例1:A risky asset offers high positive returns during business downturns. A colleague argues that the nominal required rate of return on the asset may be less than the nominal risk-free rate. Is the colleague correct?
A. Yes
B. No, the return must be higher than the nominal risk-free rate.
C. No, the relationship between the asset’s nominal return and the nominal risk-free rate is indeterminate.
反向曲线(inverted curve)表明,投资者预期一旦当前高通胀的原因消除,利率就会下降。在收益率曲线上,衰退之前通常是平坦的,甚至是反转的。一般来说,企业扩张后期的特点往往是通货膨胀达到峰值,因此短期利率相对较高。如果长期债券收益率反映出较低的通胀率和减少的商业信贷需求,那么收益率曲线将趋于平坦或反转。特别是反向的收益率曲线,通常被认为是经济衰退的前兆。
例2:What financial instrument is best suited to the study of the relationship of real interest rates with the business cycle?