea!
M: But the places close to campus are expensive, and the affordable ones are too far.
W: Can’t you take buses?
M: Sometimes I have to stay on campus late for tons of laboratory work and assignments after buses stop running.
W: Hmm…That’s a point for being close to campus. Why not find a home stay family?
M: You mean living with a local family?
W: Yeah, you get your meals as well.
M: But the problem is my schedule. I might not be able to have dinner at usual time. And I may wake people up when I come back late.
W: That’s true.
M: Now my only hope is to find a roommate. Together, we can afford a place close enough to the school.
W: But you may have different schedules. You could wake up your roommate as well.
M: I hope I can find one among my classmates. So we share the same schedule, and he might even give me a ride if he could drive.
W: Brilliant.
(Now listen again. )

17. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
The man’s accommodation in Paris as an exchange student.
18. According to the man, why does he have to live outside the campus?
Because the school doesn’t have an on-campus dormitory for exchange students.
19. What does the man expect his life to be like in Paris?
He may be very busy. / He may have a tight schedule. / He may stay on campus late for work and may not be able to have dinner at usual time.
20. Why does the man want to choose a classmate as his roommate?
Because they can share the same schedule and his classmate may give him a ride to campus.

That’s the end of Listening Comprehension.



1.走访老战士  2.表演历史剧  3.制作历史短视频,现向全校学生征求意见,给组织者写封信,信的内容包括:

2.每逢节假日,我们都会去郊外露宿,目的是体会下悠然惬意的生活。(so that)
3.切莫苛求运动的强度与频率,细水长流方能见效。(a difference)


假如你是明启中学高三的学生王佳,你的老师Lucy拟开展一门名为信息素养(Information Literacy)的课程,从以下四个课程中选择两个:“网站设计”;“大数据处理”;“精准信息检索”;“辨析信息真伪”。请你选择两个你最感兴趣的板块,写一封电子邮件给Lucy,内容包括:1. 你最感兴趣的两个板块,说明你的选择;2. 你感兴趣的原因。
期权匿名回答  16级独孤 | 2023-5-19 01:02:05 发帖IP地址来自 四川成都

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