麻省理工学院公开课:信号与系统:模拟与数字信号处理> 连续时间调制

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选择匿名的用户   2021-6-2 16:54   1779   0


In this lecture, we begin a discussion of the topic of modulation, for example, it forms the cornerstone for many communication systems. A particular form of modulation referred to as pulse amplitude modulation and eventually impulse modulation or impulse train modulation forms a very important bridge between continuous time signals and discrete time signals. Now in general term, what we mean when we refer to modulation is the notion of using one signal to vary a parameter of another signal. Referred to as sinusoidal amplitude modulation and would correspond to a sinusoidal signal referred to as the carrier and its amplitude being varied on the basis of another signal. Now alternatively we could think of varying erhter the frequency or the phases of a sinusoidal signal again with another signal. And what that leads to is another very important notion which is referred to as sinusoidal frequency modulation where essentially it's the frequency of a sinusoid that's changing depending on the signal that we are using to modulate this sinusoid. Now sinusoidal amplitued frequency and phase modulation are extremely important topics and ideas in the context of communication systems. One of the reasons is that if you want to transmit a signal,

let's say for example a voice signal, because of the frequency is involved, the medium that you use to transmit it won't carry it long distances, the idea then is to essentially take that signal like the voice signal use it to modulate a much higher frequency signal and then transmit that higher frequency signal over a medium that essentially can support long distance transmission at those frequencies, then at the other hand of course the voice information or whatever else the information is taken on.

Now also a notion that leads to and we will be developing is some detail is kind of the idea that in fact you can simultaneously transmit more than one signal by in essence taking several voice signals or other signals using them to modulate either the frequency or amplitude of sinusoidal signals at different frequencies. Adding all those together, that's a process called multiplexing(多路复用). And then at the other hand of the transmission system taking those sinusoidal signals apart and then extracting the envelope or frequency modulation information to get back to the voice signal or other information carrying signal. So that's one of the very important ways in which modulation is used, sinusoidal modulation is used in communication systems

amplitude modulation, sinusoidal amplitude modulation.

there are several kinds of carrier signals on which the modulation can be superimposed. The basic structure for an amplitude modulation system is one in which there is the modulating signal(调制信号) let's say, for example, voice, and a carrier signal what's referred to as the carrier(载波) and then of course the resulting output is the modulated output

as I indicated about several different types of carrier signals. One is what's referred to as pulse carriers and that leads to among other things the concept of pulse amplitude modulation. First, the case of a complex exponential carrier(复指数载波). Second, the case of a sinusoidal carrier(正弦载波). And in fact the complex exponential carrier and sinusoidal carrier are obviously very closely related. Since the complex exponential carrier is in effect two sinusoidal carriers. One for the real part and one for the imaginary part. So let's first begin the discussion of amplitude modulation.

A complex signal is simply a set of two real signals. If we have here the real part and the imaginary part of the complex output. If we again refer back to the original spectrum

that is the notion of using modulation to permit the application of a very well designed and implemented low pass filter to be used as a bandpass filter and in fact as a set of bandpass filter, and kind of here is the idea. The idea is if we have a fixed filter or we have signal and we want to think of a filter which we want to kind of move along the signal. One way to do it is to somehow have filters that move along the signal, the other possibility is to keep the filter fixed and let the signal move in frequency in front of the filter.

what we accomplished was to pull out this part of the spectrum using a low pass filter and modulation but equivalently what we implemented was a bandpass filter as I indicate here. Now of course a signal with this spectrum since this spectrum is not conjugate symmetric we know that this signal does not correspond to a real valued signal. Equivalently, this filter does not correspond to a filter whose impulse response is real. If in fact we add another step to this which is to take the real part of the output, then by taking the real part of the output, we would be taking the even part of the spectrum associated with that complex signal and the equivalent filter that we would end up with then is the filter that I indicated at the bottom which is a bandpass filter.

A question why not just build a bandpass filter? One of the reasons is that it's often much easier to build a fixed filter, a filter with a fixed center frequency, for example a low pass filter than it is to build to a filter that has variable components in it so that when you vary them the filter center frequency shifts around. Now if you want to look at the energy in a signal in different frequency bands then you'd like to look at it through different filters. And so kind of the idea here which is really the basis for many spectrum analyzers is to build a really good quality low pass filter and then use modulation which is often easier to implement use modulation to shift the signal essentially in front of the filter.

what that multiplexing process corresponds to(多路复用). we could think for example of taking one signal and modulating it onto one carrier, taking a second signal modulating it onto a different carrier frequency, taking a third signal and modulating it onto a third carrier frequency, etc. And if we choose these carrier frequencies appropriately then in fact we can add all those together and doing in such a way that the spectra don't overlap and end up with one broader band signal that incorporates the information simultaneously in all of those signals. So just to illustrate that in the frequency domain

if we have a modulator with phase c and a demodulator where the phase instead of being it. And if you track through the details and the algebra when what you'll find is that in fact the output of the low pass filter rather than being x(t) , the signal that we want is x(t) multiplied by a scale factor. and the alternative is what is referred to as asynchronous demodulation(异步解调).

the idea simply is that if we have out modulated signal and if that modulated signal is simply put through a high pass filter then the result will be to eliminate the lower sideband if we choose the high pass filter to have a characteristic. this is the basic idea behind single-sideband transmission(单边带通讯). It's clearly more efficient than double-sideband transmission but also has the complication or additional issue that the modulator becomes a little more complicated because you need this filter in operation or some equivalent operation to get rid of the unwanted sideband.

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